Taras Shevchenko - biography, photo, personal life, news, poems and books



Most people reading artworks, rarely think about the fate of the author. And in vain, because sometimes the biography of the writer, the poet or prose is capable of eclipping with epic and dramaticness (or comicness) of his work. A vivid example of such an approval - Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko.

Childhood and youth

A future poet was born and artist on February 25, 1814. It happened this event in the village of Morinets, located in the Kiev province.

Taras's parents are a simple fortress peasants at the nephew of Prince Potemkin, Senator Vasily Engelhardta. Grigory Ivanovich Shevchenko, father of the boy, often did not have a house due to the fact that Chumakov - he took to sell Pansk Wheat to the city like Kiev and Odessa. Taras's mother, Katerina Yakimovna Boyko, days work on Pan Fields. That is why grandfather and elder sister Catherine were engaged in the education of the future poet.

In 1816, the Shevchenko family moves to Kirillovka - the village, which years will be called in honor of the poet. In Kirillovka, Taras spends his childhood and meets the first love Oksana Kovalenko.

House Gregory Ivanovich and Katerina Yakimovna. Figure Taras Shevchenko

In 1823, due to elevated loads, Katerina Yakimovna dies. In the same year, the father of Taras marries the second time in the widow Oksana Tereshchenko and she moves into the house of Shevchenko with three children. Magic immediately did not believe the Taras, so the boy was looking for protection from his older sister, and after the death of his father in 1825 he decides to completely leave the house.

From 1826 to 1829, Taras vigorizes and worries where only you can. The first place of serious work becomes the parish school of Deca Paul Ruban. It is in her Shevchenko gets acquainted with the foundations of reading and writing. The next place of work becomes the community of Dakov-Iconisters - they have Taras recognize the foundations of drawing. In addition to such a work, Shevchenko occurs sometimes the mouth of the sheep, collect the harvest and help the old men with firewood for the furnace.

In 1829 it is arranged as a servant to the new landowner - Pavel Vasilyevich Engelgardt. The first time works as a cook, and then becomes a personal assistant Sofia Grigorievna Engelhardt, who teaches Taras French. In his free time, the boy continues to draw.

Once Sofia Engelhardt saw these drawings and immediately showed her husband. He appreciated the talent of the boy, figured out that he could have a good personal painter from him and sent Taras to Vilen University. The boy's mentor is becoming popular portrait of Yang Rustem.

Self-portrait Taras Shevchenko

After a year and a half, Engelgardt sends Shevchenko to St. Petersburg - to expand the horizons and training from the masters. In 1831, under the leadership of Vasily Shiryaeva Taras take part in the painting of the Bolshoi Theater.

Five years later, in the summer garden there is a sign for Shevchenko. An event - an acquaintance with the countryman teacher Ivan Soshenko, who removes Taras to the light, introducing the poet Vasily Zhukovsky, an artist Carl Bullov and one of the leaders of the Imperial Academy of Arts Vasily Grigorovich. They sympathize with the young man and recognize his artistic talent, so everyone is trying to help solve the issue with the redemption of Taras from Engelhardt.

But the landowner does not want to just let go of Shevchenko, because he has already invested the guinea in this. Negotiations are delayed for a long time and already begins to seem that the ransom is impossible, but in the head of Sushenko comes a brilliant idea. The essence of the idea is to arrange a lottery in which the portrait of Zhukovsky will be played, written by Bryullov. The winner gets a portrait, and all the revenue money will go to the redemption of Shevchenko.

The lottery was held in Anichkov Palace. To organize this event helped Count Mikhail Velgur. Wishing to win the portrait got quite a lot, everything was reversed 2500 rubles. All this amount was transferred to Engelhardt on April 22, 1838. Shevchenko was no longer serf. The first decision becomes admission to the Academy of Arts.

"I live, I study, I do not bow anyone and I'm not afraid of anyone, except for God - great happiness to be a free person: you do what you want, and no one will stop you," Shevchenko writes about those times in his diary.


The period from the moment of admission to the Imperial Academy of Arts and before the arrest in 1847 is the most prolific for Shevchenko in the literary plan. In 1840, a cult compilation of his poetic works "Kobzar", which, during the lifetime of the poet, is not once reprinted. In 1842, Taras publishes its historical and heroic poem "Gaidamaki."

Next year Shevchenko decides to go on a journey across Ukraine to see the old familiar and find inspiration for new creativity. His muses of those times become Anna Zakrevskaya and Varvara Repnin-Volkonskaya - the first was the wife of the landowner who had a Taras, and the second was prince. After this trip, Shevchenko wrote a poem "Poplar" and the poems "Katerina" and "Yeretik".

At the homeland, the works of the poet met quite warmly, but the reaction of metropolitan critics was completely opposite - they condemned the poetry Shevchenko for provincial simplicity (all works were written in Ukrainian).

