Semyon Strugachev - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Semyon Strugachev is an eminent actor of the theater and cinema, the owner of honorable cinematographic awards, People's Artist of Russia. I was remembered by the avid kinomanam on the role of Leva Solovychik from the comedy film "Features of the National Hunting".

Childhood and youth

Semyon Strugachev was born on December 10, 1957 in the Khabarovsk Territory, in the village of Urban Type, Smidovich, in the Jewish Autonomous Region. The future actor of the theater and the movie was brought up by Mom, because his father Mikhail Strugashvili left his wife and four children. It is known that in the veins Seeds Mikhailovich flows Georgian and Jewish blood. A peculiar appearance of the actor allowed him to reincarnate on the scene of the theater and cinema in foreigners - French, Italians, and a variety of marquises.

Actor Semen Strugachev

The incomplete family moved to Birobidzhan, where Strugachev lived until 17 years of age. The boy grew up in the boarding school, because the mother barely reduced the ends with the ends and could not provide their children. Despite the fact that the childhood of the Seeds Mikhailovich was poor, and the boy did not know what to have a complete chest of toys, the actor still remembers that happy time with warmth in the shower. When Semen was small, he wanted to crumble his father, so he dreamed of being better than everyone and learn to one five. But on the first day at school, the boy received the four.

"We cried, shouted, I had the most real hysterical! After all, I did not restrain the promise, and this beat off every desire to learn, "the artist recognized in one of the interviews.

It is known that the artistic talent began to manifest themselves at the young man since childhood: being in a school bench, Semyon Mikhailovich participated in educational amateur and surprised the listeners with their songs, for which he received the nickname Birobidzhan Nightingale. The boy tried to imitate the voice of the Italian singer Robertino Loretti, and perhaps Strugachev would achieve recognition and glory not in cinema, but on stage, but fate made its own adjustments.

Semyon Strugachev in childhood

The fact is that in the transitional age, the voice of the seeds, like all the boys, began to break, because of which he could not please the music lovers by ringing tenor, therefore Birobidzhansky nightingale went to the fly. When the guy was 16 years old, he began to serve as a folk theater, on the stage of which the creative biography of Semen Mikhailovich began.

Semyon Strugachev in youth

He played in the classic stage of the comedy play Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky "His people - to tear." It is known that having received a certificate of secondary education, the young man continued his studies, his choice fell on the Far Eastern Pedagogical Institute of Art, which he graduated in 1979 and became a graduate specialist.


Of course, during the service in the theater, Semyon Mikhailovich showed himself as a diverse artist who is perfectly given comedy roles: it stands in Strugachev to appear on the theater stage, as a hall consisting of sophisticated ladies and the Lord, literally breaks away from laughter. And it is not surprising, because Semyon Mikhailovich considers such matres of the humorous genre, like Charlie Chaplin, Louis De Füne, Pierre Richar, Evgeny Leonov, Igor Ilinsky and other actors.

Semyon Strugachev in the play

In the Primorsky Regional Academic Theater. Gorky Strugachev Semen Mikhailovich served since 1980, it was there that his artistic talent was manifested. For the first time, Semen Mikhailovich, Semyon Mikhailovich, spoke in the play of Kama Ginkas "Unusual Adventures T. S. and G. F.", where he not only had the audience to colic in his stomach, but also pleased the sophisticated public game on musical instruments.

Semyon Strugachev in the theater

Also, the actor served in the Kuibyshev Drama Theater, performed at the Lensovet Theater Snapshots, played in the Mayakovsky Theater and worked in multiple entrepreneurs. It is noteworthy that Semyon Strugachev was awarded the prize of spectator sympathy for execution of the role of a colorful character Mu de Zhovon in the play "Frederick, or Crime Boulevard".


Very often, artists who realized their creative potential on the stage of the theater, move to the cinema to expand their acting horizons and try themselves in the new role. Semyon Mikhailovich Strugachev is not an exception, on the air service list of this talented person more than 50 remarkable filmmakers.

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For the first time in front of the directories, Strugachev spoke in the Dram Andrei Black "Austrian Field", which was published in 1991. A year later, Semyon Strugachev fulfilled the role in the film "We are going to America" ​​(1992), and later appeared in the "Secret of winemaking" (1994). In 1995, the actor participated in the tape "Time Sorrow has not yet come," where she worked on one film closure with Peter Mamonov, Mikhail Svetin and Valery receptional.

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But the actor received real glory only after played by Alexander Rogozhkin "Features of the National Hunting" in the film, which included Ville Hapasalo, Alexey Buldakov, Victor Bullkov, Sergey Kupriyanov, Igor Sergeev and other cinema stars. The comedy tells the viewer about the Finnish adventurerist of Rivo, located in the Russian outback and want to learn about the life of the Russian people.

