Alexander Griboedov - biography, photos, personal life, books



How often do readers remember the author only one work? For example, Ken Kizi remembers the "flying over the nest of the cuckoo", Jerome of Sallinger - on "Above the Pie", Harper Lee - to "Kill Mockingbird", and Patrick Zuskinda - on the novel "Perfumer." Listed authors and works are foreign, so you can write everything off for the lack of translations. But how to be with domestic authors - with Alexander Griboedov, for example?

Childhood and youth

A future writer and diplomat in Moscow was born. In the textbooks on literature they write what happened in January 1785, but specialists doubt this - some facts from his biography are too surprising. There is an assumption that Alexander was born five years earlier, and the date in the document was written by another, because at the time of birth, his parents were not married, which was negatively perceived in those years.

Alexander Griboedov in childhood

By the way, in 1795, Alexander Griboedov was born Brother Paul, who, unfortunately, died in infant years. Most likely, it was his birth certificate who later served as a writer. Sasha was born in the noble family, which led the Pole of Yana Gzhibovsky who had moved to Russia. The surname of Griboyedova is the literal transfer of the surname Pole.

The boy grew curious, but at the same time power. The first education received at home, reading books - separate researchers suspect that this is due to the hidden date of birth. Sasha's teacher was popular in those years Encyclopedist Ivan Petrozalius.

Manor Alexander Griboedov

Despite the powerfulness, the hooligan tricks were found for Griboedov: once, during a visit to the Catholic Church, the boy executed the folk dance song "Kamarinskaya" on the body than the clergy and visitors of the church in shock. Later, already being a student of Moscow State University, Sasha will write a caustic parody called "Dmitry Dryanskaya", which will also put it in a disadvantage.

Even before studying at Moscow State University Griboedov entered the Moscow University Noble Pension in 1803. In 1806 enters the verbal branch of the Moscow State University, which ends in 2 years.

Parents Alexander Griboyedov

After Griboedov, decides to lean on two more offices - physico-mathematical and moral and political. Alexander receives the degree of candidate of science. He plans to continue learning and further, but plans for the Napoleonic invasion.

During the Patriotic War of 1812, the future writer joined the ranks of the Volunteer Moscow Gusar Regiment, who led the Count Peter Ivanovich Saltykov. Enrolled in the corps along with other immigrants from noble families - thick, golitsyn, Efimovsky and others.


In 1814, Griboedov begins to write his first serious works, which are the essay "On Cavalry Reserves" and the comedy "Young Spouses", which is a parody of French family dramas.

Next year, Alexander moves to St. Petersburg, where she finishes. In St. Petersburg, a novice writer meets the publicist and the publisher Nikolai Ivanovich, in whose literary magazine "Son of Fatherland" will later publish some of its works.

Alexander Griboedov in youth

In 1816, it becomes a member of the Masonic Lodge "United Friends", and in a year organizes his lies - "good", which will differ from classical Masonic organizations by emphasis on Russian culture. At the same time, the writer begins work on "grief from mind" - the first ideas and sketches appear.

In the summer of 1817, Griboedov enters the public service to the Foreign Affairs College, first as the provincial secretary, and later - as a translator. In the same year, Griboedov acquaintance with Alexander Pushkin and Wilhelm Kuhehelbecker.

Alexander Griboedov and Alexander Pushkin

With both, he will be sweeping and more than once cross in his short life. Even working as the provincial secretary, the writer writes and publishes the "Lubchki Theater", as well as the comedy "Student", "pretended infidelity" and "married bride". 1817 marked in the life of Griboedov and another event - the legendary quadruple duel, the reason for which the ballerina Avdotya Intimary (as always, Cherchez La Femme) was served.

However, if only Zavadovsky and Sheremetyev were shot in 1817, and Duel Griboyedov and Yakubovich took place in a year when the writer, refusing the place of the official of the Russian mission in America, became the secretary of the royal attorney Simon Mazarovich in Persia. On the way to the place of service, the writer conducted a diary in which she recorded his journey.

Alexander Griboedov and Alexander Yakubovich

In 1819, Griboedov completed the work on "Letter to the publisher from Tiflis" and the poem "Sorry, Fatherland". The autobiographical moments associated with the period of service in Persia will also appear in the "Story of Vagina" and "Ananur Quarantine". In the same year, he received the Order of Lion and the Sun of the first degree.

