Vyacheslav Maltsev - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich Maltsev - the leading analytical program "Bad News" on the Channel "ArtPook preparation" on YouTube. Periodic publications called the author "Blogger from Samara".

Vyacheslav Maltsev

Vyacheslav Maltsev is a candidate for elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the Parnaas party in 2016, a public and political figure. Politician considers himself "second after Navalny in Russia." His provocative statements in networks and televisor gave a lot of enemies among the hot fans of the current government in the country.

Childhood and youth

Vyacheslav Maltsev was born on June 7, 1964 in Saratov. In 1981 he graduated from Saratov school number 8. Entered the evening branch of the lawwering of the Saratov Law Institute. DI. Kursk. In parallel with study, worked in the Kirov district of Komsomol.

Vyacheslav Maltsev in youth

In 1982, Vyacheslav called on the ranks of the Soviet army. Served in the border troops. After the end of the service in 1985 he continued his studies at the Institute. He graduated from 1987, having received the qualification of the "lawyer". Two years worked in the factory ROVD Saratov Plenkov.


Since 1989, Vyacheslav Maltsev has headed the Development Bureau of Allegro research. According to the misfortuners, Allegro was an office on the "loofering" of entrepreneurs. Maltsev himself argues that, presumably, was in the 90s the richest man in the Saratov region.

Vyacheslav Maltsev in the 90s

Then Vyacheslav Maltsev became interested in politics. In 1994 he became a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma. In 1996, he sold the Agency "Allegro", accusing later the governor of the Saratov region Dmitry Ayatskova in the collapse of the business. She re-elected to the regional Duma in 1997 and 2002, each time he passed on a single-member district. In the first convening of the Regional Parliament, He worked as Chapter Committee on the Law and Combating Crime. He was the secretary of the circumference and its deputy chairman.

In 1999, Vyacheslav Maltsev advanced to the State Duma from the party "Fatherland - all of Russia", but did not pass. In 2001, politician took part in the creation of the regional branch of United Russia in Saratov. In 2003, he left the ranks of the party, and in 2006 he wrote "Manifesto the fight against the party" United Russia ". In 2007, stood at the head of the Great Russia party in Saratov. As Vyacheslav Maltsev noted, despite the frequent change of parties, did not change the belief and remained National Democrat.

Deputy Vyacheslav Maltsev

In 2003, Vyacheslav Maltsev began an open war with the then governor of the Saratov region Dmitry Ayatskov, organizing the "Foundation for the fight against Ayatskov". The fund was collected in favor of the resignation of the governor, satisfied the pickets and hunger strikes near the oblave. Ayatskov, in turn, sued 100 thousand rubles from Maltsev for slander to his address. In one of the interviews, Ayatskov announced Maltsev:

"It was just a clownade. But he did not give it political dividends. "

Since 2006, Vyacheslav Maltsev since 2006 - President of the Saratov Regional Public Organization "Ecological Organization" Future ". Found with the discovery of a plant for the destruction of chemical weapons in the Saratov region. Since 1995, Vyacheslav Maltsev has been part of the Congress of Russian communities, and in 2006 he became his president. In 2007 and 2012, Maltsev could not go to the elections to Oldumu (for the last time it was from the Communist Party and lost to the promoter from United Russia Alexey Mazepov).

Vyacheslav Maltsev at the rally

On the eve of elections to the State Duma in 2016, Vyacheslav Maltsev participated in the primaries from the Parnass Party. The first place in the default list was the name of Mikhail Kasyanov. The survey stopped the term due to the identified disorders. At the time of suspension, Vyacheslav Maltsev was leading with a large margin.

Colleagues in the party Natalia Pelevin and Ilya Yashin explained the leading position of Maltsev low voter extension. Results Priamerizers Guide "Parnas" decided to count, despite the suspension. However, many in the party remained unhappy, blaming Maltsev in anti-Semitism and populism. The Maltsev himself explained that the goal of his nomination in the Duma is the abolition of anti-constitutional laws in Russia and the preparation of the impeachment of Putin's president.


The first comments, mainly regarding Russia's foreign policy, Vyacheslav Maltsev lay out on its website since 2008. The Channel "ArtPook preparation" appeared on YouTube in 2011. At first, there were small videos in which Maltsev reasoned about politics and the current power. Later, the Maltsev program found a semi-a half-hour program with questioning issues, lively discussions on political and economic topics that exciting the author and the audience.

The program on the channel was called "Bad News". The issues of "bad news" at first watched 5-10 thousand people. Today, 100 thousand people were signed on the "art receptacle" channel. Each new ether of "bad news" Vyacheslav Maltsev begins with the announcement of the number of days remaining, as the author says, to the "start of a new historical era." Blogger declares:

"The Epoch will come on November 5, 2017."

On this day, on the assumption of Maltsev, a revolution will happen, which will overthrow the power of the current president of Russia. On November 5, he chose not by chance - Maltsev believes that the unrest will occur after the passage of the Russian march on November 4, 2017.

Personal life

Vyacheslav Maltsev is married to Anna Maltseva. In the family, three children: Roman, Valery and Varvara. The biography of the opposition is not devoid of extreme.

In the fall of 2011, Maltsev as a result of the conflict with Cherkis Bunyatov received a fracture of jaws. Bunyatov went to two injuries in the hip from the traumatic gun Vyacheslav Maltsev.

Vyacheslav Maltsev now

Vyacheslav Maltsev leads a lively discussion of fresh news in Russia and the world with subscribers in the social network "VKontakte" and "Twitter". After an anti-corruption rally in Moscow on June 12, 2017, Vyacheslav Maltsev was arrested. Blogger was detained for non-commission police officers for 10 days.

Vyacheslav Maltsev in 2017

According to the latest information, Vyacheslav Maltsev escaped, presumably in Georgia, escaped from criminal prosecution. According to the oppositionist, it was warned by the loyal employees of the FSB on the criminal case for the creation of an extremist community. The issues of "bad news" still come out every night. The further fate of the site "ArtPook preparation" is still unknown.


  • "Bad News" on the YouTube Channel "Art Protection"

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