Natalia Arinbasarova - Photo, Biography, Actress, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Natalia Arinbasarova - Soviet and Russian actress with an amazing creative destiny. The former ballerina was in demand in cinema in the projects of outstanding directors of his time - Andrei Konchalovsky, Nikita Mikhalkov, Sergey Gerasimov. Many works of the performer entered the Golden Foundation of the Russian Cinema.

Childhood and youth

Parents of the future actress met in Moscow. The father of Rocking Arinbasarov, Kazakhstan studied in the Metropolitan Military Academy. Mother Mary Zhukovskoy Polish roots. Her parents fled from Poland during the First World War, and remained in Russia.

In marriage born two daughters and three sons. Natalia Arinbasarova was born in September 1946 in the metropolitan maternity hospital. Moscow Natalya Radhevna calls the hometown by which he gone when in 1956 the family moved to Kazakhstan. In Alma-Ata, Natalia Arbasarova, who dreamed of becoming Ballerina, entered the choreographic school.

A year later, the girl with the group of the best students was sent to Moscow, where young testers continued to study at the choreographic school at the Bolshoi Theater. Here Natalia Arinbasarova was among the best students: at the state examination, the commission headed by Ulanova put the five young ballerina. But the girl, preparing for the graduation speech, already knew - she did not see the ballet career. At the age of 15, when she was removed by Glands, the doctors discovered heart disease.


The role in the movie came to Natalia Arinbasarova as a gift over. In the last year of the school, when the girl thought about the future, she was offered to play the main character in the graduation work of the young director Andrei Konchalovsky.

Interestingly, the director was waiting for a different girl to the sample, but an error occurred in the school and called Natalia. When the dancer entered the director's office, he slaughtered from surprise: the girl did not resemble the photos that he had. But thereby seeing the talent and beauty of a miniature ballerina (Natalia's growth - 162 cm, the weight at that time did not exceed 45 kg), Konchalovsky understood how he was lucky.

The role of Altynai in the drama "First Teacher" opened the actress's path to cinema. The work in the picture of the EMG turned Arinbasarov in the star of the Soviet screen, because in 1966 she, unprofessional actress, in Venice awarded the main prize - the Golden Cup of Wolpi. The competitor of the Russian artist was Jane Foundation, starred in a melodraman of Vadima "mining".

In the capital, Natalya Arbasarov and the director of the film returned to the triumphs, held by the stars. Arinbasarova entered VGIK, where he fell on the course to Sergey Gerasimov and Tamara Makarova. She studied with Natalia Bondarchuk, Natalia Belochvostova, Nikolai Eremenko and Sergey Nikonenko.

In the youth, a student Vgika starred in the drama "Tashkent - Bread City" according to the scenario Konchalovsky. In 1969, Sergey Gerasimov "At Lake" film was released on the screens. In the scenario, which Gerasimov wrote to his film, he provided for the image of Kati Olzoeva specifically for Arinbasarovar. This is not the main role, but it has become a visiting card actress for a long time.

Star role came to Natalia Arinbasarova in 1977. Adventure Methridge Eldor Urazbayeva "Trans-Siberian Express" - the second film of Chekist Tetrallogia. Actress got a bright role of Izhan, and Nikita Mikhalkovo - the image of Mr. Fedotov.

The film in the late 1980s became a detective on the novel Brothers Weiner, filmed by Eldor Uzbaev, - "Visit to Minotaur". Arinbasarova here went to the episodic role of the marina chariot violinist.

The 1990s began for Natalia, the comedy "System" Nippel "" Alexander Pankratova-black. Arinbasarov The audience was remembered in the atypical role of the drunkard.

In the 2000s, Natalia Arinbasarova appeared in the episode of the second Antikiller, the detective drama of Egor Konchalovsky "Escape" and the Sagilloophee of the Bular Bular "Saga Ancient Bulgar", where she got an episodic role.

In 2013, Arbasarov starred in the lead role of the Judge Krasnova in the melodrama "to death beautiful", the director of which was her daughter Ekaterina Dvigubskaya. Their creative alliance lasted on the set of films "Husband with home delivery" and "Cold Heart".

Personal life

Natalia Arinbasarova visited 3 times married. Andrei Konchalovsky became the first spouse, who opened the door ballerina to the world of cinema. A 26-year-old director, in whose piggy bank was "Bronze Lion" for a short film, conquered a fragile 17-year-old girl intelligence. The novel broke out on the filming of the "first teacher." Natalia agreed to become his wife Konchalovsky, and in 2 years they had a son Yegor.

Together, the couple lived for 5 years, but the desire of Konchalovsky to leave the Arinbasarov did not share - in the Soviet Union, she was a popular actress. In 1970, the actress is a director of Nikolai Dvigubsky civilian husband. The daughter of Ekaterina Dvigubskaya was born in this union. The marriage lasted 10 years, and in 1980 Nikolai Lvovich immigrated to France. This period in the personal life of the actress was experiencing hard.

2 years after parting next to Natalia, Arinbasarova appeared director Eldor Uzbabayev, famous for the paintings "Trans-Siberian Express" and "Visit to Minotaur". The man has established communication with the children of Arinbasarovar.

Relationships spoiled in the 90s. Decidation in cinema, unclaimed and lack of money did not best affect the atmosphere in the family. According to the actress, she suddenly noticed that in the absence of her husband feels more comfortable. The couple peacefully broke up.

Natalia Arinbasarova now

Now the actress rarely appears on the big screen, but the projects in which it is removed, do not leave the public indifferent. So it was with the drama "A.L.Zh.R.R.", in which Natalia played in memory of his grandfather - Kazakh Bae, shot in the 30s.

In 2019, the Melodrama "Strong weak woman" came out with the participation of Arbasarovar. The film tells about the girl who, having survived a personal drama, went to Moscow to study at the fashion designer. The time of the picture, which also starred Alexander Vlasov, Sergey Dmitry, Dmitry Voskin, Vladimir Guiceine, - the end of the 20th century.


  • 1965 - "First Teacher"
  • 1968 - "Tashkent - Bread City"
  • 1969 - "Lake"
  • 1970 - "Calm day at the end of the war"
  • 1971 - "Night on the 14th parallel"
  • 1977 - "Trans-Siberian Express"
  • 1979 - "Taste of Bread"
  • 1981 - "Provincial Roman"
  • 1984 - "The first equestrian"
  • 1987 - "Visit to Minotaur"
  • 1990 - "Nipple System"
  • 2005 - "Saga ancient Bulgar"
  • 2009 - "Justice of Wolves"
  • 2010 - "Return to" A "
  • 2013 - "To death beautiful"
  • 2016 - "Husband with home delivery"
  • 2018 - "A.L.J.R."
  • 2019 - "Strong weak woman"

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