Work in Persia was not like the writer, so he even delighted his hand in 1821, because thanks to the injury, the writer was able to transfer to Georgia - closer to his homeland. In 1822, it becomes secretary in the diplomatic part under the general Alexei Petrovich Yermolaev. Then he writes and publishes the drama "1812", dedicated to the Patriotic War.

Monument to Alexander Griboedov

In 1823, he leaves the service for three years to return to their homeland and relax. Throughout these years, he lives in St. Petersburg, Moscow and in the estate of an old friend in the village of Dmitrovsky. Finishes work on the first edition of the comedy in the verses of "Mount from the mind", which is already gives to the review of the elderly Basinist Kryonov. Ivan Andreevich appreciated the work, but warned that censors would not miss.

In 1824, Griboedov writes the poem "David", Waterville "Cheating for a deception", sketch "Private events of St. Petersburg flood" and a critical article "and compose - lie, and translated - lie." The following year began working on the translation of the "Faust" Goethe, but managed to finish only the "Prologue in the theater". At the end of 1825, due to the need to return to the service was forced to refuse to travel to Europe, instead of going to the Caucasus.

Alexander Griboedov - biography, photos, personal life, books 16785_8

After participating in the expedition, General Alexey Alexandrovich Veljaminov writes the poem "Predators over Chegel". In 1826, he was arrested and sent to the capital on suspicion of the Decembrist activities, but after six months he was released on the will and restored to the service due to the lack of direct evidence. However, a surveillance for the writer was established.

In 1828, Griboedov took part in the signing of the Turkmanchai peace treaty. In the same year, he received the Order of St. Anne's second degree and married. More writer is not successful to write anything and publish, although in its plans there were many works, among which the research researchers particularly allocate tragedies about Vladimir Great and Vladimir Monomakh. According to them, Griboedov had a potential, not less than at Shakespeare.

Personal life

There is a theory that the Four Duel of 1817 took place due to the short intrigue of Griboyedov with a ballerina of intricate, but no facts proving this hypothesis. On August 22, 1828, the writer married the Georgian aristocrat of Nina Chavchavadze, which Alexander Sergeevich himself called Madonna Bartal Mulillo. Announced a couple in the Zion Cathedral located in Tiflis (now - Tbilisi).

Alexander Griboedov and Nina Chavchavadze

By the end of 1828, Alexander and Nina realized that she was awaited. That is why the writer insisted that the wife remains at home during his next Embassy Mission next year, from which he never returned. The news about the death of the husband was shocked by a young girl in shock. Premature birth happened, the child was born dead.


At the beginning of 1829, Griboedov was forced to go to the Embassy Mission to Fetch Ali Shahu in Tehran. January 30 on the building in which the embassy was temporarily posted, a numerous group of Muslim fanatics was attacked (more than a thousand people).

Tomb of Alexander Griboedov

Saving succeeded in just one person, according to a pure chance, it turned out in another building. Alexander Griboedov was discovered among the dead. His disfigured body was learned from the injury of the left hand, received during a duel with the corner Alexander Yakubovich in 1818.

Posthumously Griboedov was awarded the Order of Lion and the Sun of the Second Degree. I buried the writer, as he bequeathed - in Tiflis, on Mount Mtatsminda, located next to the Church of St. David.

Interesting Facts

  • Griboyedov's parents were distant relatives: Anastasia Fedorovna had to Sergey Ivanovich the current niece.
  • Sergey Ivanovich - Father Griboedov - was a notable gambler. It is believed that it was from him by inheritance a writer got a good memory, thanks to which he was able to become a polyglot. In his arsenal there were French, English, Italian, German, Arabic, Turkish, Georgian, Persian and ancient Greek, as well as Latin.
Portrait of Alexander Griboyedov
  • Sister Griboyedov - Maria Sergeyevna - was at one time a popular harp and pianist. The writer himself, by the way, is also well musted and even managed to write several piano plays.
  • Griboedov and some of his relatives artists were portrayed on the canvas. Writer's wife is the only one who was captured in the photo.


  • 1814 - "Young spouses"
  • 1814 - "About cavalry reserves"
  • 1817 - "Lumping Theater"
  • 1817 - "Pointed Infidelity"
  • 1819 - "Letter to the publisher from Tiflis"
  • 1819 - "Sorry, Fatherland"
  • 1822 - "1812"
  • 1823 - "David"
  • 1823 - "Who is the brother who sister"
  • 1824 - "Telephone"
  • 1824 - "And compose - lie, and translated - lie"
  • 1824 - "Woe from Wit"
  • 1825 - "Predators on Chegeme"

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