Yuri Belov - biography, photo, personal life, filmography



Each appearance of Yuri Belov on the screen resembles a sunbeam that looked into the window. It seems from the television screens of kindness, cheerfulness and light mischief. "Spring on Zarechnaya Street", "Carnival Night", "Girl Without Address", "Note" - These old Soviet films warm the soul and give a good mood.

Actor Yuri Belov

Unfortunately, in the biography of the artist of bright and joyful pages a bit. The screen image of Belova is deceptive, and fate is tragic. Solar smiles The actor crossed the audience, leaving himself a sad fate of a person, half a year of the treated in a psychiatric hospital.

Childhood and youth

Yuri Belov was born in 1930 in Rzhev. The childhood of the future artist passed in the move: the military family did not delay in one place for longer than 2-3 years. Belovy visited Kurilla and the Far East. Merry and sociable boy found friends everywhere and felt at home. Mom, noticing the violent fantasy of the son and the ability to convincingly tell the unprecedented, focused on him.

Yuri Belov in youth

After graduating from High School, Yuri Belov on the first attempt came to the prestigious capital VGIK, where 200 people claimed one place. Belov's applicant neither beauty nor an article came out, but his sunshine and simplicity of the Commission noticed. Soviet cinema needed such a type: Yuri Belov was perfectly suitable for the role of chauffery, locksters, positive characters from the work environment.

Yuri Belov in youth

He studied Belov in the workshop of Boris Bibikov and Olga Pyzhova. In the third year, Nadezhda Rumyantsev joined the group. Later she shared that the first impression of acquaintance with the course was a radiant smile Yury Belov, who remembered for life. In 1955, Yuri Belov was awarded a diploma of higher education and took the film actor-studio of the film actor.


In the same year, Yuri Belov starred in episodes of two paintings and short films. And in 1956, the actor woke up by the famous: the screens came out the cult New Year Carnival Night with Lyudmila Gurchenko in the lead role. Director Eldar Ryazanov approved Belova and Gurchenko after the first samples.

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The audience saw a novice artist in the image of the cheerful electromonter Grisha Rolzzova - a charming guy from a neighboring yard, usual and close to everyone. After the release of the musical comedy, Yuri Belov became an artist. Naked: directors lined up in order to lure a smiling star into their project.

He secured the glory of Belova The cult melodrama "Spring on Zarechnaya Street", the premiere of which took place in the same turning 1956th. In the picture shined Nikolay Rybnikov and Nina Ivanov. Belova got the role of Zhenya Ishchenko. The third picture of 1956 - the melodrama of Vasily of the Orda "Man was born", in which Yuri Belov appeared in a bright episode.

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Next year, Eldar Ryazanov called the actor's favorite in a new project - the lyrical comedy "girl without address". The girl played Svetlana Karpinskaya, and a guy who spent her throughout the tape - Nikolai Rybnikov. Belova saw in the role of a friend Hero Rybnikov - Mitya. The radiant smile Yury again decorated the film.

One by the other on the screens came out artistic paintings with the participation of the favorite millions of the actor. In 1959, he starred in three wonderful ribbons. In the Military Drama "The thirst" appeared in the company Vyacheslav Tikhonov. In the Soviet-Czechoslovakovsky film to film Stanislav Rostotsky "May stars" again met with Tikhonov and met Mikhail Pugovykina and Leonid Bykov. In sparkling filmcoming Yuri Chulukina "Relaxing" Yuri Belov played Toli Grukchina, and Rumyantseva - Nadia Berezov.

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In 1960, the audience saw the piercing melodrama "Aleshkin Love", removed under the leadership of Mikhail Romma. This is a picture of love, friendship, humanity. The main character - Aleshka - played Leonid Bykov, Yuri Belov appeared in the form of a member of the detachment of Arkady's intelligence geologists. Picture looked 23.7 million Soviet spectators.

In the same year, the premiere of the joint Soviet-French project - Road Movie "Leon Garros is looking for a friend." The key characters of the film played French actor Leon Zitron and Russian Tatyana Samoilova and Yuri Belov. The picture was shown in France called "Twenty Thousand Lea on Earth". Music wrote Nikita Bogoslovsky to her.

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In 1961, again pleased the audience Eldar Ryazanov, removing the fantastic comedy tape "Man nowhere" on Mosfilm. The main character - Crank - played Sergey Yursky. On the set of the project, Yuri Belov again met with Lyudmila Gurchenko, with which he started a cinematic biography.

In 1962, Ryazanov again called "his" actor in the comedy "Hussar Ballad", in which Larisa Golubanka debuted. Lieutenant Rzhevsky played Yuri Yakovlev, with whom Yuri Belov met on the set of "man nowhere."

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With the hope of Rumyantsevaya Belov again met in the comedy film "Queen of the benzokolontics", which entered the Golden Fund of Soviet Cinema. Hero Slavka, a long-distance bus driver - bright, like all the characters of Yuri Andreevich. Without a branded smile, Belova, the tape is difficult to imagine. Removed the cult film comedy at the gas station in the Ukrainian Pryatin of the Poltava region.

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It seems that in the 1960s, the director of the best comedy belts considered Yuri Belov almost a talisman who guaranteed the success of the project. Probably, so Evgeny Tashkov invited him to his film "Come tomorrow ...". The key characters were played by Ekaterina Savinov and Anatoly Papanov, but without a bright episode with Hochmachi students Yuri Belov and Alexander Shirvindt Comedy would have lost sparkling.

