Evgenia Lapov - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



A ticket to cinema Evgenia Lapova presented model appearance. At least, the actress itself believes so. And the fans are confident - talent sooner or later would be seen and without the whole place of all sorts of "Miss". By 32 years old, a girl starred in two dozen showrooms and full-length paintings. Today, curly brownish looks at the passers-by a piercing look from posters to the new Russian film "Crimea", which was released on September 28.

Childhood and youth

Evgenia Lapov is a senior of three children in the family of researchers from Novosibirsk. Born Zhenya in late autumn 1985. From early childhood, time was painted in minutes: the girl went to the dance, vocals, participated in school KVN. It was not distinguished by a good temper and girlish modesty - after classes in school and circles disappeared on the street, it could easily fight with boys. In one of the interviews, she says that in the family did not have a cult of beauty, the parents were worried, first of all, for study, insisted on reading books.

Actress Evgenia Lapov

The climbing at the top of glory started in 12 years, the future model and actress went to the beauty contest "Lady Youth." The girl conquered a jury with bright appearance and intelligence, home returned on trolleybus with a crown in her hands. Two years later, she entered the Model Agency "Elite Stars" and soon won the title "Miss Novosibirsk". Life saturated and adventures began: England, France, Italy, colorful photo sessions, parties in bohemian circles, nights in clubs ...

Evgenia Lapov - Winner of Beauty Competition

Dream for young beauties. Three years later, Eugene felt such a clubs that he would degrade, falls down, and I wanted to grow further. However, the cross on the model career put a lot later, the luggage of the conquest was replenished with more crowns from the contests "Young Kras Russia-2002", "Miss Bikini World-2003", "Miss Asia and Oceania-2005". In the last competition, the beautiful girl turned out to be by chance, instead of a model broken leg.

Evgenia Lapov

Eugene admitted to the correspondent of the magazine "Ivolga" that in his youth was in complete confidence - for provincials from a small Siberian city, contests were the only chance to be in Moscow and entered the theater university. The dream turned - Zhenya joined the ranks of Students Vgika. In 2009, he was marked by two pleasant events: a beginner actress graduated from the Cinematography Institute with honors and won the next title - the "Beauty of Russia". On this model career decided to finish and devote himself exclusively creativity.


Evgenia Lapova's filmography began to fill in the second year of the institute - received a small role in the TV series "Web". And the first serious work was the historical picture of Mikhail Shevchuk "Big Dream", where the actress appeared in front of the audience the main heroine of a policeman, a modest girl, too right and timid. Active and cheerful Evgenia, the role of "trepidate Lani" was not easy, tired of constantly crying and everything was afraid. But it coped with the task brilliantly.

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The real popularity hit the lap after entering the screens of the multiserial film "Sleeping District", where it was involved immediately after the end of Vgika. The girl played Veronica Maslov, who at first thought as a negative character. The script was rewriting, adjusted for a changing reality, including adjusted to the actress. As a result, by the end of the series Veronica loved the audience.

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During the filming, it turned out that Eugene in the situation as soon as the belly was noticeably rounded, her heroine was also "pregnant." The series was as close as possible to real life, they shot spontaneously - they reflected events in the country, which happened the other day. That is what attached additional interest to work, says Lapov. Today, the creative biography of the actress contains more than two dozen films. Among the bright works it is worth noting the paintings "Efrosinya", "paths-2", "Chemist", "Gamers".

Personal life

The beauty of Evgenia Lapov, of course, was not deprived of men with his attention. In 2004, the press attributed her an affair with Pavel Bure, with whom he met on Star Tusovka. Rumors did not confirm the couple, but reporters were often caught by a bore with Zhenya together. According to rumors, hockey player allegedly even introduced the girl to parents. However, neither the wedding nor the development of love story followed.

Evgenia Lapov and Pavel Bure

Evgeniya in an interview declared that he was not in a hurry to the crown, as long as possible would only be engaged in a career. And if you get married, it will choose a person to her husband, far from the acting profession. Therefore, the stars pregnancy became a complete surprise for fans. The beloved was a businessman with dual citizenship (Russia and Germany) Vitaly.

Evgenia Lapov and her daughter Eva

In 2010, in the clinic Munich, Evgeny gave birth to Eve's daughter, but was not going to close the role of Mom, continued to take a lot to the movies. At that time, the girl shared the dream of a big family with three children, but still did not happen. The media argue that Vitaly never became a legitimate husband, the couple lives in a civil marriage.

The actress leads a healthy lifestyle, considers the collateral of beauty, sports and proper nutrition. The day begins with a contrasting soul and yoga, drinks "Elixir youth" on the basis of spirulina, loves hiking. Rarely uses cosmetics - I am sure that if you observe the principles of the head, the skin will shine from the inside.

Evgenia Lapov Now

The actress has not appeared on the screens of cinemas and televisions for three years, explains that the creative break was associated with a personal life. 2017 was marked by returning Evgenia to the cinema - at the end of September, a large-scale picture was published with elements of the militant "Crimea". In winter and spring, the fans had the opportunity to admire the scenery of the peninsula in the photo from the filming, which the actress laid out in the "Instagram".

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The creators of the project as a slogan painting took the quotation from the poem of the Tsvetaeva "With a loved one, do not part." Crimea is a love story at first glance of Kievans Alena and Alexander, a resident of Sevastopol. Characters performed by Evgenia Lapovaya and Roman Kuritsyn met on excavations of a medieval city, but the drama in the relationship was made by the events of spring 2014.

Evgenia Lapov in 2017

Against the background of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, young people have to make a difficult choice. The film is national and was filmed on the initiative of the Minister of Defense of Sergey Shoigu, and Alexey Pimanov spoke by the director, the author of the program "Man and Law". Evgenia calls a picture of the fateful for himself, admits that she told to the end in history, missed through himself. On the threshold of October, Lapov and Kuritsyn plunged into a series of secular parties and interviews about the premiere, what they were not tired to inform fans on social network pages.


  • 2008 - "Woman without the past
  • 2008 - "Heirs"
  • 2008-2011 - "University"
  • 2009 - "Jurles"
  • 2009 - "Sleeping District"
  • 2009 - "Speccore Department of Investigation"
  • 2010 - "And mom is better! "
  • 2010 - "Big Dream"
  • 2010 - "Efrosinya"
  • 2010 - "How I Met Your Mother"
  • 2010 - "paths"
  • 2010 - "bodyguard-3"
  • 2010 - "Chemist"
  • 2012 - "Gamers"
  • 2017 - "Crimea"

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