Yuri Dwell - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Youtyub Channel, Interview, Wife, Editions, Children 2021



Another American Thomas Edison noted that the present success will achieve a 99% of sweat to 1% of inspiration. This statement is ideal for characterizing the life path and career Yuri Dudia.

Childhood and youth

An observer and blogger was born on October 11, 1986. It happened in the city of Postdam, which at that time was part of Eastern Germany. Boy's parents were Ukrainians by nationality. Do not pseudonym, but the real name of the blogger. Immediately after birth, his father and mother returned to their homeland. "I am a purebred Ukrainian," says about this: however, it immediately adds that salads and mayonnaise salads do not like, prefers healthy food.

When Yuri was 4 years old, his family moved again, this time in Moscow. The boy entered the usual metropolitan school number 1246. In the elementary grades, he was fond of football and even thought about the professional career of the goalkeeper. But because of health problems (Yuri diagnosed bronchial asthma) from this idea had to refuse.

In 1997, the boy decided to write a sports note, which, to his surprise, was published in the "Youth Gazeta". This event inspired Yuri, and he began to send his articles and in other periodic publications, mostly sports.

In 1999, the young man received his first fee and entered the practice of the newspaper publishing house "Today." A year later, Yuri has already been listed by a freelance officer of the news "Izvestia". In 2002, the Dwell was officially enrolled in the state of the newspaper. After 2 years, he visited the Summer Olympic Games as a reporter, which took place in Greece, and in a year he was working as a sports observer at the World Cup.

After school, the talented guy entered Moscow State University named after Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov at the Faculty of Journalism, which graduated in 2008. Later, the Dory will say that higher education (at least for journalists) is a formality. According to Yuri, the most useful skill obtained from training in Moscow State University is knowledge of a foreign language.


Even a year before the graduation guy, it was settled to work as a editorial board "prosiphent" magazine. The real takeoff of the career of the sports browser began in 2011. This year, Yuri first became an employee of the sports department "NTV-Plus", then led the program at the Moscow information radio station "City-FM", and after the TV appeared. The first television project Duda was the transfer of "Hand Head" on the channel "Russia-2". "This program is not about football, but about life," said the leading at the beginning of each issue.

In 2013, the last release of the program was released. Until 2015, Yuri collaborated with different sports media as an independent journalist. Then I tried myself as leading events, and he managed. The list of companies with whom Yuri collaborated, the giants like the manufacturer of the Scotch Whiskey "William Lawsons", Quiksilver, which creates fashionable accessories, clothing and shoes, and Hugo Boss, Nike and Adidas.

In 2015, the Doodle returned to the TV screens to start moving the "Cult Tour" transmission, broadcast on the "Match TV". In January 2017, the canal lost the sponsor, and the project was closed. Today, Journalist activity of Yuri is concentrated on the sports portal Sports.ru, since 2018 he moved to the post of publication deputy director.


After the closure of the program "Cult Tura", the Dory decided to start a new stage of the creative biography, having mastered the video hosting of Youtube. The task of a new project, which Yuri calls in honor of himself - "Awet," is to exhaust the skills of interviewing people who are not related to the world of sports. The first release of the transfer comes out in February 2017. As a guest of the Premier Roller, Raper Vasily Vakulentko Aka Basta was invited.

Yuri Dory and Egor Cre

The following releases appeared musicians L`One, Sergey Shnurov, Ivan Dorn, Noize MC, Guf, Max Fadeev, Way from Casta, Malikov, scriptonite, Jah Khalib and purulent. Also, among the guests you could see politicians Alexey Navalny, Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Mikhail Khodorkovsky, directories Ilya Nasuchuller, Yuri Bykov and Alexander Rodnansky, TV and Internet figures Garik Martirosyan, Sobolev, Ivan Urgant and Zhenya Badcomedian`a.

He himself did not expect the show "shoot", but when he was asked about the reasons for success, he replied:

"Interview is an abundance of emotions, facts and everything else. Previously, the audience "Yutyuba" thought it was the maximum duty ritual genre. Therefore, for local viewers, this is at least unusual. "

Before the appearance of sponsors in the face of Aviasales (and later, Yuri shot releases at his own expense, and the team of the show, in which the colleague on the "cult tour" Artem Nechaev helped almost free.

According to open sources, one video costs are 20 thousand rubles., The amount goes for rental equipment, the fare of the film crew and the operation of the editor, the operator and the mount member. Despite the love of discussion of other people's income (such a question, Yuri asks almost all guests), he does not reveal how much earns. According to the Russian Research Agency for bloggers, revenues of the revenue on one single promotes in 2017 amounted to at least 17.6 million rubles. And then they grew from year to year.

Over time, Yuri's show got a branded style, among whom he will accept Jingle from the Bread Party Rap Group, which is a fragment of a song, simple graphics, as well as questions about Putin, Oxymon and money. "It's not customary to speak about money in Russia, so I'm wondering," says Yuri.

