Olga Beetle - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Olga Beetle - Russian TV presenter. Works on TV channels "TV Center" and "NTV".

October 20, the Russian TV presenter Olga Zhuk was born. The girl was among the diligent student, so the educational school was finished with a gold medal. Talented Olga entered the Faculty of Economics of the Moscow Pedagogical University, and after he received a diploma for education in the Higher National Television School.

TV presenter Olga Zhuk.

The career of the TV presenter of the beetle pushed the practice in the Committee of Public Relations of the Government of Moscow. The girl participated in organizing events, collaborated with media representatives. Then Olga realized that he had pleasure - to work on the other side, to be a reporter invited to holidays and important events.

The field of activity of the girl's parents does not apply to the sphere of journalism or television, so the confidence in such a daughter's career was minimal. The senior members of the Family Beetle did not believe that even such a smart girl, like Olga, will be able to break into the world, which is on the other side of the screen.

Olga Beetle on vacation

Moreover, parents opposed such an activity selection. But the case played his role here. For starters, Olga went to school television, as they taught a strong enough specialist. Master classes have completely passed the atmosphere of "direct inclusions". It looked like this: the correspondent is in the corridor, and the leading and studio in the audience. The master reviewed in Olga a promising leading and invited to television.

Journalism and television

The only possible way to get on TV screens was the employment to the World TV channel. The teacher from the school recommended that his disciples try to try the forces in the program "Business Moscow", which was broadcast on TVC. There were just looking for a man.

Olga Beetle on TVC

The teacher believed that education should help Olga cope with the nuances of the work. And not mistaken. The girl was taken to the program of economic news. TV presenter worked live, interviewed and left for shooting, met with representatives of the economic industry.

Career Olga did not end. Soon the beetle came to the casting. On the TV channel "NTV", they were summarized for the brand of Tishman in the "New Morning". A long-time girl's dream was work in the morning ether. According to the TV host, such programs are charged with energy, positive and cheerfulness.

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For Olga, the casting has become a kind of exam, an indicator of professional growth. Samples ended, and the beetle continued to go on a laughed path. But after three weeks a call rang. The interlocutor told Olga that the girl was invited to work.

To the question, whether it was scary like this to take and change the direction of work, the beetle answers that this is an incredible feeling. Fear did not give the TV presenter to immediately answer the long-awaited offer. Olga agreed after a couple of days.

Olga Beetle on NTV

For a long time, the beetle pleases every morning in residents of the country. But now in the list of projects of the girl appeared another program - "You're super! Dancing". This is a job in which there is little just a professional leading, it is important to be a psychologist and be able to find a common language with various ages, especially children.

Olga Zhuk in the program "You're super! Dancing"

During the year, Olga created a project on TVC. The girl called the brainchild "Fashion with Olga Beetle." The purpose of the program was to talk about salon procedures, options for economical care.

Personal life

Unlike career, the personal life of Olga Zhuk is not so successful. The girl is not in a relationship and admits that men simply shy to approach and meet. The TV host recalls the early periods of life when he often learned about lovers in her guys only after a while, from girlfriends or acquaintances.

In the performances of the TV presenter, her man is a strong and volitional, capable of taking complex decisions, the head of the family. Appearance for Olga does not play roles, but the girl will pay attention to the physical condition.

Olga Zhuk.

Weekend girl spends with benefit. The beetle is constantly getting acquainted with the new literature, including psychological. In love with Ronda Bern and Dale Carnegie. On the bedside table lies Tomik Omar Khayama. Do not forget Olga about the outputs: visits museums and goes into theaters. An incredible impression on the girl was the canvas Valentina Serov.

Constantly the beetle is honing culinary skills. If it leaves on nature, it prepares a kebab, and at home by corporate dishes Olga consider vegetable pilaf, salads and amazing mannicon. Inspiration TV presenter draws away from Mom, turns to colleagues, including Julia Vysotskaya.

Olga Zhuk in 2017

Girl's hobbies abound. As a child, a long time of the beetle was trained in dance circles. Olga performed with numbers under pop music and Latin melodies, but close modern destinations, including Hip-Hop, Streetjazz, R & B. Now the girl cannot pay attention to dance classes due to the lack of free time.

But to maintain the body in the form sometimes goes to sports clubs, where it hops the new PA. For relaxation and training uses swimming in the pool. Olga leaves the car and go to walk in Moscow. People argue that hiking is a waste of time, but for the beetle it is a vacation and unity with nature. During the day, the girl passes 15-18 kilometers.

Olga Beetle leads a healthy lifestyle

TV presenter admits that leads a healthy lifestyle. Alcohol eliminated from the diet, but turned on healthy food. Olga against smoking. Prefers to maintain physical form, avoids diets. The girl's life is filled with positive thoughts. Constant improvement and love of work makes a beetle with a happy man.

Olga Zhuk now

Currently, Olga Zhuk continues to cooperate with the TV channels "NTV" and "TV Center". The girl is invited to new projects offering professional growth and helping to get acquainted with interesting people, for example, in the New Morning program, where Peter Chernyshev and Anastasia Zavorotnyuk are part of Olga.

Olga Zhuk in 2017

The beetle is often invited to events as guests or leading. This is a new business scope for a girl, but if the number of invitations increases, it means that Olga's talent reviewed people far from television.

In the biography of Olga Beetle, there is no graph "Husband", but the TV presenter does not despair. The girl believes that each event occurs at a specific time. And personal life will suit when it is necessary. In the meantime, social networks, including "Instagram", die photos from events, meetings with friends.


  • "Fashion with Olga Beetle"
  • "Business Moscow"
  • "City News"
  • "New Morning"

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