Frank Grillo - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Filmography, Top, Actor 2021



Frank Grillo is a famous Hollywood film acter and producer who, having received education in the field of business, coolly changed his life, becoming a model and actor. Excellent physical form and emotional plastic faces allow him to play any role - from the criminal to superman.

Childhood and youth

Frank Anthony Grillo was born on June 8, 1965 in the largest city of USA - New York. About childhood and parents Actor did not tell in any interview. In essence, the biography of the artist is one solid white stain. It is only a reliably that in 1991, the Master of Reincarnation graduated from the New York College with a degree in business and worked on Wall Street, after which it was summed up in the model.

Before taking his niche on the cinematic chain, Frank has been filmed for two years in commercials of companies such as American Express and Sure Miller Genuine Draft. He was also a successful fitness model and in the late 1980s - early 1990s, repeatedly appeared on Men's Workout and Exercise & Health magazines.


The road to the world of Big Cinema Frank opened the role of Hart Jessapa, which he served since May 1996 to March 1999 in the popular soap opera "Guiding Light", which went into broadcast on the CBS channel. In 2002, the actor, together with Cameron Diaz, Jason Beitman and Christina Epplgate starred in the comedy Roger Clabla "Milashka".

The plot is based on the story of the Blonde, the frequenter of the Nightclubs of Christina Walters (Cameron Diaz), which one day decides to learn a good manner and know the science of civilized seduction of men. In the same year, Frank appeared in a fantastic thriller Stephen Spielberg "Special Opinion", filmed by the name of the name of Philip Kindred Dick.

In 2003, the artist replenished his cinematic piggy bank with roles in the American romantic comedy "April Care" and the TV shows "Las Vegas" and Karen Sisco. In the 13-serial dramatic detective ABC TV channel "Blind Justice", released in 2005, Grillo reincarnated in Marty Rousseau detective.

The artist embodied Nika Savrinna (1st season) in the popular ribbon "Escape". The plot is concentrated around 2 brothers, one of which is sentenced to the death penalty. In addition to Grillo, in the film directed by Socoyring Paul Soyring, the vectors Miller, Dominic Persell, Sarah Wayne Callis and Robin Tanni.

The main role went to Franku and in the TV series "Gate." Among the works of Grillo, it is worth noting the image of Daniel Sakapi in the soul of Horror "Mother's Day" and shooting in Warrior.

In 2011, the drama Joe Karnakhan "Fight" was released on large screens. In the tape, which tells the story of people who survived the aircraft crash in Alaska, the turnout wizard had the role of one of the surviving - John Diaz. In the film that completely paid for himself in the first weeks of rolled, in addition to Frank, Liam Nison, Dermot Mallunion and Nonso Anosi starred.

In September 2012, the Film Festival in Toronto took place the premiere of the criminal militant of the scenario and director David Eyer Patrol, in which Frank tried on the image of Sergeant Daniels. In the same year, Grillo appeared in Drama Henry Rubin "No Communication". In a picture consisting of individual stories of people who, with the help of modern communication technologies, try to establish a connection with each other, a designer of clothing Mark Jacobs starred.

In the criminal drama "Gangster hunters" (2013) Grillo, together with Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone embodied the world of criminal disassembly in the Los Angeles of the 40s. The story of the eternal opposition of gangsters, police and politicians is based on real events. The budget size of this beautiful costume ribbon in $ 60 million provides its place in the list of 1000 most expensive films, but the fees in the rental exceeded $ 100 million and justified costs.

A year later, the superhero fighter Rousseau Brothers "First Avenger was released on large screens. Another war "with Chris Evans, Anthony Maki and Sebastian Stan. Frank reincarnated in the Charzobones Marvel Comic Character (Brock Ramloou). The film received 28 nominations on various awards and won the categories "The best TV video with action" on the "Gold Trailer" and "Best Movie Actor Action" on People's Choice Awards.

In 2014, Grillo was replenished with Thriller-2-Night Thriller-2. He also got the role of the former MMA Alvi Skulina fighter in the "Kingdom" series. Alvi is a coach who suffers from alcohol addiction and wishes to be an authority in the world of mixed martial arts. Culina trains his sons, one of whom is recognized in unconventional sexual orientation, which leads to the tragedy. In an interview dedicated to this tape, the actor said that in Wednesday, the fighters did not come across open gays. They probably have, but the world of MMA, in his opinion, is not ready to be more open for LGBTQ people.

