Alexander Samoilov - biography, personal life, cause of death, photos, movies, actor



Alexander Vladimirovich Samoilov, Son of the People's Artist of the USSR Vladimir Yakovlevich Samoilova, was a wonderful actor of the theater and cinema. The actor filmography is dozens of paintings and TV shows. Together with theatrical works, the number of Samoilov's reincublings on the set and theatrical layouts exceeded hundred.

In 1997, Alexander Samoylov was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation for High Professionalism.

Childhood and youth

Frontovik Vladimir Samoilov met love in his native Odessa in the summer of the post-war 1945. Behind the beauty-sophisticated theater school, a somewhat cavalier was hoped by Lyashenko, but the girlfriend "took away" the girl from everyone.

At the stage of the Russian Drama Theater in Odessa, the parents of Alexander Samoilov made the first steps in his career, being students. To move to Kemerovo spouses made the weak health of Vladimir Yakovlevich - doctors recommended Siberian air.

On the stage of the Kemerovo Drama Theater, Nadezhda Samoilova went out to the last day of pregnancy, so the firstborn Alexander "played" together with Mom in the "Brothers of the Karamazov" before the moment of birth at the end of October 1952, under the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio.

The first 6 years of life Alexander Samoilov passed in the room of theatrical hostel in Kemerovo. In 1958, the family moved to Gorky, to the theater, leading in the rating of provincial scenes of the country.

Up to 10 years old, the teenager did not deliver trouble to the parents: brought five and fours, avoided the fight. But he himself was broken repeatedly: Sleepy Clarigar-intellectual hooligans regularly chose money, and when I was trying to escape merciless. Father-Frontovika didn't like such a state of affairs, and when instead of pity, Sasha heard that the dad was ashamed for him, learned to give delivery.

When Alexander Samoyov turned 14, the parents regretfully remembered a nice boy. Studying in the list of priorities, the teenager dropped to the lower lines, and the first to occupy football, girls, Music "Beatles" and "Rolling Stones". The guy annoyed teachers of the hairstyle A la "Beatles", regular lessons and low performance

Alexander Samoilov in his youth in the film

Father, coming home after a visit to school, with the words "I will show you Rio de Janeiro!" He took the Son Snow White Pants, stepped on one side of one pant, and pulled out for another with all his strength. Alexander Pope handed the ruble and sent to the hairdresser.

The lesson of the discipline Yoy Samoylov learned, but it was too late. Soon parents called in the Moscow Theater named after V. Mayakovsky. But the characteristic issued to Sasha in bitter allowed the guy to continue studying only at school for "difficult" adolescents - he was not taken to "decent".

In the capital, Alexander Samoilov mastered faster than parents. He earned money to Farthanovka, exchanging the aliens of the October asterisks on cigarettes and chewing. "Deficity" sold high school students and students.

In the graduation class, Alexander Samoilov "Laugh" to study: after the army, it was going to become a pilot. In the military registration and enlistment office, the guy "landed", discovering progressive myopia. To do somewhere, except for the flight school, Sasha was not going, therefore he continued to earn earned. In order not to be kicked out of Moscow for Tuneshi, 4 years worked "where he fell." Worried Lifter and Sanitar in Morga, was the illuminator at the Mosfilm studio, with a brigade of former prisoners soap gold in Siberia.


The cinematic biography of Alexander Samoilova began unexpectedly. Father approved on the main role in the drama Vyacheslav Nikiforov "Kingworn", but the shooting stalled because of the unsuccessful searches for the downturn for the kingfisher in his youth. The director and screenwriter, seeing Samoilov-younger, offered him a role. Samples on the photo and film chamber even more convinced the director in the correctness of its choice. So Alexander fell on the set. For the role of the partisan, I had to sacrifice long hair.

The premiere of military drama took place in the metropolitan cinema "October". The debut of a young artist was successful. Alexander Samoilov first felt the taste of glory, but did not go to theatrical university and develop an acting career was not going. In 1973, a 21-year-old guy was removed to become a diplomat, but meeting with the son of Maya Menglet - Alexei - Cool changed plans. Together, young people entered Gitis and got into the workshop Andrei Goncharov.

In his student years, Alexander Samoilov starred in the films "Romance about Lovers", "Son of the Chairman" and "Side". The graduate artist was accepted in the V. Mayakovsky theater troupe. On this scene, Samoilov played key roles in the play "Life of Klima Selfim", "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County", "Lizard". In the Drama Theater named after A. Ostrovsky, the actor appeared on the stage in the "without guilt" and "Master and Margarita".

Alexandransamlov in the film

In 1994, Samoilov was invited to work at the Academic Theater named after M. Gorky, where he played the roles in the play "White Guard", "Vassa Zheleznova", "at the bottom". Fame came to the artist after the appearance on the screen. Alexander Samoilov in Tandem with Natalia Varley starred in the melodrama "Today or never".

In 1980, a detective "Sicilian Protection" was released on the screens, in which the main roles went to Nikolai Volkov-younger, Alexander Abdulov and Alexander Samoylov. Another vivid role was played in the 1980s in the historical and revolutionary film of the Odessa film studio "Fight at the Crossroads".

