Andrei Stolz - character history, plot, character, actor, quotes


Character History

Central Character Roman Ivan Potcharov "Oblomov". Friend and at the same time antipode of the main character, Ilya Oblomov.

Andrei Ivanovich Stolz communicates with the broomstick since childhood and became a close friend. In character, this is a person action, practitioner, and by origin - half a German. Mother gallery - Russian french. With all its rationalism, Stolz has a good temper. Hero is honest, disassembled in humans, while inclined to calculate each action and to everything in life is approached by practical benefit. Stolz was discharged as an antipode of the broom and should, according to the author's plan, perceived as a sample to imitate.

Ivan Goncharov

Stolz is married to Olga Ilinskaya, nobility, a woman in love with bugs. Olga loved Oblomov at first, but broke up with that. Bakes are badly dreaming before making Olga offer, he turned a lot, retreat.

Stolz times brings Oblomov from apathy and makes you remember about life, calls on the case, to invest in the establishment of schools, the construction of roads, however, the bugs are embarrassed from such ideas.

Ilya Oblomov takes into circulation, the fraudsters, the deeds and the economy of the hero go into their hands, and he himself immerses even greater inactivity than usually. When rumors come to Oblomov about his own nearby wedding, the hero comes to horror, because nothing has been decided for him. During this period, the hero is visited by Olga and, seeing in such a harsh and miserable condition, interrupts these relationships. On this, the story of Love Olga and Oblomov exhausted itself.

Andrei Stolz and Olga Ilinskaya

The heroine is not going to get involved in a new relationship, but Stolz convinces Olga that the first relationship turned out to be a mistake and only laid the foundation for new love - to him, gallery. Olga appreciates in hard work and decisiveness - what has not seen in the broom. And endless, "as a mother" trusts her husband.

Stolz holds progressive (for that time) views on the role of a woman in society. According to the Hero, the woman is designed to contribute to social life, engaged in the education of decent citizens, and for this herself must be well educated. Stolz engaged with his wife, teachs that sciences, and these classes are closer to the spouses. Stolz is rooted with his wife and surprised by the mind of Olga.

Andrei Stolz and Ilya Oblomov

Stolz saves Oblomov from scammers, which would otherwise revolve before the thread. Later, the bugs calls in honor of the son of the son, who is born from Hamfia Wheat, women from the official medium, an apartment hostess, to which the bugs move to live. Because of the later lifestyle, the Oblomov occurs the early stroke, and the gallery visits the sick friend. During this visit, Oblomov asks for galley in the name of friendship to look at his little son Andrey. When two years later, the bug is dying, the gallets take his son to upbringing.


Galley slightly in thirty. The appearance of the hero emphasizes the temper - it is strong, Hood, musculist, School, there is no excess fat on the body. Goncharov compares the hero with the "blood english horse". At Stolz, greenish eyes, a hero is dark, calm in movements just as in character. The hero is not peculiar to neither excess facial expressions or sharp gestures and fussiness.

Andrei Stolz and his father

The father of the gallery, the German, came out of the burghers and was not a nobleman. The boy brought up in the traditions of the Burgemi - teared to work and practical activity, which did not like Andrei's mother, the Russian nobility. Father was engaged in Andrei Geography. The hero studied to read the texts of German writers and biblical poems, from the young age he was helped by the father in matters, summing up the bills. Later he began to earn a tutor in a small board, made a father, and received a salary as an ordinary master.

By fourteen, the hero was already one traveled to the city with the instructions of the Father and carried out the charged in accuracy, without missing, errors or attacks forgetfulness. Andrei's father forbade Mother to prevent the boy's activity and keep him with him, galley grew up and often left the house for a long time. The young man got a good university education, speaks equally well in Russian and in German. At the same time, the hero continues to learn all his life and constantly seeks to learn a new one.

Andrei Stolts.

Stolz did not receive the nobility at birth, but soon he was delivered to the rank of a surviving adviser who gave the hero the right to a personal nobility. Further on the career ladder, it does not move, but leaves the service to engage in trade. The company in which gallets invested is engaged in exporting goods. Andrei was able to increase the state of his father many times, turning forty thousand capital in three hundred, and bought the house.

Stolz travels a lot and rarely stays at home for a long time. The hero along and across the seizure of Russia, was abroad, he studied at foreign universities and studied Europe "as his estate." At the same time, Stolz is not alien to secular communication, it happens at the evenings, knows how to play the piano; Interested in science, news and "all life."

Characteristic gallery

Hero Unreasonable, Bodr, firm and even stubborn. It always takes an active position: "You will need to send a society to Belgium or England agent - send it; It is necessary to write some project or adapt a new idea of ​​the point - choose it. " The time of the gallery is clearly planned, he does not spend a minute.

At the same time, the hero knows how to restrain the unwanted gusts and remain within the boundaries of natural, rational behavior, well controls his own feelings and does not rush in extremes. Stolz is not inclined to blame others in their own failures and easily takes responsibility for the incidental suffering and trouble.

Andrei Stolz and Ilya Oblomov

In contrast to the bug, the hero does not like to dream, avoids fantasies and everything that cannot be analyzed or applied in practice. Stolz knows how to live by means, calculating, not inclined to unjustified risk and at the same time easily oriented in complex or unfamiliar circumstances. These qualities are associated with the purposefulness of the hero of a good business. Stolz loves order in matters and things, and focuses in the affairs of Oblomov better than that he himself.


Roman "Oblomov" was shielded in 1979. The director of the film called "A few days from the life of I. I. Oblomov" was Nikita Mikhalkov, and the role of Andrei Stolz executed actor Yuri Bogatyrev. Stolz in the film is depicted in a cheerful and active person, how presented in the Roman Goncharov.

Yuri Bogatyrev as Andrey Stolz

At the same time, the actor admitted that he rather saw himself in the form of Oblomov, and the gallery whose role to Bogatyrev had to play, in character, the opposite is the opposite of the actor himself.

Interesting Facts

The word "Oblomovshchina", which, after the yield, became nominative, first sounded from the mouth of the gallery as a characteristic of the lifestyle of Oblomov. This word was denotious to laziness, apathy, stagnation in affairs. In a word, what we would now be called "procrastination".


"Labor - image, content, element and purpose of life. At least mine. "" Life itself and work is a goal of life, not a woman. "" The man created himself to arrange himself and even change his nature. "

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