Alice Yarovskaya - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Alisa Yarovskaya - the leader of the rating of the most seductive speakers of Russian television is called red-haired festing with the sun inside. Bright and booty, it became famous as a model, TV presenter and film actress. Sometimes Alisa is called the second stage pseudonym - Alina Great, from which it follows that the TV star has ambitious plans for the future.

Childhood and youth

Alina Yarovikova - so it sounds the real name of the Teediva - a radical Muscovite. Alina carefully hides the age, but for fans and prurd journalists to hack the cache of the biography turned out to be a simple. Yarovikova was born on December 7, 1980. According to the horoscope Alice Yarovskaya - Sagittarius. There are no information about the family of the Teediva. Who is parents, whether brothers and sisters are unknown.

TV presenter Alice Yarovskaya

Having received a maturity certificate in the metropolitan school, Alice Yarovskaya became a student prestigious MSU, choosing the Faculty of Linguistics. After graduating from the university, the girl spent fluently in English and French and could boast the basic knowledge of Italian. Behind Yarovskaya - graduate school: Alice defended her thesis by choosing the evolution of the appeal system from the French.

Alice Yarovskaya

After leaving the Walls of Moscow State University, the girl found the work of the referent translator in the metropolitan company, where she translated the notes of the navigations, the centers, the protocols of the chartered ships, led the loading diaries. Muscovite arranged wages, but not interesting and fascinating work. Therefore, Alina Yarovikov resigned and turned into Alisa Yarovskaya, changing the name, occupation and biography.

Journalism and television

Television has a magical property to turn a person that appears on the screen, in the star. Alice Yarovskaya knew about it. The career way of started on the cable channel of the Western District of the capital: the TV presenter discussed the topical problems of the residents of the Krylatsky district. The bright, memorable girl was noticed and invited managers of TVC television channel, offering work in a new project.

Alice Yarovskaya

Waving in a new place, Alice went on: tried the strength as a editor. Then the second bright pseudonym was born - Alina Great. Soon the red-haired asterisk led the secular chronicle on the TV channel "MTV".

The TV presenter went on the TV show on the TNT channel, where the TV show "Shopping therapy" led. On another TV channel - "TDK" - it appeared in the project with the intriguing name "Sexual Revolution". At the DTV Alisa Yarovskaya led the show "This Mad World". Not bypassed a teleclusion and work in the newsletter TV channel "Moscow region".

Alice Yarovskaya

Evidence of the creativity of Alice is the project "Trends" on the Canal "Moscow-24". Yarovskaya - author of the teleproject. While working on the Channel, beauty ranked first in the competition of the sexiest televisors of information gear.

Having learned about the victory, Muscovite did not hide joy, stating that she flattered a new status. Voices of viewers and male colleagues raised self-esteem of the journalist. Alice says that it became particularly pleasant to recognize because many beautiful colleagues appeared on the Russian television of the last decade. Healthy competition makes striving for improvement, follow the appearance, increase the professional level.

Alice Yarovskaya

This is the second victory in the beauty contest. Two years earlier, Alice Yarovskaya got into the top 100 conducted by the "FHM" magazine, the rating of beauties of the world, taking the 98th step. The weight of the journalist is 55 kilograms with an increase of 1.80 meters.

In 2012, Yarovskaya was invited to the RBC Business Channel, where they were entrusted to lead a news program. Soon the American company, producing audiobooks with the business training of famous businessmen and financial magnates, entrusted RBC to publish the Russian-speaking version of the collection of 100 lectures. Separate trainings invited TV presenters and public figures of Russia, whose hearing names.

Alice Yarovskaya on the RBC Channel

Alice Yarovskaya was offered to voice the trainings of the billionaire Donald Trump. Lectures of other Guru of the World Economy - Henry Ford, Dale Carnegie, Brian Tracy - Irina Khakamada, Vladimir Soloviev, Dmitry Dibrov voiced on the channel. As part of the project, Ksenia Sobchak and Vladimir Pozner appeared on the RBC screen.

