Sabina Mustayev - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Television project "Voice. Children ", where participants demonstrate to judges their vocal skills, are needed not only to entertainment purposes and raising the" First Channel "ratings to unprecedented heights. This show makes it possible to manifest themselves with young talents from ordinary families, which, thanks to their persistence and work, become new stars in the sky show business.

Sabina Mustayev in 2017

And Sabina Mustayev, whose songs struck music lovers, no exception. During participation in the Sabina's show, Sabina were like joys and failures, but this did not prevent a talented performer, whose song "Let's give the Ball of Earth Children" (previously performed by Sofia Rotaru) conquered the hearts of the listeners, become the winner of the project.


The future star was born on June 16, 2000 in Sunny Tashkent, which is rich in historical attractions and cultural institutions. Sabina grew in the average family together with the sisters of Amina and Yasminy, her mother Victoria and Father Ruslan, who is the first vice-president of the Gymnastics Federation of Uzbekistan, are far from creativity. According to the memories of Moms, the participants of the show, they with her husband except that they can sing in karaoke.

Sabina Mustayev in childhood

But the grandfather Sabina - Bulat Mustaev is close to high art, he is a professional saxophonist, pleasing listeners jazz. It was he who cleaned the little granddaughter's love for music, which over time only grew. One day, Grandfather allowed Sabin to speak with him on the same stage, so the girl heard the applause of the public at an early age.

Sabina Mustayev on stage

The creative biography of Sabina began at 11 years old. A talented girl participated in various musical contests and occupied the first places. In 2011, the young singer was awarded the Grand Prix on the song competition "Gifted children", held in Tashkent. In 2012, Sabina demonstrated skill at the Star Crimea Festival. A year later, Mustayev deserved the third place by participating in the "Children's New Wave" competition.

Show "Voice. Children"

"Voice. Children "is the adaptation of the Netherlands show The Voice Kids, in which young participants compete in the performance of songs, and the jury do not make a little contestants to overlook and try to evaluate their vocal skill in the most objectively. First of all, the participants of the show face the so-called blind listening when the judges are sitting to the back stage, without having the opportunity to see the artist.

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If the jury liked the vocal data of the boy or the girls, they press the special button and turn to the participants face. This means that the mentor is ready to take a young participant in his team for further competitions. Next go fights, song for departure and final.

Mom Sabina confessed in an interview that the girl became a member of the show "Voice. Children only with the second attempt. However, the beauty was not upset, because parents taught their daughter that in life there are both ups and falls, so all obstacles that met on the way should be taken decent. Having gathered at the show, Sabina took the bracelerts made with her grandmother as a talisman.

Sabina Mustayeva got into the second season of the TV project, which was started on February 13, 2015, and Dima Bilan, Pelagia and Music producer Maxim Fadeev were made to the role of mentors, thanks to which the Russian stage was lit by many stars, for example, Gluck'Oz, Linda, Elena Temnikov and Other performers.

Sabina performed the composition of Olga Kormukhina "Path" than surprised by members of the jury - everything was turned into a young gift. But Mustayev preferred Maxim Fadeev. After graduating from the qualifying round, fights began, but, unfortunately, the girl was so worried that many mistakes allowed, and the judges could not close their eyes. Therefore, Maxim Fadeev had to say goodbye to a talented participant, who after the failure left in his native Tashkent.

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However, shortly before the final producers show "Voice. Children "decided to make an exclusion from the rules and held another qualifying round, differing from the standard: now the fate of the contestants did not solve mentors, but the viewers. Thanks to the additional stage for the right to show his talent in the final, Sabina Mustayev, Said Muhamedia and Elena Malevskaya. Since the girl acquired a millionth army of fans, she looked without difficulty in the next stage of the competition.

On April 17, 2015, a final competition took place. Sabina performed the song of the American rock band Aerosmith - "Crazy" ("Crazy"), conquering music lovers with a range of two and a half octaves. For a girl who became the winner, 45% of the viewers voted. When journalists asked Mustayev, that she would spend a cash gain, she answered without hesitation - for charity.

Mom svitsy confessed that after the victory in the "voice. Children "Sabina acquired popularity: every day she received dozens of comments on their official page in" Instagram ", and enthusiastic fans often ask the cherished autograph in the young star.

Personal life

In the life of Sabina Mustayev - the same cheerful man as used to see it on TVs. In the free from school sessions, the girl is not averse to plunge into classical literature. Favorite writer singer is the author of the adventure novels Jules Verne. It is known that, despite the tight schedule and classes in a music school, Sabina - an excellent study. The participant of the TV project was used to please the parents of the "fives" in the diary.

Sabina Mustayev

Among other things, the young singer knows how to play musical instruments, dance and loves animals, she loves to watch the transfers of our smaller brothers. Victoria Mustayev admitted that such Sabina programs can watch clocks for hours. On the weekend Mustayev rides on roller skates and spends his time with friends on the street or in the cinema.

Sabina Mustayev now

In 2016, Sabina spoke at the concert of Raymond Pauls, where he performed the song "You - Wind".

"Thank you, Raymond Woldemarovich, for invited to such an important concert. Thanks to every organizer, musician, the viewer for presented emotions. It was at this concert that I finally understood what music is, "Sabina shared on his page in" Instagram ".

In 2017, Mustayev is studying at school and intends to fulfill his long-standing dream - to enter the prestigious Music College Berkeley in Boston. Also a gifted girl is not averse to sing with Ani Lorak and Beyonce.

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