Maria Antoinetta- biography, photos, personal life, fate and film



The path from the younger of 15 children of the child of the Austrian monarchs to the Queen of France, who ended with Life in Guillotine, Maria-Antoinetta was done in 38 years. She was called the Queen Rococo and Madame deficit.

Portrait of Maria Antoinette

It is attributed to the invention of many fashion accessories, many of which lived to this day and are willingly used by designers of trendy houses. Maria - Antoinette popularized figure skating and borrowed men's elements of clothing. She is attributed to the scandalous recommendation to eat cakes, if there is no bread.

Childhood and youth

Future Queen of France Maria-Antoinette was born in Vienna. Parents - Emperor Franz I Larring and Mary Terezia - have already grown up 14 offspring. Fifteenth Child (Full Name - Maria Anthony Josef Johanna Gabsburg-Larring) was born on November 2, 1755. The appearance of Antoine - the native girl was so called - coincided with the Lisbon earthquake, which took 80 thousand lives of Portuguese in minutes. The heavy childbirth of the Mother's Queen and the choice of the Great Newborn - the King and the Queen of Portugal - they interpreted as bad signs.

Maria Antoinette in childhood

Childhood Mary-Antointetti passed in the summer residence of the Habsburgs - Schönbrunn Castle, the most beautiful building in the style of Baroque. In a big and loving family, the baby adored that he did not save her from the necessary ceremonial rules. In 3 years, Antoine put the corset, as well as all women in the monarch family. And noticing that a little erzgerini teeth grow crookedly, a court dentist put on her wire nozzles.

Maria Antoinette in Youth

They brought up Maria Antoinette on a special system: the lessons of dance, painting, history and spelling of the teacher complemented the study of the theory of state administration, mathematics and foreign languages. Princesses and princes taught the rules of etiquette and the ability to maintain a secular conversation. But Antoine did not please the Queen-Mother to zeal - a girl in all subjects had superficial knowledge.

The famous choreographer Jegor-George, who taught ERC agreegersogide, complained about the disobedience of the student, and Abbot Vermont, close to 12-year-old Antoine as an educator, found her charming, but frivolous and perceiving only those objects that entertainly entertain.

At the court of France

Children's marriages were considered by monarchs in the light of strengthening ties between states. No exception and Habsburg. According to the advice of Austrian diplomats, dynastic unions of dynasty of the Dynasty of the Habsburgs had to strengthen the shaky position of Austria in Europe, for which ERCGERS and ERTSGERSOGIN married and married the heirs of the Bourbon dynasty.

The 14-year-old Maria Antoinette was not the exception, which was found in a couple of French Dauphin Louis. Suggestions from King France Queen Mother sought a year, and when it came, I would have consequently answered and took up the preparation of the beloved Antoine to life at the French court. The teachers took up for the future dofine thoroughly: dancing, etiquette and languages ​​were taught with a shameful Maria Antoinette in accelerated mode. Daughter slept in the rest of the queen-mother until the departure.

Maria-Antoinetta and Louis 16

Marriage took place in April 1770 in Vienna. The groom by proxy presented the French Erzgertick, sent by Bourbon to Austria. Maria-Antoinette left his homeland forever. The dofy's transfer ceremony was held in May: at the neutral territory, Antoan, changing clothes with Austrian to French and saying goodbye to his relatives and friends, departed to France. Groom with a delegation met his wife in the compi forest.

The second marriage took place in Versaille. Wedding feasts lasted from 16 to 30 May. On the last day, climax was planned - folk festivities at the Paris Square of Consent. Because of the bad organization (construction pit and tranches on the square), the people who frightened by the bangs of pyrotechnic missiles rushed to the trigger, rushed. The crowd fled on fallen people, dozens of them were pleased with the pit. The number of dead reached 139. They were buried in the general grave. It was the second gloomy sign for Antoine.

Maria Antoinette and children

Maria Teresia, realizing that the daughter of Yuna and inexperienced, Mercy D'Arganto's envoy, who watched Mary-Antoinetta for each step.

Marriage with Louis because of the physical lack of her husband, the first years turned out to be unfulfilled: the spouses slept in different rooms. Favoring the fun and pleasure of Maria-Antoinette, disappointed with the coldness of the spouse, went into all the grave. On the Bals and Rauta Dofina spent days and nights, giving food to court gossip. The family of monarchs was the center of attention and gave rise to reasons for the writings of pamphletists. Austrian daughter-in-law was reproached in unheard of debauchery and liberty.


The morals of the French court Marie Antoinette seemed too famous, the young dofine surrounded other people who tried to benefit from the trusting Austria, who did not deal with the palace intrigues. The only well-wisher of Antoine remained the Austrian ambassador, the preserved correspondence with which the secrets of the Biographies of Dauphine across the centuries after her death were opened.

Queen of Maria-Antoinetta

Three unmarried daughters of Louis XV configured Maria Antoinette against Father's favorite - Madame Dubarry. The latter had a connection at the court and was influential. Mary Antoinette was advised to make friends with her experienced mother experience.

The Coronation of Louis XVI caused an inspiration among the French: the people pulled out the epoch of Favoritism and waited for change. People reached out to the young queen, seeing in her generous and generous woman.

The Royal Family

Mother Mary Teresia called on the daughter to stick to life calm and judgment, make efforts to establish friendship between Austria and France. But Maria-Antoinette surrounded himself by intrigans and swells, who used the kindness and naivety Queen, pulling money and positions for the family from it.