In 1965, the artist appeared in the episode of the lyrical comedy of Eldar Ryazanov "Give a plaintive book." The script of the film was written by Alexander Galich and Boris Laskin. Full Oleg Borisov brilliantly reincarnated in Nikitina correspondent, and Larisa Golubanka - in the director of the cafe "Dandelion". Belova viewers saw in the role of a friend Nikitina - Journalist Germanic.

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From the mid-1960s, Belov appears on the screens rarely, it does not give bright roles. The reason why Yuri Andreevich fell into the disability of the Soviet directories, became the careless phrase about Nikita Khrushchev. On the banquet after the successful premiere of the comedy Ryazanov, the actor was mentioned that Nikita Sergeyevich would be removed soon. They say, for such a non-capacitance of Yuri Belov, he stopped half a year in a psychiatric clinic.

By other versions, the native and close friends of the artist knew that strange things were taking place with him. A nonsense merchant could unexpectedly plunge into the deepest depression without a visible reason. From suicide, he was rescued by the neighbors who caused the urgent. Acthers returned to life and treated forcibly

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Coming out of the clinic, Yuri Belov returned to the shooting area, but the directors and colleagues noticed that he forgets words. Short-term amnesia caused due to which Belov did not trust roles with large text. In a lyrical comedy "In Moscow, travel ..." he played a taxi driver, in a detective "the fate of the resident" - the conductor of the train, in the comedy Ryazanov "Starikov-Robbers" - attendant Petya.

In 1980, Yuri Belov called the episodes of four paintings. The last project with his participation is the "two and one" melodrama with George Burkov and Elena Majorova in the lead role. In the tape of Belov starred, being seriously ill. On the bitter irony of fate, he played a cemetery worker.

Personal life

Barate and Soul of the Company, the Trek-Master Yuri Belov fell in love with Nadia Rumyantsev, who passed to Vgik from Guitis, along with the mentor of Olga Pyshova. Their novel was envied by everything, but a year later, the couple unexpectedly broke up. Nadezhda chose Yury Actor Vladimir Screwov.

Yuri Belov and Nadezhda Rumyantseva

The separation of Belov experienced hard, although the companies remained a melagour. They say, Yuri has been offended by women and struggled them. Then they noticed the first alarming bells - in the middle of a cheerful conversation, he suddenly leaving himself, silent. The "non-attilegent" appearance of the artist of many misled: Yuri Belov seemed to be a simple, but at the same time he was read, erudite and deep-minded person.

Yuri Belov and Svetlana Schweiko

On Svetlana Schweiko Belov married when he turned 40. The first years of living together were cloudless. Together, the spouses traveled on a motorcycle to the sea, which Yuri Belov adored. Svetlana gave birth to a 46-year-old husband of Svyatoslav son. The boy was painful, in the summer he ordered him, laying sleeping on the balcony. Fame jokingly called Balcony.

In the cinema, Yuri Belov was not invited, he took to earn with wrap, but the gaswall turned into a taxi to the house did not bring. The taxi driver was recognized and, not embarrassed, asked why he was not on the set. Belov suffered.

Svyatoslav Belov, son Yuri Belova

Svetlana, an actress by education, left a job and, together with her friend, opened a cafe. At first, the business brought profit, but due to the refusal to pay racketers burned and cafes and an apartment. Yuri Belov finally plunged into depression. To live together, the spouses could not - Svetlana and his son moved to his native, but came to her husband once a week to remove and cook food.


On December 31, 1991, a woman entered the apartment and saw Yuri lying on the sofa without breathing. "Carnival night" was broadcast on TV. The arrival doctor of the urgent was surprised to look from the screen on the face of Belov. To help Yuri he could not: the cause of death was a long-standing heart disease.

Yuri Belov in recent years

When the artist fled in the church, his face seemed to be such as Millions of TV viewers saw him: it was frozen an ironic-cheerful expression on it, like Belov will now wink and smile with his corporate smile.

Tomb of Yuri Belov

Yuri Belov's grave - on the 10th sector of the Metropolitan Kuntsevsky cemetery. Soon after the death of her husband, Svetlana died from cancer. Son Svyatoslav fell into a bad company, then to prison. And if not Rolan Bykov, who took him to the bars, Belov could sit behind bars for a few more years. Alla Budnitskaya took care of the guy, replaced by Svyatoslav Mum.

Coming out for freedom, the son of Yuri Belov became a novice in the monastery. In 2012, the audience saw Svyatoslav Belov in the transfer "Let them say."


  • 1956 - "Spring on Zarechnaya Street"
  • 1956 - "Carnival Night"
  • 1956 - "Man was born"
  • 1957 - "Girl Without Address"
  • 1957 - "Gori, My Star"
  • 1959 - "Note"
  • 1960 - "Aleshkin Love"
  • 1961 - "Man nowhere"
  • 1962 - "Hussar Ballad"
  • 1962 - "Queen of the benzokolontka"
  • 1963 - "Come tomorrow ..."
  • 1964 - "Give a plaintive book"
  • 1965 - "Sleeping Lion"
  • 1977 - "About the Red Hood"
  • 1988 - "Two and one"

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