Evgeny Schwartz - biography, photo, personal life, fairy tales, books



Today, the problem of choosing young people of its future profession is relevant. Often due to the lack of plans for the future, talents, hobbies or because of ignorance of predisposition, graduates of schools come to the nearest university, the university, in which parents send, or at the same university, which are their friends. So after 5 years of sitting the pants on couples to go work not in the specialty.

Evgeny Schwartz

But is it really bad? After all, there are examples in world history when he studed in one specialty, a person sought significant results on another field. Take, for example, Evgeny Schwartz ...

Childhood and youth

The future Soviet writer and playwright was born on October 9, 1896. It happened in Kazan. Parents of a small zhenium were doctors: Father Lion Borisovich - Surgeon, and Mary Fedorovna's mother - midwife. According to the father's line, the boy had Jewish roots, from which he renounced aged seven, after baptism in the Orthodox Church.

Evgeny Schwartz in childhood

After the arrest of Lion Borisovich in 1898, on suspicion of secret revolutionary activities, the family was subjected to persecution, because of which the Schwarz had to move from one place to another.

Having been in Dmitrov, Armavir, in Ryazan (at the parents of Mary Fedorovna) and Akhtyri, the family stopped in Maykop (now the capital of the Republic of Adygea), where the childhood and youth of Zhenya took place. In 1902, Valentine's younger brother was born in 1902.

Evgeny Schwartz in childhood

After school, the boy enters the local school. Having graduated from him in 1913, Eugene goes to the Moscow People's University named after Alfons Leonovich Shanyalavsky (now - the Russian State Humanitarian University).

According to the instruction of parents, the Faculty of Law enters, it is later translated to the Jurfak of the Moscow State University named after Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov. At this time, his family moves to Ekaterinodar (now - Krasnodar).

Evgeny Schwartz in his youth

The autumn appeal of 1916 enters the service to the army, and in the spring of next year he was sent from Tsaritsyno (now - Volgograd) back to Moscow to study in a military school. In the same year, the title of Juncker receives first, and after - ensign.

In 1918 he came to his relatives in Ekaterinodar, where later led to the voluntary army. It participated in its first Kuban campaign under the leadership of Lieutenant General Viktor Leonidovich Pokrovsky, and also held the defense of Ekaterinodar in March of the same year. It was contused that a light tremor of her hands left as a reminder, heavily in recent years due to strong unrest.

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After recovery in the Military Hospital, Eugene was demobilized. It does not want to work in the specialty Schwartz, so it goes to the Rostov University, in parallel working with the "Theatrical Workshop", on the actress of which marries in 1920.

So having increasingly, in 1921, Schwartz, together with his wife and theatrical troupe, moves to Petrograd (St. Petersburg). Evgeny continues to play episodic roles in productions. In order for what to live is, it is arranged to work first in the bookstore, and after - the personal literary secretary of Kornea Chukovsky.


Writing independently, Schwartz starts only two years later. Under the pseudonym, Grandfather Shed publishes Fakeno in the All-Russian Kochegar. In the summer of the same year, the publisher sends it to Bakhmut to pass internship in the publishing house of the literary application to the "Kochegarka" - the newspapers "Zaboy".

Returning to Petrograd, Eugene writes and publishes its first children's work "Story of the Old Balayaki" (the July number of Almanach "Sparrow" for 1924). This story notes Samuel Marshak and in 1924 invites a writer to work in the children's office of "Gosizdata" as editor. Writers who had a chance to collaborate with Schwarz at this time, found themselves about this experience, arguing that Evgeny Lvovich did important comments and gave valuable advice.

Writer Evgeny Schwartz

At the same time, someone from young writers suggests Schwartz to enter the literary community Oberai, who collaborating with children's magazines like "Chizh" and "Hedgehog". Evgeny Lvovich publishes his stories, fairy tales, as well as some poems.

In 1928, he writes his first play, which "Underwood" calls. A year later, she is already put by the Leningrad Theater of the Young Spectator. In the same year, the writer his only child is born - Natasha's daughter. When the girl marks two months, Evgeny leaves the family to marry again.

Books Evgenia Schwartz

From 1930 and before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Schwartz works very fruitful. In 1931 he writes a script for the film "Commercial 717". Next year publishes the "trifles". In 1934, one of the princess and swine's play, the "naked king" and "treasure", and the script for the film "Wake up the Lenochka" are written. In addition, in 1934, Schwartz becomes a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR. 1936 - Piece "Red Cap" and scripts "Lenochka and grapes" and "on vacation".

