Alexey Mikhailovich - biography, photo, personal life, king's rule



Alexey Mikhailovich is the second sovereign from the Romanov clan, who ascended to the Russian throne. The king is known for many years of war with the speech of compulcient, copper and salt rins. About the birth of the future king Alexei Mikhailovich was recorded in the "New Chronicler". It said that Mikhail Fedorovich on March 17, 1629 a heir appeared.

Portrait of Alexei Mikhailovich

The baptists of the newborn took place in the miracle monastery. The baptism of the boy was attended by Patriarch Philaret Nikitich. Alexey's godfather was the Troitsky Keler Alexander. Parents chose the name to the future to the ruler in accordance with the soles. Tsarist "Moms" were engaged in raising a child up to 5 years of age. After passing this age border, Alexei Mikhailovich was transferred to Boris Morozov boyar. The first teacher was engaged in Cesarevich diploma and reading.

Hand writing Alexei Mikhailovich

Among the table books were the acts of holy apostles, chairs and psalrty. The future king gradually compiled such science as a letter and church singing. The books were a passion of Alexei Mikhailovich. By the age of 13, the boy gathered a small library, in which Lithuanian "grammar" and "lexicon", "cosmography" were attended.

Palace Alexey Mikhailovich in Kolomensky

Cesarevich had other hobbies, including musical instruments, children's lats and even a horse. B.I. Morozov had a direct impact on the development of Alexei Mikhailovich. The teacher first used German apparels for the boy. Only at the age of 14 presented the public to the heir to the throne. Already after 2 years, the young guy had to take the brazers of the board by the state in their hands. The official residence of Alexey Romanov made Kolomenskoye.

Beginning of the Board

Alexey's training was somewhat one-sided, so when the king ascended the throne, it was faced with a number of problems that was not ready. This contributed to rapprochement with Uncle Morozov. At first, Alexey Mikhailovich listened to the Councils of Boyarin, but later formed a personal opinion on state issues.

This contributed to strengthening the nature of the king. Foreign guests in the memoirs described Alexey as a soft, good-natured and quiet ruler. Such qualities were allocated by S. Collins, A. Meyerberg and even G.K. Kotoshin. Alexey Mikhailovich jealously followed church rites and lean from eating and water three times a week. Thanks to religiosity, the king got the nickname silent.

King Alexey Mikhailovich

The influence of Boris Morozov was still too big. When the king decided to marry at the age of 18, he chose the daughter of Rafa Vsevolozhsky to his wife. The wedding did not take place due to the intervention of the boyar. Nevertheless, a year later, Alexei Mikhailovich and Maria Ilinichny Miloslavskaya passed in a year. Soon, frosts and frost went on the laughed. The faithful teacher married the girl's sister - Anna.

Since that time, the influence of Miloslavsky and Morozov on the royal court has increased markedly. Despite this, Alexey Mikhailovich revealed negative moments in the domestic government. To this attached his hand boyar. The king decides to introduce a duty on salt. The new tax replaced the salt duty, Streletsky and Yam's money. But in the people, these babes did not cause, on the contrary, the population showed discontent with innovations. The situation was aggravated by the abuse of Miloslav's powers and talk about the love of the king to foreign customs.

Salt Bunk in Moscow 1648

Salt riot broke out. Riots took place in Moscow and other cities of the country. Simple citizens wanted to get Boris Morozov in their own hands. Without receiving the desired, the people attacked the House of Boyarin, killed the spiritual delica of pure and Ocolnich's Plescheyev. The king did not remain anything, as in secretly to send Morozov to Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery.

Riot helped the people to cancel the abolition of a new duty on salt. Gradually discontent Ugasali and Boyarin returned to the palace. From this time, frosts have lost their ability to manage the state, but the royal location remains. The new duty on salt was canceled in the same year. After the folk excitement was amended, Morozov returned to the yard, used the royal location, but did not have a primary value in the management.

Domestic politics

The internal policy of the king includes several orders important for the state. The Board of Alexei Tishest introduced the prohibition of the Belterians to have lands, institutions, including trading and industrial. In accordance with the adopted Cathedral, the peasants were forbidden to move from one owner to another. It concerned families.

Historians allocate several major orders that played a role in the inner life of the state. These include secret cases, bread, ratar orders, countable things, Lithuanian, monastic and Malorossiysky.

Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich on engraving

The financial side of the novels did not leave no attention. The king ordered the census of heavy yards, to establish the number of male representatives. Alexey Mikhailovich took an attempt to introduce an updated salt duty, but the idea turned out to be unsuccessful.

