Tatyana Sudets - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, TV presenter 2021



Familiar to millions of TV presenter's voice that I lost the quarter century Soviet children. The guys sent to the embrace of Morpheus after watching the transfer of "good night, kids!", Called her "Aunt Tanya." Smiling, friendly Tatyana Sudetz became his native in every home, because her programs watched everything.

Childhood and youth

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Tatyana Aleksandrovna Sudetz (Maiden name - Buranzheva) is a radical Muscovite. Born in the summer of 1947 in the family of accountant of the Carriage Plant Evgeny Anatolevna and the working hot shop of Alexander Buransev. Later, the head of the family served in the Committee of State Security. He died, having reached the title of captain, in the mid-1980s.

In 5 years, Tanya almost died due to the fact that her dress was caught fire. She received serious burns in childhood who occupied 75% of the body. Doctors predicted a fatal outcome, but the mother literally pulled her daughter from the time and did not give her to become disabled.

Parents brought up Tanya in accordance with the requirements of the time - girls in those years decorated modesty. But just with these quality, the schoolgirl was not distinguished: the teachers complained that she was fighting with classmates and hooliganite. In the courtyard of Tatiana, too, "built" neighboring boys and did not correspond to the mother's wishes to be quiet. Examing and threats Evgenia Anatolyevna managed to achieve that the girl did not start the fight first.

Later, Tatyana Sudetz told reporters that childhood taught her to defend the rights and give passages. And not to be afraid to be the center of attention, not to happen. These qualities were useful on television, when Tatyana Aleksandrovna became a speaker. Since childhood, she dreamed of becoming an artist, but the father with his mother did not notice the necessary deposit in the daughter. Perhaps so the path of the tele-player on the screen was stretched for years.

Tatyana after the 8th grade entered the radio mechanical technical school, and then became a student of the energy university and received the formation of a radio engineer. A young specialist had a decent at that time salary - 130 rubles, but the dream of becoming an artist did not disappear. Having heard from acquaintances about the vacancy of the television speaker, she, without hesitation, went on samples. Applicants turned out to be about a thousand, but the solar smile Muscovite conquered members of the Commission. So in 1972 the television biography of Tatiana Aleksandrovna began.

Personal life

In the personal life of the announcer there was a lot of losses and pain, but she was able to preserve optimism and faith in the best. The first husband of Tatiana Buranseva became an employee of the Research Institute of Anatoly Gushin, with whom the TV presenter met in his youth. She lived with him for 7 years and gave birth to the son of Andrei. The 18-year-old student was married for the grunger, but not in love, but in the retaliation of the guy who she liked, but did not meet reciprocity. She could not live with an unloved man, so she filed a divorce and moved with a little son to a communal apartment.

A year later, in 1978, at the festival in Mongolia Tatiana met a military translator. In the same year, Vladimir Sudets, the son of Marshal Aviation, offered a smiling beauty to marry. Together, the family lived in a communal service until the parents of her husband gave an apartment. The spouses were born daughter Daria, but the children did not grow marriage - in 1985, the couple broke out due to the treason of Vladimir. The surname of her husband Tatyana Alexandrovna left: TV presenter, whose career went into growth, the audience knew as a courts.

In 1988, a woman married for the third time. Her husband was the scout - Colonel KGB Mikhail Miroshnikov. Flowing from stress, he increasingly abused alcohol. When Tatiana realized that the situation would not be able to turn the situation, chose to part with him. Soon the former spouse died.

A terrible test fell into a share: in 1992, a 24-year-old son was killed, which robbers killed. His body was discovered a month later in the village of Sharapova Hunt, which is under Serpukhov. It turned out that the cause of the death of a guy - pain shock. The robbers beat themselves very much and dismissed Andrei, and then buried into the rubble.

In 2019, Tatyana Alexandrovna told Tatyana Alexandrovna, as Son's Son. She not only appealed to law enforcement agencies, but also went to fortune tellers and psychics. One of the clairvoyants said that he sees how Andrei rides somewhere on the train, but not returns back. The announcer also remembered that in his childhood she was told that the curse was lying on her race - all men in the family dies.

The TV host noted that the whole pain kept in herself. I went to work with a smile as if nothing had happened. Therefore, no one could imagine how it was bad.

After some time, the killers of the son of Tatiana Sudetz found. They received 15 years in prison. Mother, daughter and work helped the tragedy.

At the end of 2006, the Sudets became Grandma - Daria gave birth to the firstborn Kirill. After 4 years, the granddaughter of Anna appeared.

On January 1, 2013, the artist fell into a car accident in Moscow. On his Nissan Quashqai, she crashed into Mercedes on the Big Krasnocholm Bridge. None of the participants in the accident received serious injuries. Tatyana Sudets refused to undergo a medical examination on the content of alcohol, which was deprived of the driver's license.

In December 2017, the TV presenter visited the Soviet evening "in the circle of friends", organized by the Russian Foundation of Mercy and Health. At the festival there were figures of art and culture, politicians, businessmen, patterns. Tatyana Alexandrovna accompanied the young man. The actress presented it to those present: "Meet, it is Nikolai Shrobokih, he is a leading and director of many programs. Kohl, by the way, graduated from our institute. After all, I still teach at the Department of Scenic Speech at the Moscow Institute of Culture. "

TV presenter and her companion did not leave each other all evening. Many began to suspect that they are associated with closer relations than just between the teacher and the student.