Next year, a fairy tale "New Cat's Adventures in Boots" appears in the journal. In 1939, Schwartz writes the play "Snow Queen", in 1966 they will put a film, and a "puppet city". The following year, Evgeny Lvovich adds the play "Shadow", which became the second part of the trilogy of the pies-pamphlets, which also includes the "Naked King" (1934) and "Dragon" (1942-1943). In 1971 and 1991, the shadow-shadow simply appear. In 1940, the father of the writer dies.

Evgeny Schwartz at the rehearsal

The last pre-war works of Schwartz become a "tale of a lost time", "two brothers" and the anti-fascist play-pamphlet "near Lipami Berlin." During the war, the author remains in a blockade Leningrad, working in the radio center. In 1941, he was evacuated in Kirov, where it is arranged to work at the local theater. In 1942, after evacuated Leningrad Tyuz, she moved to Stalinabad (now - Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan). ;

There, Evgeny Lvovich writes the plays of the "distant edge" and "one night" dedicated to evacuated children and defenders of Leningrad, respectively. In the same 1942 he dies his mother. Two years later, the writer moves to Moscow, where the "Dragon" plays and renews cooperation with directors of theater and cinema. In 1945, the cartoon "Winter Tale", filmed by his script, and the fairy tale "Scattered Wizard" is printed.

Evgeny Schwartz with young readers

In 1947, a cult film "Cinderella", shot on the Schwartz plays of the same name. The main roles in this film are performed by Janina Jaimo, Vasily Mercuryev, Faina Ranevskaya, Erast Garin and Alexey Konsovsky. FilmNotovka had a success in his homeland, and abroad. In 1948 there is a story of Schwartz "First-grader", which has become the basis for the film of the same name.

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In 1953, Stalin dies, who in the thirties forbade publishing the works of Schwartz. Thanks to the efforts of Olga Bergolts, this ban is removed. The first author's compilations arrive in the circulation.

In 1956, the writer receives the title of Cavaller the Order of the Labor Red Banner (before that, Schwartz was awarded medals "for the defense of Leningrad" and "For Valiant Labor in the Second World War"). At the same time, he finishes work on the most famous "ordinary miracle". A year later, the screen version of the "Don Quixote" play.

Evgeny Schwartz and Olga Berggolts

We could be seen on the basis of works by Evgeny Schwartz in the Moscow and Leningrad theaters of the young spectator, in St. Petersburg theater of comedies, in the Moscow Academic Mower Theater, in the Moscow State Actre Theater, in the theaters "Contemporary" and "Free Theater", in St. Petersburg theater "Rain "And Moscow Drama Theater named after Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky. The screening of the works of the author went both during his lifetime and after the death of Schwartz. In 1989, "Diaries" of the Writer were published.

Personal life

Evgeny Lvovich was married twice. The first wife became the actress Gayane Kholodova (1898-1983). Schwartz got acquainted with her during work in the Rostov "Theater Workshop." They got married in 1920.

Evgeny Schwartz and Gayane Cold

A year later, the couple moved to Petrograd, where in 1929 they are born daughter Natalia. In the same year, Schwartz throws a family to marry another woman. For Gayane, it becomes a real surprise.

Evgeny Schwartz with his daughter and grandchildren

The second wife of Yevgeny Schwartz becomes Ekaterina Ivanovna Obukh (1902-1988). With her, the writer meets at one of the creative evenings of 1927, arranged in a friend's friend on Obera. In order to marry Schwartz, Catherine also leaves the family.

Catherine Obukh, the second wife Evgeny Schwartz

With Catherine Ivanovna Evgeny, Lvovich lives to death, but it is happy to call this marriage, Schwartz about and without jealous of his wife, which had a negative impact on his health.


The writer and the playwright died on January 15, 1958. The official reason is a heart attack that has been a consequence of heart failure, which tormented Schwartz in recent years of life.

Last photo and grave Evgeny Schwarz

He was buried in Leningrad at the Bogoslav cemetery.


  • 1924 - "Story of the old balalaika"
  • 1928 - "Underwood"
  • 1931 - "Commercial 717"
  • 1932 - "Void"
  • 1934 - "Princess and Svinas"
  • 1934 - "Naked King"
  • 1936 - "on vacation"
  • 1938 - "Dr. Aibolit"
  • 1940 - "Shadow"
  • 1940 - "Tale of the Lost Time"
  • 1943 - "Dragon"
  • 1947 - "Cinderella"
  • 1956 - "Ordinary Miracle"
  • 1957 - "Don Quixote"

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