In 2015, fans could see their favorite in Horror Will Canon "Last rite." A film that begins 2 of the standard of the genre - a house with ghosts and the coming of the devil into the world of people, I liked the horror lovers, hopping the budget spent on the shooting. 2016 was marked by the entry into the light of the paintings "Vernight - 3" and "First Avenger. Confrontation. "

In January 2017, the crime tape "Conspiracy on the island of Jackail" came to large screens. In the picture telling the viewer with the history of the group of losers trying to save the world from the economic collapse, in addition to Grill, Minnie Driver, ED Westik and Annasofia Robb.

In September, the world premiere of Triller Jeremy Rasha "drove" took place. In the film, the actor reincarnated in a professional driver for criminals, who, after an unexpectedly saved awry robbery of the bank, was in the car full of money, with his 14-year-old daughter. The man will have to find out who, and most importantly, why he was substituted.

In 2018, sports lovers pleased the documentary series "Fightwork Club" (Fightworld), in which Grillo shared with the audience history, philosophy and infraces of styles and techniques of martial arts in different countries of the world. Frank himself is an avid boxer, although in his youth engaged in the struggle and jiu-jitsu, and conducts power and sparring workouts every day. This allows the artist to maintain an excellent physical form even in a solid age - with an increase of 179 cm its weight is 78 kg.

In Fantasy "Jiu-Jitsu: the Battle of Earth" (2020) Frank, together with Nicholas Cage, Juju Chan and Tony Jaa embodied the image of the fighter of the Ordena Martial Arts, which the Earth saves the Earth from the alien threat. Interestingly, the director, writer and producer Dimitis Logotetis initially wanted one of the warriors to play Bruce Willis, but the actor was busy, and the role went to Keju.

Personal life

The Hollywood actor never spread on his personal life. That is why there is very little information about his love hobbies. The first wife of Frank was called Katie. It is known that the chief of the artist was not connected with the world show business. Young people legitched their relations in 1991, and after 7 years, a marital life, despite the birth in the 1997s of their joint Son Remy, divorced.

In October 2000, Grillo married Actress Wendy Montiz, with which he met on the set of the series "Guiding Light". In the plot, the characters Wendy and Frank are in love with each other. As often happens, love from the screen has moved into real life.

It is worth noting that the couple did not hide in the sidelines. According to the stories of the service personnel, the actors were not shy to express their feelings. They were repeatedly kissed and embraced in the eyes of the entire film crew. It is known that the star couple has 2 children - Liam, born in August 2004, and Rio Joseph, born in January 2008. The artist pays a lot of time to sons: he reads them before bedtime, guys walk along with the Father into the gym.

In addition to visiting training for 6 days a week, Frank pays time to its motorcycle-SUV, which goes to the mountains every week.

The athlete believes in Paleodietu, allowing only those products that have been available to cave people. So now from the diet Grillo excluded cereals, but it allows himself to be impudent alcohol. According to the artist, his secret to the maintenance of the form, in addition to boxing, are red wine, sleep and running.

In "Instagram", Frank regularly lays out a photo from filming, as well as video cliffs from recreation and gets many positive feedback from Follovier, both about the figure and hairstyle.

Frank Grill now

In 2021, a triller "Day of Jurk" was held, which describes the retired officer of the special forces who fell into a temporary loop. Every day, the killers attack Roy Pillan, and he always dies, after which the morning of the endless day begins again. To escape, a man will have to find out what his deceased girl did. The militant also played Mel Gibson and Naomi Watts.

The script for the film was originally written back in 2010, then rewritten, scenarios, cast, studio and name changed. As a result, Frank was approved on a major role, and his appearance was played by the son of actor Rio Grilylo. The ribbon is dedicated to the Mother of Artist, who died in 2019.

Grillo, Alexis Lauder and Gerard Butler played the main roles in the thriller-militant Joe Karnakhana "Plot". In the center of the plot - the confrontation of Killer, a false sin, who is looking for shelters behind bars, and a police girl. Plot police in a small town becomes a battle field.


  • 1993 - "Death Rivals"
  • 2002 - "Cutie"
  • 2009 - "Blue Eyes"
  • 2010 - "Retribution"
  • 2010 - "Mother's Day"
  • 2010 - "Take my soul"
  • 2011 - "Warrior"
  • 2011 - "Fight"
  • 2013 - "Last Frontier"
  • 2014 - "Ship Night - 2"
  • 2014 - "First Avenger. Other War "
  • 2016 - "First Avenger. Confronting
  • 2017 - "War of Wolves - 2"
  • 2017 - Skyline 2
  • 2017 - "Conspiracy on the island of Jackail"
  • 2018 - "Primanka"
  • 2019 - "Hell on the border"
  • 2019 - "Focus"
  • 2020 - "Jiu-Jitsu: Battle for Earth"
  • 2021 - "Monetary Needle"
  • 2021 - "Curck's Day"
  • 2021 - "Star Front"

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