Uncle Stepa - biography, main characters, facts and quotes


Character History

High policeman who causes admiration for children and adults, saves birds and animals, protects Muscovites from hooligans. Who does not know in the description of the uncle steppa? Character poems was and continues to remain an example for imitation. And not surprising, because Uncle Stepa is not only high, but athletically folded. And most importantly - honest and decent.

History of creation

Stories about a high policeman - a business card of the Soviet writer Sergey Mikhalkov. The year of writing the first poems about Uncle Stepa - 1935. Initially, the poem was published in the journal "Pioneer". Later, the verses of the brave giant came out with a separate book. In 1939, based on the work created a cartoon with the same name. In addition to poems about Uncle Stepa, Mikhalkov entered the cartoon.

Poet Sergey Mikhalkov

In 1954, "Uncle Step - Militizer" was published in the journal "Border Guard". Sergey Mikhalkov did not plan to write a continuation, but a random meeting pushed the poet to tell the children about the further fate of Stepan.

The author of the poem met the prototype of his own hero. Leaving from the courtyard, the writer broke the traffic rules. Men stopped a high policeman. Talking with a friendly representative of the bodies, Mikhalkov found out that he served on the work of the post at the Fleet. So the idea was born to continue the poem.

Uncle Stepa in Cartoon

In 1964, Soyuzmultfilm was shielded by the "Uncle Step - Militizer". The voice of the brave servant of the law presented the singer and actor Vladimir Troshin.

The verse "Uncle Stepa and Egor", released 1968, also appeared not by chance. At a meeting with small readers, the writer asked the question of the personal life of the hero. Mikhalkov decided that he would certainly tell how the fate of Stepan was developed. The poetic tale "Uncle Stepa - Veteran" became the logical conclusion of the Soviet epic. The final part was published in the Pravda newspaper in 1981.


Stepan Stepanov was born and grew up in Moscow. The young man lives near Arbat in the house at number 8/1. Since childhood, the hero differs from the peers - Stepan grew up a high and shouldering guy. Due to the noticeable features of the neighbors and friends make fun of the hero:

"It costs under parachute

And worried slightly.

And below the people laughs:

"Tower from a tower jump wants!"

But the sarcastic phrases are not wounded by Stepan, he used to such a relationship and even learned to use his own physical data. Thanks to high growth, Stepan saves from a fire of pigeons, pulls out a sinking boy from the water and helps the guys to remove air coils from the electric wire.

Uncle Stepa - Giant

Stepan has a dream - a young man is striving for a fleet. After passing the medical commission, a man goes to the Marat battle. During the service, Stepan falls under the bombing, gets the title of the Elder. Under Leningrad, a man is wounded, so Stepanov leaves military service and returns home.

In Moscow, the hero is developing a new profession - receives a position in the police. For a short time, Stepan becomes a thunderstorm of local hooligans and offenders.

Uncle Stepa - Sailor

Thanks to high growth, the brave police officer rejected the failed traffic. After that, the man gets a funny nickname "Stepa Lights". Career Stepanov is moving fast enough. Soon, Uncle Step receives the post of commissioning in the new district of Moscow. In his free time, a man trains on a rink. In the race, Stepanov's skaters ranks first:

"Uncle Stepha is proud

All militia of the capital:

Stepa looks downwards

Gets the first prize "

Soon enviable bachelor meets his fate - the girl is a manile. Young people play a noisy wedding, and after a short time Stepan Stepanov becomes Father.

The boy was born big and strong to the joy of parents. Egor - so called the son of happy uncle Stepa - rapidly growing and developing. The character of the boy went to his father. A kind child helps the eldest, engaged in sports and dreams of becoming a cosmonaut.

Uncle Stepa - Militiaman

Egor - Support and the pride of Stepanov-senior. The young man ends with honors from school, receives the title of Olympic champion and puts serious records in weightlifting. The famous Father receives congratulations on the success of the Son from colleagues and even from the USSR ministers.

The biography of the hero is developing without surprises. The man raised his son and retired. In order not to sit at home, Uncle Stepa spends his free time with children: leads a child to the zoo, plays with schoolchildren in the Zarnitsa and watches the fifth-graders smoky.

"He does not know the sense of measure,

They say retirees.

- Uncle Stepa and now

Wants to be younger than us! "

The former policeman is invited to visit France, and Uncle Stepa reluctantly agrees. Returning, Stepan Stepanov Dises. To treat a cold with a sediment. Local defector. The story of the famous Giant ends on a joyful note: Egor comes to his father with the news - Uncle Stepa became a grandfather.

Uncle Stepa and Egor

The main characters of poems are exemplary Soviet citizens. A decent career, a calm family life, victory in sports - the life of Uncle Stepa, like his son, is filled with important and right values. But this is not the main idea of ​​the stories. Mikhalkov wanted to convey to a small reader that features (both external and internal) are not considered to be withdrawn.

Interesting Facts

  • The artist of the first edition of the book "Uncle Stepa" sketched the chief hero from the actor Alexei Batalov.
  • The hero-giant is not installed not one monument, and three: in Moscow, Prokopyevsk and Samara.
Monument to Uncle Stete
  • In 1940, a short story "Uncle Stepa and the Red Army" came out, affecting the time of military service Stepan Stepanov. The poem did not like the readers and did not enter the collections of Mikhalkov.
  • A popular giant has long been a hero of jokes. Until now, kids who only met the character, fun joke:
"- Uncle Stepa, get a sparrobe!

"No, I don't want to bend."


"I don't need anything - I saved it to the task!" "I'm going to serve on the fleet, if I'm going up." "I will tell you a secret that in the police serve because this service is very important!" "I, Marusya, As in a dream ... "" Which of you guys smokes? I do not worry smoking! "

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