In the 2000s, the audience saw the actor in the TV shows in the screens in a huge amount. Samoilov starred in the role of a second plan in a detective project "Women's Logic", where Alisa Freindlich played the Russian Miss Marple. In the TV series "Two Fates", Alexander Vladimirovich reincarnated in a businessman Boris Butusov. The tape scored high ratings, and the producers continued to be for another 2 seasons in which the artist appeared again as Bukusov.

Negative role actor played no less convincing than positive. And if the buds in the "two fate" turned out to be a real villain, the role of Lieutenant Colonel Nefedov in the 4-serial military drama "On the nameless height" forced the audience to empathize with Samoilov's hero.

The premiere of the painting took place on the central TV channels of Russia on May 9, 2004. Samoilov Jr. fall asleep with suggestions. He appears in the series "At the corner, in the Patriarch", 8th season of "soldiers", criminal projects "Trail" and "Volkova Hour".

Alexander Samoilov in the film

In the Criminal TV series "Znakhar", the artist reincarnated in the investigator Vladimir Mukhu. According to the plot, the main character is a successful doctor, in a false prison. As it turns out, the closest people are involved in his arrest. To expose traitors, the hero is solved on the change in appearance by plastic surgery. The main role in the series was played by two actors - Armands Neilands-Yaunzec and Yuri Baturin.

In the TV series "Wolf Messing: Alexander Samoilov played Dormidont, and in the dramatic tape" Tukhachevsky. Conspiracy Marshal "convincingly reincarnated into the seeds of Budenny. In 2014, the audience saw an artist in the Russian-Kazakhstan adventure thriller "Fugitives" in the star company Petra Fedorov, Elizabeth Boyarskaya and Maxim Vitorgan.

In 2017, the artist appeared in the piercing melodrama "Portrait of the Second Wife", where Lisa Arzamasov, Kirill Grebenshchikov, Anatoly White and Lyubov Tolkalina starred.

In 2018, with the participation of Alexander Samoilov, the shooting of the 2nd season of the series "Balabol" was completed, where the artist appeared in the form of the father of the main character of Sanya Balabin (Konstantin Yushkevich). In the summer, a large adventure project "Scythia" came out, in which Alexander Vladimirovich got the role of Trojan. Alexey Faddeev, Alexander Kuznetsov, Yuri Turailo, were also occupied in the film.

Personal life

To gain happiness in personal life, the actor managed with the third attempt. Love in Natalia Varley ended in disappointment: the actress chose the self-samoil. Soon Alexander met another Natalia, Philologist. A son has a son, but the child did not save the family: scandals alternated with reconciliation. The wife had a lover.

Once, when the husband returned home "Handle", the wife caused a psychiatric brigade, demanding that her and her son fenced from a violent spouse. Alexander Samoilova, according to him, "stuck in the most terrible of Moscow psychiatrics."

In the center of mental health, where the parents managed to take a son, a professor was examined and stated that Alexander was absolutely healthy. Samoilov's houses were not waiting: the wife wore a child from another man.

The second spouse - theatrical details - Ironically, the name was also called Natalia. One after another was born girls Nadia and Light. Soon, Nadi diagnosed heart disease. Operation in England, which Mikhail Ulyanov helped to collect money, did not help: the baby died. The tragedy disconnected spouses, they broke up.

Daughter Svetlana Samoilova went in the footsteps of the Father and became an actress. She starred from the director Valeria Gai Germanica, native aunt. The third spouse, who gave Alexander Samoylov warmly, home comfort and strong rear, became the actress of the regional theater Irina Averin. She gave birth to her husband three children - the sons of Vladimir, Konstantin and Arkady.

In an interview to the question about the continuation of the acting dynasty, Alexander Samoilov answered negatively. Sasha's eldest son studied at Schukinsky School and Lartmika, but never connected with the theater or movie his life. Daughter devotes all the time to the family, and the youngest sons are passionate about the dancing.

Not without scandals. In September 2018, the Fitness Instructor Christina Yudicheva, which reported that he brought up a small son of Plato, born from Alexander Samoilov, was performed on the ether of the program "In fact". The girl appeared in the transmission with the hope of obtaining material compensation from the father of the child in the form of alimony.

The actor refused to admit the boy with his son. In the studio was his spouse Irina, who opened the curtain of secrets over some of the facts of family life. At the end of the TV show, the results of the examination were made public, which did not confirm the role of the artist with Child Christina.


December 9, 2020 Alexander Samoilova did not. The actor died at the age of 68. The cause of death has become a long disease.


  • 1972 - "Meadows"
  • 1974 - "Romance about lovers"
  • 1976 - "Son of the Chairman"
  • 1978 - "Today or never"
  • 1980 - "Sicilian Protection"
  • 1982 - "Fight at the Crossroads"
  • 2002 - "Women's Logic"
  • 2003 - "Two Fate"
  • 2004 - "On Unnamed Height"
  • 2004 - "At the corner, in the Patriarch 4"
  • 2007 - "Volkova Hour"
  • 2009 - "Wolf Messing: Seeking through time"
  • 2010 - "Tukhachevsky. Conspiracy Marshal "
  • 2014 - "Fugitives"
  • 2017 - "Portrait of the Second Wife"
  • 2018 - "Scyth
  • 2019 - "Balabol-3"
  • 2020 - "Balabol-4"
  • 2020 - "Wolf"

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