Nadia handle - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Nadia handle is a popular singer, who has been deciding with his vocal the repertoire of the famous group "Brilliant", and with its appearance - not one cover of glossy magazines. However, few people know that the creative biography of beauties is not limited to music: Nadia is also a writer and actress.

Childhood and youth

Nadezhda was born on April 16, 1981 in the city of Nikopol, which in the Dnipropetrovsk region. Girl's parents worked in the metallurgical industry, Grandfather was the head of the plant at the factory.

Singer Nadia Handle

The thrust for creativity woke up in a girl pretty early: In the garden, Nadia handle participated in concerts, danced, gladly went to the ballet studio. When Naid was nine, the girls' parents were offered to send a child to Moscow, to the boarding school for gifted children who are fond of ballet. However, they did not agree, and Nastya remained in Nikopol.

At school, the girl showed interest in accurate sciences, perfectly spent on physics and mathematics. When Nadia studied in high schools, there were two events at once, which influenced the further fate of the girl. Firstly, Alexander Serov, who visited the tour in Nikopol, noticed the young talent and invited her handle assistance in case the girl decides to try to conquer Moscow.

Nadia handle and Alexander Serov

Also, Nadezhda received the title "Miss Fantastic Lips" at the contest of beauties, organized by one of the cosmetic companies. The impressive prize is two thousand dollars - allowed the girl to move to Moscow, although Nadi's parents still opposed the bold daughter plans.

In the capital, the girl did not rush to the outer with his head, but continued to learn. The girl entered the prestigious Institute of International Economic Relations, but his free time dedicated to the model career. It must be said that Alexander Serov did not refuse to promise and helped the hope of paying the first semester of institutional training. Also, the singer found a girl housing: Nadu handle gladly sheltered the fan of Serov.

Nadia handle in youth

Later, the future star admits that life in the capital was far from cloudless, had to work a lot, finally lacked. Parents saved, transmitting daughters homemade deliciousness, cereals and canned food.


However, soon a series of tests ended. In 2001, the girl was invited to the Party group. So began a musical career nadium handles. In addition to performances, the girl found time to improve vocals: Hope took lessons from one of the legendary gnesinku teachers.

Despite the first success, the money was still lacked, and the Nadia handle continuously worked in several places. The girl had a chance to work and promoter, and an administrator in a casino, and a model.

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Experience with the music team was not in vain - in 2004, Nadia Handle joined the Great Group "Brilliant". Here a girl and a girl was waiting for a real glory: the songs of "brilliant" sang the whole country, the names of the soloist were known even to those who were not Meloman, and the photos of Nadi handles and colleagues were decorated with numerous magazines.

Together with Julia Kovalchuk, Anna Semenovich and Ksenia Novikova Nadezhda records two albums. In 2005, "Eastern fairy tales" overlook, and three years later, in 2008, a record called "Odnoklassniki" appears. The success of the albums exceeded even the most bold expectations and nadium handles, and producers of the group.

In parallel, the girl tastes strength and acting. In 2009, Nadia Handle first appears in the frame. It was a comedy "Lopuhi: the first episode." The plot of the paintings is uncomplicated: three guys, moving to Moscow in search of a beautiful life, hijaculate the car, which turns out to be topped with money. The situation complicates only the fact that these money belongs to the mafia, which, of course, will not forgive young people to such an increasing act. Sergey Pisarenko, Evgeny Nikishin and Andrew Njogu, who played the main roles became partners of Nadi Pen on the shooting area.

Evgeny Nikishin and hope handle in the film

A year later, the fans again saw the handle on the screen. This time the girl took part in the sensational television show "Dancing with the Stars." A pair of beauty-singer was an inimitable dancer Eldar Saifutdinov. It was here that the classes of ballet were affected - Nadya performed perfectly.

Nadia handle in show

The courage in the work was useful to the girl and for photo shoots. In 2012, Nadia Handle agreed to frank shooting for the PLAYBOY cult magazine pages than the male part of fans was pleased. The pictures were aimed at Glory: the elegant figure of the girl (according to some media, the growth of Nadi handles - 167 cm, and the weight - 54 kg) looked great.

2013 is noted for the hope of participation in the project "Island". The girl again had to test the nerves for strength. This time, the main difficulty, according to Nadi's own confession, was to communicate with people who, under the terms of the show, are forced to spend side by side with each other.

In 2015, Nadia handle tried their strength in writing. The book "The House of The Soul" was published, which is translated into Russian as the "Soul House". This is a children's fairy tale, telling about the adventures of the ghost girl, which people expelled from home. According to hope, it began to write in school, but these were small passages and episodic scattered sketches. In the book, the girl managed to collect them in a single whole, building a fascinating plot.

In 2016, the singer decided to start the solo career, presenting the composition of the fans the composition "Who New Year to meet."

Personal life

Personal life Nadi handles are interested in journalists and beautiful fans at no less than creative achievements. One of the first high-profile novels of the singer was the relationship with the singer, the participant of the group "Dynamite" Ilya Zudin. The couple spent four years together, and then, unfortunately fans, broke up.

Nadia handle and Alexander Marshal

Then the public was discussed by Nadi and Alexander Marshal. Many condemned the girl for such a choice, because Alexander at that time was legal marriage. Actor Maxim Sidiachy also fell to the legs of bright beauties, but this novel did not become the main thing in the life of Nadi handles.

Nadia handle and Denis Boyarko

However, the girl did not despair. According to his own words, Nadi handles, husband and children have always been a welcome dream for her. And in 2016, the dream became a reality - the next beloved singers, Denis Boyarko, made the hope of a proposal. It is worth noting that the chief of Nadi handles far from the world of show business: a man works in an oil company.

Pregnant Nadia Handle

Lovers decided to somewhat push the date of the wedding to finish repairs in the apartment and settle the first domestic problems. In 2017, "Instagram" and other social networks had the news that Nadia's handle was pregnant. Nadezhda confirmed that he would soon become a mom. On August 17, 2017, the singer gave birth to the firstborn, who was given a loud name lion.

"Today, our baby appeared on the world - our Loeuka. Transfer the feelings of motherhood, what is overwhelming the soul, it is impossible, "wrote Nadia on a personal page in one of the social networks.

Nadia handle now

Now Nadia handle is happy and absorbed in concerns about the son, as well as preparing for the emergency wedding. The date of the celebration is still kept secret, but the fans hopefully see the wedding photos in the "Instagram" singers.

Nadia handle in 2017

And of course, music lovers are looking forward to returning pop diva to the stage with new songs and projects.


  • 2005 - "Oriental Fairy Tales"
  • 2008 - "Odnoklassniki"
  • 2016 "With whom the new year will meet"

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