A close friend of Mary Antoinette, Countess de Polynac, made a rapid career to himself and relatives: the impoverished aristocrats settled at the courtyard, receiving from the Queen half a million livra annually. With the royal treasury Maria-Antoinette, it was not ceremony, drawing from there on fun and outfits of huge amounts.

Maria Antoinette in recent years

The Empress loved skating and infected the sport of the court. In the skill to stay on the ice she was not equal. After putting on the ban of the spouse, Maria Antoinette was fascinated by gambling. In a letter, Mary Tereziai Austrian ambassador said that the daughter in 1778 lost 171 thousand francs at the card table.

The Palace of Trianon, built by the Louis Louis XV for the favorite Pompadour, the young queen made a residence and spent a long time, inviting her elected and causing the hatred of the court ladies who did not wait for invitations. The confidence of the queen used dishonest politicians and intrigues, forcing Maria Antoinette to lobby their interests at the court and manipulate her husband's opinion. The queen of France rose to Austria in a military conflict, called "potato war".

Mary breaks into the chas of Mary Antoinette

In the beginning of the revolution, Maria-Antoinette positioned itself as the enemy of the constitutional-democratic system. And when in early October 1789 Versailles captured Mobile, the queen with his spouse moved to Tuileries. Clouds thickened over the heads of the monarch of the family. In June 1791, Maria Antoinette with her husband tried to accelerate the invasion of Austro-Prussian troops, trying to save the throne, life to himself and children. But the result was the opposite: in August 1792, the Palace in Tuileries captured the rebels.

Personal life

After curing Phoemosis, Louis became a full-fledged man. After 7 years, he and Maria Antoinette were found in the same bed. The spouses were born four children: two sons and two daughters. About the life and fate of Maria Antoinette removed not one dozen films. For the first time, the Queen of France was played by actress Norm Shirer in the melodrama of the American director Woodbridge Strong Van Dike, published on the screens in 1938.

Maria Antoinetta- biography, photos, personal life, fate and film 16818_10

Movie Morgan, Zhev'evyeva Kazil and Karin Vanass tried in a charming and wrinkled Antooman in different years. In the drama "Maria-Antoinette" Sofia Koppol, the premiere of which took place in 2006, the Queen played Kirsten Dunst. After 6 years, the French-Spanish drama "Farewell, my queen" came out, in which Diana Kruger appeared in the image of the main character.

Not byte the attention of Maria Antoinette and writers. A book about the queen was written by Stefan Cweig. The heroine is mentioned in the novels of Alexander Duma, Alexey Tolstoy, Lyon Feikhthanger and Henry Heine.

Diana Kruger as Mary Antoinette

Mary Antoinette attribute the authorship of the phrase "if they don't have bread, let them eat cakes!". But historians and researchers argue that the history of the origin of the words confusing and the author of the phrase is another French queen - Maria Teresia. Maria-Antoinette really loved luxurious life and missed considerable amounts from the treasury, for which he received the nickname Madame deficit, but at the same time was famous for charity and sympathized with the poor.

Skipping and execution

After the overthrow of Louis XVI and the transition of power to the Convention, the royal family was sharpened in prison. After 5 months, the monarch was executed, and Maria Antoinette was transferred from Tampl to the Concierger Tower, which is on the island of Sita on Seine. The plans of royalists to save the sharpened Queen failed.

Maria Antoinette in court

The court over the 38-year-old queen took place in mid-October 1793. Maria Antoinette was accused of betraying the interests of France. Early in the morning of October 16, the sentence was convicted. The executioner collapsed Queen naked and sowed his hands behind his back. Before the execution of Maria Antoinette held with royal dignity. She climbed onto the scaffold itself and lay down the guillotine knife installed on the consent area.

The decapitated corpse of Maria Antoinette was thrown into the overall grave to the killed in the queen's wedding 23 years ago. In 1815, the remains of the executed were transferred to Saint-Denis Abbey in the north of Paris. The exact burial place in the cathedral is unknown.

In fashion

  • Nellier . Maria-Antoinette freed the ladies from narrow corsets and wide skirts that accounted for volumes to the size that did not fit in the carriage. The strict dress code was replaced by the style of negligee - domestic costumes from skirt, bodice and swing sweatshirts. Negliree includes the invented queen white muslin dress, reminding the night shirt.
  • Chokers . Wanting to look young, the queen was hiding places, giving out age. Hands - under the mitnesses, a blush was applied to the cheeks, and the flabby neck was hidden behind the chocers - satin ribbons, embroidered patterns and stones.
  • Men's suits . The Queen, who came to the hunt in Camcole and Chutats, introduced men's suits and jackets-phraki. Girls put man's hats.
Maria Antoinette in a men's hunting suit
  • Muli. . Maria-Antoinette introduced a heel shoes so high that he could only restrain on the fall on a cane. Later, the shoes have survived the transformation and turned into Muli - elegant slippers on a low heel with a wash, barely closed fingers.
  • Abundant Decor and Accessories . Their - Ryush, Ruffle, garlands of flowers, bows - There were so many gates on dresses that fragile women seemed even graceful.
  • Floral Print . Patterns in the form of flowers, bouquets, plant ornaments - invention of Maria Antoinette. The characters of the drawing on female dresses changed, but the floral print entered the fashion forever.

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