Therefore, a foreigner persuades his friend to introduce him to the national hunt, however, instead of the promised fun Nizhvarod, a young man meets a traditional forty-portus drink and gets involved in endless adventures. In this tape, which, thanks to the game of actors, earned the Honorary Award "Nika" (1996), Semyon Strugachev reincarnated in the left of the Solovychik - an extravagant employee of the criminal event from St. Petersburg.

Semyon Strugachev as the role of the Soloveichik

The role went to Semen Mikhailovich almost immediately, because, on the idea of ​​the director, this character had to be a long nose. It is noteworthy that for the same reason the role could go to Alexander Lykov, which during the filming of the "National Hunting features" was busy in another project. Levy Solovychik's character became a stringachev business card.

"I often come to the Rogozhkin and say:" Von Bychkova made a "cuckoo", Kuzmich's debunk. " And I'm going left all my life. As Morgunov with Vicin passed (Nikulina is more lucky). Or as Demyanenko - all his life was a simple shurik, "said Semen Mikhailovich in an interview.

The new century began for the actor with the continuation of the comedy's participants of the comedy "Features of the national hunting in the winter" (2000), and after three years, Semyon Mikhailovich again reincarnated in the Lena Solovychik, playing in the film "Features of National Policy" (2003).

In 2004, Strugachev, together with Dmitry Nagiyev, Yuri Galtsev, Alexander Tsecalo, Klara Novikova and other actors took part in the shooting of the comedy series "Caution, assholes! Or the adventure of the ensign ", and in 2005 played in the screening of the immortal work of Mikhail Bulgakov" Master and Margarita ".

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Director Vladimir Bortko Gave Strugachev's role of student Yeshua ha Noesri - Levi Matthew. Semen Mikhailovich was fortunate enough to work on one film clock with such actors as Alexander Galibin, Oleg Basilashvili, Vladislav Galkin, Kirill Lavrov, Sergey Bezrukov, Valentin Gaft and other famous cinema figures.

In the same 2005, Semyon Mikhailovich appeared in the comedy Vitaly Muhametzyanov "Hello, we are your roof!", Where Mikhail Polikamaco also played, Andrei Fedortsov, Bari Alibasov, Yuri Aisenshpis and Yevgeny Buldakov.

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Static actor (the growth of Seeds Mikhailovich - 182 cm) continues to demonstrate its singing talent. In the film "Features of national treated fishing, or a gap in full" (2007) Semen Mikhailovich performed the song "Man and Cat", which acquired unprecedented popular among users of the network.

Among other things, Semen Mikhailovich Sign Signators in the pictures "Answer Me" (2008), "About Love" (2009), "Revenge - Art" (2010), "Demon and hell" (2010), "Crossmaster" (2012), "Order on one" (2012) "Day of Dodo" (2012), "Chkalov" (serial, 2012), "Odnoklassniki.RU: NClicky luck" (2012), "Sherlock Holmes" (serial, 2013), etc. .

Personal life

In the life of Semyon Strugachev, the same cheerful and charismatic man, like on the screen, he often gives friends and close positive mood.

Semyon Strugachev in 2017

The actor is not deprived of a sense of humor, for example, he told the correspondent in an interview as he introduced himself as he learned his woman (who could not remember the name of the artist) Alexander Abdulov. It is also known that the comedian can play on eight musical instruments and even writes music to performances.

Semyon Strugachev and his family

In his free time, Semyon Mikhailovich loves the active rest and do not mind to play football. As for the amournal relationship, hearing, Strugachev was married three times. The final chief of the artist became a woman named Tatiana, who is also not near creativity. It is known that the spouses are brought up by Eugene's daughter.

Semen Strugachev now

In 2016, Semyon Strugachev performed a major role in the short film Polina Belyaeva "can be asked to Nina?", Telling about the Moscow official, who managed to get in 1942 by the phone call.


  • 1991 - "Austrian Field"
  • 1992 - "We are going to America"
  • 1994 - "Secret of winemaking"
  • 1995 - "Time of Sorrow has not yet come."
  • 1995 - "Features of the National Hunt"
  • 1996 - Operation "Happy New Year!"
  • 1998 - "Features of national fishing"
  • 2000 - "Features of the National Hunting in the Winter"
  • 2002 - "Killer Strength-2"
  • 2003 - "Features of the National Policy"
  • 2003 - "Do not make biscuits in a bad mood"
  • 2004-2006 - "Caution, asster!"
  • 2005 - "death of the empire"
  • 2005 - "Master and Margarita"
  • 2005 - "Hello, we are your roof!"
  • 2006 - "Professor in Law"
  • 2007 - "Features of national treated fishing, or a separation of complete"
  • 2010 - "Revenge - Art"
  • 2012 - "Odnoklassniki.RU: Click good luck"
  • 2013 - Sherlock Holmes
  • 2016 - "Can I ask Nina?"

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