Anna Pogrilaya - biography, news, photo, personal life, figure skater, Andrey Nevsky, "Instagram" 2021



In the biography of charming figure skater there are bright achievements, and scandalous failures. Texture - Anna Podrilaya from nature is beautiful - makes it the most recognizable from the athletes, and her performances are unforgettable.

Childhood and youth

Anna Pogrilan was born on April 10, 1998 in the capital of Russia - Moscow. Ani's parents were not athletes, although the mother in his youth was spent all his free time at the rink. It is also known that the elder brother of the figure skater is professionally engaged in martial arts.

In 4 years, the parents offered her daughter to choose a couple of sports sections, and Anya chose figure skating. She began to study in the school-6 "constellation", and in 2004 he moved to SDUSSHOR-37 (now the Moscow School of Sambo-70). In 2015, the athlete entered the Russian University of Physical Education and Sports. In a conversation with media representatives, the girl honestly admitted that she was seen with teachers rarely and the main time pays training.

Figure skating

For two years, Anya trained in a pair, but eventually chose a female single skating, in which everything depends not from the partner, but from it. The first success came to the figure skater in March 2009. At the championship of Russia, held in Vladimir, the pogroen became the second in the younger age group and entered the national team of Russia.

However, after success, the tragedy was followed - during training, mastering a new jump, the athlete received a serious injury. Restoration took the year, and the doctors warned the girl: repeated falls will lead to the rupture of the muscles. During an unplanned rest, Anya, following his brother, began to engage in martial arts and learned to be grouped during fall.

The following season, the pogroita returned to ice and, thanks to good results, became part of the Russian national team. It is noteworthy that at that moment people who believed in her star future were extremely small. In 2012, at the Russian Championship, the figure skater became the fifth, despite the fact that in the same season she confidently performed at the stages of the Junior Grand Prix, which took 3rd place.

Recognition came to Ana after she won the honorary bronze in Milan on the Junior world championship, delivering a pedestal with his friends on the team of Elena Radionova and Julia Lipnitskaya. In the new season 2013/2014, the athlete performed already in the adult category. She became the first in the Russian Cup final, successfully performed in several finals of the Grand Prix, taking 1st place in China (where he was ahead of his old rivals Karolina Costner and Adeline Sotnikov) and 3rd on speeches in France.

In an interview, the coach of Pogrila, Anna Tsareva, noted that "the transitional age passed by." According to the athlete itself, it easily managed to cope with the weight set arising from changes in body proportions. The problems of the figure skater were in order to properly tune in and not to reap the coach, but to cooperate with her.

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The consequences of old injuries prevented Anna to take part in the European Championships and affected her further performances. However, at the World Championship, which was held in Japan, the pogroita on the results of an arbitrary program entered the six, and then sharply broke forward and closely approached the podium of the honor, taking the 4th place.

In September 2014, the figure skater was going to start the season in the Oberistdorf tournament in Germany, but I had to replace Yulia Lipnitskaya, removed from the competition for Japan Open. In Germany, Elizabeth Tuktamysheva went to Germany. The team of Europe, where the female part was represented by Pudio and Elena Rodionov, ranked first.

On November 2, 2014, Anna took the first place of the second stage of the Grand Prix of the Skate Canada tournament (Kelown). The figure skater, which became the leader in the short program, became the first and in an arbitrary, rich and complex program "Firebird", earning without a small 192 points. "It was easy," the star about visual support will later say.

Then silver followed at the stage of the Grand Prix held in Russia, and not too successful 4th place in the final of this competition. Anna failed to conquer the medals and in the European Championships that followed these performances. True, in view of the age demands imposed on the participants of the team team, Pogruly rolled back the program at the European Championship 2014-2015 and returned from Stockholm with a bronze reward.

Preparing for the World Cup, Anna was again injured, who made himself felt during her performance with a short program. The new season Anna began again, not completely overcoming the effects of injuries. On the Memorial Ondreya, the Russian woman became the second, confidently won the international championship "Mordovian patterns", but at the Grand Prix stages, it turned out to be very modest.