Small customs duties on the orders of the king were eliminated. The only possible option for charging the soot or anniversary is to transfer to the deposit. The treasury due to lack of money was forced to release additional funds. We are talking about copper coins. This led to the fact that money from copper was practically depreciated compared to silver coins. Again the unsuccessful decision led to the rebellion, which was dubbed copper.

Big state seal Alexei Mikhailovich

Alexey Mikhailovich takes a strange decision on the construction of several ships in 1667. The shipyard was organized on OK next to the village of Dedinovo. It is not known how the king was planning to use the courts. Special needs in the ships were not. One of the buildings only once came out of the port and went to Astrakhan.

Changes in the legislation Alexei Tishest made minor. By order, the king was developed by the Cathedral Code, which was attended by the Novotorgovy Charter, new-science articles about the estates, robberies and killeries, military charter.

Foreign policy

Alexey Mikhailovich tried to protect Western borders. This was the reason for the unleashing of wars against states located in the west of the continent. The main opponent for Russia was a compulsory issue. Throughout the century, the rulers of Russia tried to defend their territories and conquer others.

Military actions did not help the Romanov to pave the way to the Baltic Sea. There were positive stages in foreign policy. In particular, Chernihiv and Smolensk lands, disconnected during the time of the University, were again part of a large country. Alexey Mikhailovich did not allow the raids of the Crimean Tatars, moving away the southern borders.

Alexey Mikhailovich and Nikon before the Tomb of St. Philip

During the reign of Alexey, the sishest part of Ukraine belonged to the Polish-Lithuanian state. The fortress oppression interfered with local residents to live quietly, so discontent it turned out in trouble for local authorities. Zaporizhzhya Cossacks headed against the speech by the compulculation.

The success was on the side of the Cossacks. The rulers of the country had to start negotiations. Ukraine has become an autonomous state. But the Poles did not agree with such a decision. Cossacks did not have anything, how to accept the defeat. The head of the Cossack movement began searches for a strong ally. Numerous attempts to establish relations with Russia have emerged in a few years. The Zemsky Cathedral gave good to the beginning of the military actions against the Cossacks of the Commonwealth.

Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich with boyars on a falcon hunt

1654 for Ukraine and Russia became a sign. Two states united and became common. Ukrainian lands led Hetman, helped him a big Cossack army. This decision was unhappy with the authorities of the Polish-Lithuanian side. The war began. The first months have been successful for Romanov: 30 cities are captured, including Smolensk.

Suddenly, the Swedish king was attached to the talk. The state could not confront Western army, so Sweden received some lands, including Warsaw. Alexey Mikhailovich did not want to give up and concluded a temporary world with the Polish-Lithuanian country. It was a strategically wrong decision.

Hetman Bogdan Khmelnitsky

After the death of Khmelnitsky, the new hetman goes into the Polish side and organizes the war against Russia. To confront Sweden and the speech by a compulcient king could not. Losing a lot of warriors, countries decide on truce. Russia lost lands in the Baltic States.

Personal life

In the biography of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, he was talking about two marriages. For the first time in the Union of Romanov entered at a young age. Spouse - daughter Miloslavsky Maria. In 44 years, the woman died. The heiress of the famous surname left the spouse of 13 children. It took less than two years, as the news passed in Russia - the king married the second time. Natalia Naryshkin became his wife. A young woman presented her husband three children.

Wedding Alexei Mikhailovich and Natalia Naryshkina

Alexey Mikhailovich brought up 16 boys and girls. Only three sons went to the throne. This is Fyodor III, Ivan V and Peter I. Marriage of the daughters, the king could not arrange. Interestingly, children from different mothers did not communicate with each other. Historians argue about the hostility between them. In those days, the photo was absent, so it was exclusively the canvas with portraits of the royal family reached this day.


The death of the tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov unexpectedly. Shortly before the 47th birthday, the rulers had a heart attack. Health problems turned out to be fatal for the king.

Mogila Alexei Mikhailovich

Two years before the death of Alexey Mikhailovich, he stated in all that the heir to the throne in the event of the ruler's death will become Fedor.


  • 1939 - "Stepan Razin"
  • 1956 - "300 years of that ..."
  • 1988 - "Walking People"
  • 2010 - Monument to Alexey Mikhailovich in Novy Oskol
  • 2011 - "split"
  • 2013 - "Romanovs. Film first "

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