These "chips" served as the basis of numerous memes and parodies, about anything do not regret anything, rather, even on the contrary. Nevertheless, if before Yuri got a choice - to stay at the post of chief editor of Sports.ru or finally move to the Yutiub-Channel "Awet", he would prefer to stay on the sports portal.

In 2016, the journalist received the GQ Award in the nomination "Face from the TV", in the year, in 2017, - "face from the screen." Also in 2016, he helped move grandmother from Ukraine to Russia and to receive citizenship. In the spring of 2017, Vasi Oblomov was lit up in video.

On September 9, 2017, the blogger received the "Golden button" YouTube. The photo and the post about this event of the blife posted on its pages in Twitter and Instagram.

In 2019, Yuri was seriously spoken by the author of the "Haipov" documentaries. In September, he posted a new job "Beslan. Remember ", created in collaboration with Alexander Golovna. In it, he criticized the behavior of the authorities to resolve the conflict and suggested that the School Sturm provoked deliberately. Many of the journalist colleagues, especially the state-owned staff, rigidly criticized his versatility for his statements, calling the video to blasphemous, and the author himself - the hypocriser and Highipozhor.

Also in 2019, the film "Kolyma is the birthplace of our fear". Yuri, together with the team, drove the entire route "Kolyma" and recorded a series of interviews with local residents to remind the subscribers of young age on the horrors of Stalinist repression. At the end of the year, Friend, together with Anton, Maznikov (Antona from Magadan) went on a trip to Europe.

Alexey Shcherbakov became the first guest of 2020, Alexey Shcherbakov became the show, Standap-show "What was next?". Earlier, Alexander Dolgopolov, Egor Crem and Nastya Ivelev visited the journalist.

In February, he laid out a 2-hour educational film "HIV in Russia - an epidemic, about which they do not say", which in a matter of hours scored millions of views. In it, the journalistly accessedly spoke about the prevention of the disease, the peculiarities of its flow and the problems of discrimination of HIV-infected people in modern Russian society.

Not only Internet users, but also representatives of power recognized useful and relevant film. In the State Dube, the Deputy Chairman of the Health Committee of Fedot Tumuseov even invited colleagues to the collective view, and Alexey Kudrin promised to check and improve the conditions for providing help with AIDS with AIDS and HIV-infected people.

Personal life

About the personal life of Yuri prefers not to speak. According to the information that leaning on the network, it is known that the family of Yuri consists of Olga's wife (Maiden name - Boneva), the son of Danilles and daughter Alena. It was the children who served as a tattoo with their names appeared on the hands of Yuri.

Downtime dreams that when children grow up, he will be able to drive to Ibiza with them or concerts of favorite performers, but still does it in the company of his wife, which is also present on the set of some VIDEO YURI.

In his free time, the blogger looks at Comedy Slub and hockey, listening "cockroaches" and goldfingers, is chosen in the gym or ski resort. Sometimes she chases football comrades. He jokes that with his data it would be better to do basketball (a height of a recess - 195 cm with a weight of 86 kg).

Drug Propaganda Case

At the end of 2020, Yuri took an interview with Alisher Morgensher. After some time, an administrative case was instituted - the organization called the League of Safe Internet appealed to law enforcement agencies, since he revealed in conversation of young people signs of drug propaganda.

Similar charges were presented to blog and in connection with the release of the show with IVANGEM. Conducted linguistic examinations confirmed - in two interviews, indeed, the propaganda of prohibited substances was traced.

By the way, one of the interviewers, Morgenstern, in the summer of 2021, has already become a defendant of an administrative case. As a result of the investigation, it was found that in the clips on the composition Family and Pink Wine - 2, the artist also promotes the use of narcotic drugs. Then the artist was supposed to pay 100 thousand rubles.

Dudu in the above charges threatened to 1.5 million rubles a fine.

Yuri Doza now

Despite close attention to the activities of Yuri because of the accusations, it did not prevent him from continuing to work on the Youtyub Channel. Visiting a blogger for the first half of 2021, we managed to visit as well-known personalities, such as the leader of the Animal group Jazz Alexander Krasovitsky and Tima Belarusian, and the teams who had not yet earn the world glory.

By the way, the latter refers to the "circle". The essence of this project was reduced to teach the guys from the unclosed points of the country the basics of programming, architecture and even music. And at the same time, such an action was completely free for pupils. Yuri called to visit representatives of the organization "Circle" to pay attention to the next time - in view of the introduced law on educational activities, such noble initiatives are prohibited.


  • 2011-2013 - "Head head"
  • 2015-2017 - "Cult Tour"
  • February 2017 - "Thorough"
  • 2017 - "Sergey Bodrov - Chief Russian superhero"
  • 2018 - "Oleg Tabakov: how he brought up free people"
  • 2019 - "Beslan. Remember "
  • 2019 - "Kolyma - the birthplace of our fear"

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