At the Russian Championship, she became the third, passing forward by Eugene Medvedev and Elena Radionov. In the same order, Russian athletes stood on the pedestal of the European Championship in Bratislava, where Anna again struck the audience with their indicative number "Tango in a crazy house" to the music of Alfred Schnitka, which the mother of the figure skater picked up for the speech.

The bronze medal of Pogrowood was able to conquer and at the World Championships in Boston, where she missed Yevgeny Medvedev and American Ashley Wagner. The originality of her arbitrary music program for the film "Modigliani" and the indicative number "Into You" under the composition of Ariana Grande is distinguished.

On November 5, 2016, Pogrulav reached the leaders at the Moscow stage of the Grand Prix, where he took the 1st place, confidently bypassing his long-standing rival Evgenia Medvedev. A skater was performed with a short program "The smell of a woman", which was a skillful version of which became decisive for the jury.

In general, 2015/2016 the season became the most successful for the figure skater, and her program "Sharerazade dance" fans called the most seductive.

In 2016, Pogruly, along with Evgenia Medvedeva, became the guest of the Evening Urgant. They brought medals with them and told about the nearest plans: Anna was going to celebrate the 18th anniversary, and Zhenya was preparing to take exams (OGE).

In March 2017, due to the fall during a demonstration of an arbitrary program on the world championship in Helsinki, Anya did not even hit the top ten and lost its place in the Russian team for the World Command Championship.

In the list of applicants for a trip to the Olympics in Korea, Anna Pogrilane was among the first, although he missed control rentals in Sochi, suffered a short program at the Russian Cup stage and still starred from the tournament. However, the athlete understood that the ticket to Pchenchhan floats from her hands, and decided - now or never.

At the Canadian stage, the Grand Prix of Anya decided not to regret herself, but "pushed" the back and nerves. A short program for the Spanish melody of Esperanza Maxim Rodriguez brought her 69 points and intermediate second place. A arbitrary speech to the music of the ballet "Swan Lake" was a heavy test - 3 drops, 6 failures, missed jump - and 9th place. In the fight against Elena Radionova, Alina Zagitova, Maria Sotskaya and Elizabeth Tuktamysheva it was not an argument. The Federation of Figure Skating Russia promised, if necessary, pay for the treatment of Anna abroad. Speech in Canada closed the athlete road to the Olympic Games - 2018 in Phenchhan.

Nerves, according to experts, are a weak place by Pudroin, even in comparison with previous injuries. Anna is unnecessarily worried during the rental and, oddly enough, excessively emotional, passionate in the images. It sounds the opinion that the figure skater is time to change the coach, finding the one who will not exacerbate the psychological state of the ward immediately after failure, as Anna Tsareva does.

The words of the mentor that the girl rides as non-fat, and soon there will be one ride on the competition, they heard all the TV viewers who looked Skate Canada 2017.

After time, Pogrulav explained that such clashes with a coach happen, but then they lay. And it does not plan to leave the Tsareva Anya, because it does not think that in another place will meet such an understanding.

Half a year before checking hires in the fall of 2018, Anna Pogroita did not go to the ice, he hesitated the old injuries. There was already a conversation that the figure skater, shining for a moment, is close to the completion of a career, like Julia Lipnitskaya. However, she returned with the assurances that he recovered, only further sports biography would be under the supervision of doctors to prevent complications.

Before this, the Russian figure skater appeared at the Opera on Ice show in Venice and Fantasy On Ice in Japan with the program "Anna Karenina", where the readiness has demonstrated to compete with the current stars. Fans unanimously expressed admiration for artistry and technique of figure skater.

In the Russian national team for figure skating for the 2018/2019 season, Anna was not taken, offered only a reserve. Pogrulav planned to perform at the Russian Championship with a short program for Spanish motives from the previous season. Music for an arbitrary program girl chose herself. Fans saw an athlete in the image of Frida Calo.