In August 2017, the announcer celebrated the anniversary - she turned 70 years old. Tatyana Alexandrovna congratulated fans, students and colleagues, who appreciate the star of the Soviet screen for optimism and sense of humor.

Teachers of Sudets calls the legends of the Soviet television Nina Kondratov, Anna Shilov and Igor Kirillov. And the words of George Millar "The costume will face!" Steel for her with a life principle: Whatever happens, you need to keep yourself in shape.


The first esters were upset by the Sudets: the starting TV presenter did not recognize himself in the frame, but it was late to retreat. Muscovite took the Central Television Dictational Department. Tatyana led the "time" news program, cognitive programs "skillful hands" and "more good goods." But the popularity to her came after the first issues with the favorite millions of Soviet children "Good night, kids!".

After her warm smile, children, and parents fell asleep with a warm smile. Soon the trial entrusted to lead the popular music TV show "Song of the Year" and "Blue Spark", which were collected from the screens of Soviet music lovers. In the 1970s, a well-known TV presenter appeared on the TV screens in the transmissions "Our address - Soviet Union", "Moscow and Muscovites", "Toys".

On the TV channel "Star", the announcer led the mental transmission "Women's Fates", and on the "seven" appeared in the program "Sport. Health history. " But the longest project in which the TV presenter was delayed for 25 years, turned out to be a kind children's transfer "Good night, kids!".

Worked Tatiana Aleksandrovna and in the country of the rising sun. TV presenter taught Japan residents to Russian. But after 5 years, the country that was immersed in restructuring, the services of the Sudets and hundreds of her colleagues were not needed. After the dismissal and collapse of the Soviet Union, Tatiana Alexandrovna settled on cable television.

A smile, voice, charm and tele-star experience turned out to be popular with young people seeking to be on the other side of the screen. Taking future television drivers in the Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting, Tatiana Aleksandrovna remains cheerful, infecting young colleagues with youthful immedia. In 2000, the televiser assigned the title of deserved artist of the Russian Federation.

At the beginning of the zero tricks gave fans a solo musical album. She dreamed about the career of the singer in childhood, but the parents, having counted the profession of strange, they dissuaded the daughter to enter the music school. In the 1980s, the artist to some extent realized the dream, speaking the lead at the "Song of the Year" festival.

In 2012, Tatiana Alexandrovna was chosen by the President of the Interregional Public Foundation "Russian Tradition". She teaches at the First National Television School and leads the course at the Moscow State University of Culture. On the children's educational television channel "Joy My", the Sudets led the program "Competent stories", and from the 2014th on the first channel there is a talk show "Your Business".

In winter, 2013, the audience saw her favorite lead in the "Perfect Repair" program. Before this, the televisar participated in the game "Cube" game, but the winnings of half a million rubles escaped from her. The woman dreamed of spending this amount to repair the old communal apartment in which her mother lived. Before that, Tatyana Alexandrovna lived along with his daughter and two grandchildren in a three-bedroom apartment.

At the request of Dmitry Kharatyan, the producers of the project "Perfect repair" responded and turned the communal housing into a comfortable space for an artist, finding a place for dozens of stars concert costumes and equipping a children's corner.

In 2015, Tatiana Alexandrovna visited the program "Alone with all". The announcer told that he feels not on her age, but for 29 years. She shared with the TV viewers, which professionally "chases on the car," builds a cottage, arranges incendiary parties.

In the same year, she became a guest of the transfer of "my hero". The artist remembered the time when she worked in the transfer of "good night, kids!", And told some characters with her pet.

At the end of 2019, the Sudets became the heroine of the show "My True". She frankly told about his tragedy - the death of his son.

Tatyana Sudets now

In June 2020, TV presenters were able to see it on the screen again. Tatyana Sudets starred in the transmission "when all at home." She discussed many burning topics with the leading topics, including his marriage of "foolishness" and the death of the Son.

In an interview with Tatiana Alexandrovna also criticizes the aimless and empty, as it seems to her, the life of modern youth. But only good about his relatives:

"I am recharged from my younger grandson Danka. You look at him - the sunshine! Dandelion I call him. "

Now "Aunt Tanya" is a pensioner who takes care of his family. In August 2020, she noted the 73rd birthday. The period of self-insulation TV presenter conducted at the cottage in the suburbs.

In September of the same year, it became known what size the pension from the TV presenter - Sudetz receives 25 thousand rubles. In addition, it has a surcharge of 30 thousand rubles. For the title "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation".

Fans could see the TV presenter in September at the concert of Andrei Norkin "Another format". Tatyana Alexandrovna pleased the public with hooligan anecdotes and funny songs.


  • "Time"
  • "Blue light"
  • "Skillful hands"
  • "More good goods"
  • "Our address is the Soviet Union"
  • "Song of the year"
  • "Moscow and Muscovites"
  • "Toys"
  • "Women's Fate"
  • "Sport. Health Stories »
  • "Good night, children!"

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