In the execution of the Economic Observer of Alice, Yarovskoy two courses of the lectures of Trump ("how to become rich" and "the art of concluding transactions") at the audience. The project producers demanded from leading to submit complex information of lectures available to the ordinary language. Yarovskaya coped with the task brilliantly. The work of the journalist was satisfied with the Americans who demanded from Russian TV presenters an understanding of the subject, and not just the announcer talent.

Model Alice Yarovskaya

Tried an artist for power and movies. Yarovskaya starred in the films "Hello, I am your PAP!", "Love and other nonsense." In Sitkom, "happy together" and melodrama "Do not leave me, love" appeared in episodes. The beauty is known for a frank photo session in the magazine "Maxim", after the publication of which the male audience of the fans of Yarovskoy doubled.

Among the latest projects of the TV presenter - "Unreal Policy" on NTV. Alisa Yarovskaya in Tandem with Gleb Pavlovsky is disassembled around the stars bone, the will of fate in politics. Yarovskaya puts the tricky questions interviewed, Pavlovsky telesses the created image with caustic comments.

Alice Yarovskaya and Gleb Pavlovsky

Sometimes an interview ends scandalously, as happened to the wife of France President Nicolas Sarkozy in the spring of 2012. Alice asked Carlo Bruni about novels with Mick Jagger, Eric Clapton, Kevin Costner and Vincenne Peres, about which yellow tabloids had previously written. The first lady threw the microphone and left the shooting.

Alice Yarovskaya - man is dynamic and restless. Helds do not want to linger in a busy niche and work in one role. She shared that she dreams of "conducting serious programs that do not have an entertainment character." The purpose of Alice is that her name "is associated with a beautiful but strict girl."

Personal life

The first husband of Alice Yarovskaya was an entrepreneur older than twenty years old. But family life ended a couple of months before the birth of a child: the husband unexpectedly left a pregnant spouse, without explaining the reasons. The child appeared ahead of time, but fortunately, healthy. Alice girl called, as a doll's favorite doll - Sofia. Yarovskaya with the baby remained living in a three-bedroom apartment in the center of the capital, which the former spouse and the child left a businessman.

Alice Yarovskaya with daughter

For several years Alice Yarovskaya lived in a civil marriage with singer Vladimir Levukin. According to one version, the couple broke up because of the complexes of Levkina: Vladimir believed that it was not worthy of the stars. On the other, the artist fell in love with the fan and led it to the registry office, and not Alice.

Alisa Yarovskaya and Vladimir Levkin

The red-haired TV presenter remained alone. She is attributed to a dozen novels, but Yarovskaya does not comment on the gossip. She is happy in marriage with a man who respects the spouse and does not shy her freedom. The current elect Alice, apparently, the entrepreneur. Family travels a lot in the world.

Alice Yarovskaya and Mikhail Prokhorov

RBC Star and NTV attribute to Roman with Mikhail Prokhorov. Yarovskaya denies a romantic connection with the oligarch, indicating that RBC TV channel belongs to a businessman under construction. And the origin of exclusive jewels, which colleagues notice on the fair, Yarovskaya explains the generosity of friends.

Alice Yarovskaya now

TV presenter continues to appear on the screens in the Economic Block of News on RBC, commenting on resonant events. But Alice Yarovskaya for a long time is not just a speaker, but a star of tele-ester, an artist. She is invited to popular projects and shows as guest.

In mid-March 2017, Alice visited the "Montot" project, where he answered the questions of the leading, talked about the evolution of MTV, the difference in the scenic image of the musician and his biography.


  • "Shopping therapy" (TNT)
  • "Sexual Revolution" (TDK)
  • "This mad world" (DTV)
  • "News Program" (TC "Moscow region")
  • Trends (Moscow-24)
  • "Happy together"
  • "News Program" (RBC)
  • "Unreal Policy" (NTV)

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