Agafia Pshenitsyn - character history, plot, character, quotes


Character History

Roman "Oblomov", belonging to Peru Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharova, presents a reader of versatile actors. Women's images in the work - complete opposites. Olga Ilinskaya and Agafia Pshenitsyn - antipodes. Literary criticism noted by the vital position of Olga, the desire for self-improvement and continuous development. The inner beauty of the heroine in the work is opposed to the bureaucratic love of the house and the family of Agafei Wentycian.

Ivan Goncharov

Agafia has gained negative reviews of the contemporaries of the writer and the public, which later acquainted with the novel. Pshenitsyn is close to the main hero in spirit, but the audience sympathies have always been on the side of Ilinskaya. At the same time, the image of the second character is no less deep and multifaceted. Illusory happiness and love that sought to find Ilya Oblomov, overtake him in marriage with Agafey.

Biography and plot

Agafya Matveyevna Pshenitsyn - the widow of the official and the illegal spouse of the main character. Character characteristic begins with an external description. It was not over 30 years old. The figure was distinguished by the completeness and white leather. The face did not stand out for nothing remarkable: the eyebrows are not clear, the eyes are unatteractive, the expression does not display emotions. Only the hands of the woman gave her a tendency to work. Until the appearance of Oblomov, her life was monotonous and devoid of bright events. Housewife did not have formation, talents or interests. The main value was the house that it contained immaculately.

Ilya Oblomov and Agafya Pshenitsyn

Agafia fanatically led economic cases, realizing that the work will always be found. Her activity did not allow to miss and spend time back. The character of the heroine and selfless dedication to the ideals awakened in the broom of love. Having become an apartment, Ilya Ilyich demonstrated how it could influence the female nature. The tape did not become an obstacle to the new love story originated. Pshenitsyna was transformed. She didn't just become thoughtful, but also tried to please the beloved in every way. Oblomov's clothes have always been clean, the table is covered in accordance with his wishes, and at the moments of illness Ilya Agafya Matveyevna did not leave the bed of the patient.

Agafya Pshetitsyn near bed dying broom

The author wrote that with the advent of love in the life of Wheat, all the economy, as an organism, gained a new meaning of life. The specifics of the image of Agafia Wshetitian is that it turns out to be the only decisive and disinterested person among familiar Oblomov. The heroine is ready for the victims to help out her husband: lays the jewelry, takes away from the family of the late spouse, breaks connections with a brother who is trying to involve Oblomov in intrigue.

In the Union of Wheat and Oblomov, the Son is born. The boy does not look like other children of Agafa Matveyevna. He is not a place in the family and, understanding this, after the death of the Oblomov, a child is transmitted to rapidness.

Andrei Stolts.

Women's love did not need material reinforcements and did not require changes in the identity of Ilya Ilyich. He was the best man for her. The relationship between heroes was not built on fictional attachments, but on the conscious similarity of characters and worldview.

Goncharov, describing the heroine, represents a dual image. This is a nearby woman without ambitions and interests, the circle of communication is servants and merchants. Brown character, ready to live someone else's life in the absence of own ideals and ambitions. On the other hand, Pshenitsyna appears to the Savior in the situation in which the protagonist turned out to be. This is a quiet economic person, trying to hide illiteracy, believing a homemade woman who protects the peace of Oblomov. Caught for the victim, she gives up itself to all, showing natural femininity and gaining happiness from the possibility of being near a loved one.

Olga Ilinskaya and Agafia Pshenitsyn

Relations with Agafia Matveyevnaya become for Oblomov therapeutic balsam after the Communication Peripetics with Ilinskaya. He receives long-awaited peace and harmony. His idols and love contrary to nature and habits. Wheat character, depending on the perception of the main hero of the work by the reader, causes different feelings. Oblomov-lazy provokes the emergence of a negative image of Agafia, indulging its shortcomings. Intelligence brooms, not looking for movement and development, happy with Agafia. For a simple bureau of being, the wheat is a suitable passage.

A comparison of wheat and Ilinskaya shows that the first is a character showing Christian love. By asking the question, why it turned out to be closer for Olga closer, and quiet Agafya, it is easy to get an answer:

"A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush".

The essence of Oblomov felt in Nege and adoration of comfortable. The hero who is not capable of struggle, turned out to be located to a simple path of existence.


The role of Agafa Matveyevna in kinocartines performed diverse actors. In the 1965 tape of the same name, the role of the last love of Oblomov was performed by Tamara Aleshina. The main role in the career actresses was the character of the film "Heavenly Skin" - Masha Svetlova. The appearance of the performer has facilitated to the appointment. Director Alexander Belinsky made a bet on the dramatic talent of the artist of the theater scene, thanks to which the image turned out to be deep and reliable.

Tamara Aleshina

In 1966, the Italian film director Claudio Finno released a project called "Oblomov". The role of Agafei Wshetitsky went to Pin Chei. The artist is known for the execution of capital women's roles in projects in classical literature.

Actress Pina Chei

In 1972, the Soviet director of Oscar Remez and Galina Hopovov took up the shielding of the novel. The image of Agafia Wshetitzanov embodied Marina Kuznetsov.

Marina Kuznetsova as a wheat

The actresses that observed the name of the spouse of Oblomov were distinguished by pleasant, but typical features of the face. This corresponded to the description of the heroine in the novel. The subtle nuance of the director's plan emphasized the idea of ​​Goncharov that for Oblomov Wentitsyn was not a simple housewife. She was rather an angel keeper who had been responsible for someone else's life and well-being.

Interesting Facts

  • Agafya Pshenitsyn is not a random character in the novel. Its prototype performs an image invented by the author for the image of the mother of Oblomov. Avdota Matveyevna, like Agafya, has an old-circuit name and a similar patronymic. Believers and a kind woman personified taking care of his son and house.
  • Despite the desire to interpret wheat character as a negative, it is noteworthy that it is described in the traditions of Russian beauty. A complete woman storing a family hearth is a symbol of the fertility of the Russian Earth and everything that attracts Oblomov in their native country.
  • The system of images in the novel is curious: two opposing men and two women acquire happiness based on the similarity of characters. Formed intelligents find each other, guided by ambitions and aspirations. Their happiness seems taller and defective. At the same time, ordinary inaders acquire calm and harmony in the family, where respect for each other reigns.

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