Picture of Taras Shevchenko

In 1845, Taras leaves again to Ukraine to work in Pereyaslav (now Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky) at the old familiar doctor Andrei Kozachekovsky. By unconfirmed information, the poet traveled to fix his health. In favor of this theory, the "testament" of Shevchenko written is written in that year. In the same year, his poems "Motnitz" and "Caucasus" come out.

After Kozachekovsky, Taras is arranged by the artist of the Archaeographic Commission, rightbey in Pereyaslavl. His main task at that time - making sketches of archaeological and historical monuments of the city (Pokrovsky Cathedral, Stone Cross of St. Boris and Other).

In 1846, the poet moves to Kiev, where he invited another longtime familiar - a historian and publicist Nikolai Kostomarov. Kostomarov will recruit Shevchenko to the newly formed Kirillo-Methodius fraternity. The poet does not immediately understand that it turns out to be drawn into a secret political organization. Awareness comes when arrests of the Company participants begin.

To prove the direct attachment of Taras to the fraternity, but the insanity of the third branch of his own imperial Majesty of the Office of the Prince Alexei Orlov is a verse of Shevchenko "Sleep", in which he sees the ridiculation of the government regime and calling to the rebellion. As a punishment on May 30, 1847, the poet is sent to a separate Orenburg building to fulfill the recruitment service. Shevchenko is also forbidden to write and draw, which becomes a serious blow for Shevchenko.

Lifting photo of Taras Shevchenko

Poet Zhukovsky, Count Alexey Tolstoy and Princess Varvara Repnina-Volkonskaya are trying to help Taras. The only thing they manage to achieve is the permission of Taras to write letters. In a letter, the Kozacchkovsky Shevchenko sent a verse "Lyakh" ("Poles"), written about the people who serve with him from Poland.

Return to artistic activities, albeit for a while, is possible during the expedition to the Aral Sea (1848-1849). General Vladimir Afanasyevich Obruchev secretly permits to make Shevchenko drawings of the Aral coast (for a report on the expedition). But someone learns about this and reports leadership. As a result, the general receives a serious reprimand, and Shevchenko is sent to a new place, which the military Novopetrovsk fortification is becoming (now the city of Fort Shevchenko in Kazakhstan).

There is also a ban on drawing, so Taras tries to sculpt from clay and take pictures of the photo (Dagerrotypes). With the clay did not work out, and the photography at that time was too expensive. Shevchenko again begins to write, but this time prosaic works in Russian - "Artist", "Gemini" and others. The exclusion is the verse "Khokhli" (1851).

In 1857, after the next petition of Count Fyodor Petrovich, the Tolstoy Poet was released to the will - Emperor Alexander II cancels the punishment appointed by his father Nikolai I.

Personal life

Coming out for freedom, Shevchenko thinks about creating a family. The first attempt to marry is the proposal, which in writing the poet provided Catherine Piunova. Before that, the poet promoted this young actress of the theater and hoped that she would agree, but I was mistaken. About the second attempt is almost nothing unknown, except that the girl was called Harita and she was fortified.

The third Bride Shevchenko was also fortified. The name was Her Lucker Polidakov. The poet has invested a lot of money in her education, filmed the girl an apartment, bought food, clothes and books. Taras wanted to buy her away from the landlord, but he refused this idea after found her in the bedroom with one of the tutors. More Taras Shevchenko did not think about the marriage, instead, he again hitting the work, the result of which became the "South-Russian letter" - the first of the textbooks planned to him.

Luchery Polidakova and Varvara Repnina-Volkonskaya

Returning to the Poet's personal life, it is also worth mentioning his earlier novels. The first love of the poet was the girl from the village of Kirillovka Oksana Kovalenko. In the forties, the mistresses of the poet were Anna Zagrevskaya (it was devoted to her "if we met again") and Varvara Repnina-Volkonskaya.

Agata Uskov

In the years of service in Novopetrovsk strengthening, Shevchenko secretly met with Agata Uskovoova, who was the wife of a local commandant. There is information about other poet novels, but there is no reliable confirmation.


The poet died in St. Petersburg, where he was primary buried. It happened in 1861, the day after the birthday of Taras Grigorievich. The cause of death - ascites (abdominal watering). It is believed that the fault of this disease was the excessive use of alcoholic beverages, to which the poet was addicted in young years. It is saying that it was he who organized the Club "Uroye course", whose members were drowned and started mental conversations about life, and at the end of the rulky chose "His Allbinity".

Monument to Taras Shevchenko in Odessa

The first place of burial of the poet was the Smolensk Orthodox Cemetery, but later reburied on the blue grief, according to a new testament. In memory of the poet, many settlements were renamed, the street with his name and the monument to the poet is practically in every location in Ukraine. His name is even a small crater on Mercury.


  • 1838 - "Katerina"
  • 1839 - "To the basic"
  • 1840 - "Kobzar"
  • 1842 - "Gaidamaki"
  • 1845 - "Duma"
  • 1845 - "Testament"
  • 1845 - "Motnitz"
  • 1847 - "Lyakh"
  • 1851 - "Khokhli"
  • 1855 - "Gemini"
  • 1856 - "Artist"
  • 1860 - "South Russian"

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