In 2019, Anna commented on the suspension of the sports career Alina Zagitova, expressing hope that "Alina will return. The main thing, she continues to ride. "

The coach of the winners and winners of the world championships and Olympiad Nikolay Morozov considers Anna a parloy sample of athletes. Moreover, from all sides - in relation to figure skating and training, to the coach and yourself.

But the athlete recalled that he could and skip a couple of days of classes if conflicted with a mentor. I did not understand that you should not rest in your own opinion, but it is better to find a common language and work further. And once he turned to the coach at the "you", after which the cross went to run. Since then, the pogroen about the status has not forgotten.

Personal life

According to the statements of the figure, personal life, she consciously preferred sports. In a conversation with representatives of the media, Anna recognized that young people often write to her on social networks, but she does not answer messages.

The charming blonde did not see sense in a relationship, since because of the competition, she could not spend a lot of time with his beloved. Free days, Podrina conducted exclusively in the circle of family and loved ones, as evidenced by photos and video in "Instagram".

In 2015, Anya met Andrei Nevsky, which represented Latvia in ice dancing. The guys be friends and, as the figure skaters later told in an interview, she did not want to translate friendship to a different plane, treated with a young man. However, Nevsky turned out to be a persistent man and the fall of 2017 made a colleague offer. Andrei chose a suitable atmosphere - Paris, the vaults of the Eiffel Tower. And the athlete surrendered.

Anna married in 20 years and does not believe that it hurried:

"My husband belongs to the same profession, everything understands everything and can support. I think that only the emergence of children can affect my career. "

In the wedding trip, the couple traveled in advance, rested in Greece before the start of the season. The wedding was played in July 2018. Athletes did not want a celebration, on which "you do not know what your name is half of the guests." In the Moscow region, the West-Club "White Coast" was collected only relatives and close friends. The celebration, according to the bride, passed not quite smoothly, but it will then be to tell children and grandchildren.

Andrei finished his career in front of the Olympiad in Korea, works by a lawyer and coach, put an indicative number for the show in Italy for his wife. In the papers at Ani, the surname of her husband, but the figure skater is still like a pogroy. Nevsky 5 years older than two heads above the second half (Anna's growth is 167 cm).

In 2019, the photo in the swimsuit, posted in the "Instagram", the pogroita received enthusiastic responses, and sharp criticism. The enemies reproached her in hypocrisy - a little earlier Anna negatively commented on the speech of Elizabeth Tuktamysheva with undressing. Lisa replied, and the conflict began.

Since October 2020, the figure skater pleased the photo fans on which it was clear that she was pregnant. December 23, the figure skater gave birth to a daughter. Mother and child felt good.

This confirmed Anna Agent - Shashin Maria. 2 days before the birth, Pogrulav posted her photo in the "Instagram" in a green short dress on the background of a decorated Christmas tree.

Anna Pogrojoy now

Official statements that Anna completed his career, no. The figure skater says it can still return to the ice and does not want to finish his sports path of years to 40 years:"For any athlete, this is a grave recognition ... Maybe, by 40 years I confess."

Anna's education gives her the right to do with children as a coach. She can return to the sport and thus.


  • 2009 - Silver Medal at the Russian Championship
  • 2012 - Bronze medal in the junior final of the Grand Prix
  • 2013 - Bronze Medal at the Junior World Cup
  • 2013 - Gold Medal at the Chinese Cup
  • 2014 - Gold Medal in the Russian Cup final
  • 2014 - Gold Grand Prix Stage Medal in Canada
  • 2015 - Bronze Medal at the European Championship
  • 2015 - Gold Medal at the International Tournament "Mordovian Patterns"
  • 2016 - Gold Medal at the Rostelecom Cup
  • 2016 - Bronze Medal at the European Championship
  • 2017 - Silver Medal at the European Championship
  • 2017 - Bronze Medal Final Grand Prix

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