Lawrence Olivier - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Filmography



Lawrence Olivier - British Artist Theater and Cinema. One of the largest actors of the 20th century, whose repertoire included both the antique drama of William Shakespeare and modern American plays. The Oscar Prize winner, whose filmography has 85 full-length pictures, for his career he became a director of 38 theatrical productions and six film director.

Childhood and youth

Lawrence Kerr Olivier was born on May 22, 1907, in the city of Dorking, located in the county of Surrey (England). Father, who dedicated his life to the divine service, brought up his children (the artist had a sister Sibyl and Brother Gerard) in the atmosphere of strict religiosity, because of which the Master of Refurbishment was very attached to his mother Agnes Louis. It is known that the death of the parental in 1920 became for Lawrence of the real tragedy.

Lawrence Olivier as a child

For the first time, the future great actor went to the scene at 9 years old, fulfilling the role of Bruta in the school formulation "Julius Caesar". Then the famous artist Ellen Terry was present on the performance, which, at the end of the presentation, praised the game of a young guide. From the biography of the Hollywood Star, it is known that four years after the premiere of Lawrence entered the Oxford School named after St. Edward.

Lawrence Olivier as a child

There, during the Theater Festival, he, in the best traditions of Shakespeare's times, repeatedly played Katharina in the formulation of the "Taming of the Shrew", as well as the Pak in the "dream in the summer night". The successes of the Son convinced Olivier-Elder in the fact that his heir really have an actor's deposits.

Lawrence Olivier in youth

In 1924, Lawrence entered the London Central School of Oratory and Dramatic Art, at the end of which he was adopted in the Birmingham Theater troupe. One year later, the Master of Reincarnations became the leading actor, fulfilling the role of Hamlet and Macbeth on the stage of the temple.


In 1930, Lawrence first appeared on the movie screen. He played the role of Peter Bill in the film "Temporary Widow", and a year later replenished the cinematic piggy bank with a yellow ticket with a ribbon. It is worth noting that the actor unbearably belonged to filmmakers, considering the main thing his life scene, on which she shone in the roles of Shakespeare's heroes.

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In 1939, he starred at William Wilera Rent "Thunderstorm Pass", and a year later, a pair with Gyrr Garson, he performed a major role in the adaptation of the work of Jane Austin "Pride and Prejudice". In 1948, the film "Hamlet" was released on the screens, in which Lawrence not only played a major role, but also acted as director and screenwriter. This work received many awards, including the Oscar Award.

In the period from 1951 to 1955, the famine photography was replenished with a screening of the work of Theodore Drier "Sister Carrie", as well as "Opera" and Richard III tapes. In subsequent years, Olivier was filmed in a pair of tens of film projects, whose hearts, the audience, especially loved the Prince and Dancer with Marilyn Monroe, "Spartak", "Jihad" and "Three Sisters".

Lawrence Olivier and Marilyn Monroe

In 1976, the premiere of the film directed by John Schlesinger "Marathonets" took place. At the heart of the plot of the paintings, telling about everyday life at first glance, no noticeable historian student Thomas Levi (Dustin Hoffman), lies the novel of the writer William Goldman. In Ribe, Lawrence reincarnated in Dr. Christian Shell.

Three years later, the actor fulfilled the role of the congestion of the occult sciences, Mr. Abraham Van Helsing, in the adaptation of the Bram Stoker's names of the same name "Dracula". In 1981, the premiere of the free film by the ancient Greek myths of the director Desmond Davis "Battle of Titans" took place. In the film, the artist got the role of the lord of thunder and the lightning - God of Zeus.

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In 1984, the fans saw their favorite in the painting "Bounty", in which, in addition to Olivier, the actors Mel Gibson, Anthony Hopkins and Liam Nison starred. In the last years of life, Olivier worked a lot on television. His role in the television films "Tower of the Black Tree", "Wagner" and "Love among the ruins", in which he played in a creative duet with Catherine Hepburn. The last image that Olivier played in the full-length movie was the role of an elderly soldier in the film "Military Requiem" (1989).

Personal life

In August 1940, a wedding of actors Lawrence Olivier and Vivien Lee took place in the California city of Santa Barbara. This secret ceremony (at the celebration was attended as witnesses only actress Catherine Hepburn and Writer Garson Kanin) were preceded by a rapid novel and not easy divorces of lovers.

They lived together for 20 years, for which Vivien turned from a beginner actress in the movie star, suffering from severe illness and depression, and Lawrence became an envious husband who did not forgive her success. Their love story began in 1935. Then in London theatrical stage with the triumph was the play "Romeo and Juliet", in which Olivier had the main role.

Lawrence Olivier and Vivien Lee

The image of temperamental and sparkling Romeo conquered a young actress, which at that time was present on the performance. From that moment on, Vivien was sought to get to each view with the participation of a loved lycisian. One day, the ladies managed to penetrate the scenes and personally get to know the artist.

Their meeting was turned into friendship, and then in a stormy novel, which began on the filming of the film "Flame over England". Then the actors played lovers. For three months of shooting, screen love has grown into real. Everything was almost perfect, except for one tangible "but" - both actors at that time were not free. Vivienn had a husband and the little daughter of Susanna, and Olivier was married to actress Jill Esmond and also had a child.

Lawrence Olivier and Jill Esmond

Despite the fact that the spouses of the actors refused to give a divorce in love, they still consist in official marriage, began to live together. After the artists got a divorce, they secretly combined with a legitimate marriage. Shortly after the wedding, Alexander Korda offered newlyweds to play the main roles in the film "Lady Hamilton", based on the plot of which - the story of the Forbidden Love Admiral Nelson and his wife Ambassador Emma.

Whether the image of the calculating Lady Hamilton was such a light and innocence that Lawrence as a brave sea wolf was simply lost next to her. In the future, with each new joint work, the difference in the execution and approach of both actors to the role rushed into the eyes all the stronger. Olivier considered the acting skill with the business, Vivien gave this art with all the soul, living every moment of the Hero's life as his own.

Lawrence Olivier and Vivien Lee

Only the efforts of the charming actress saved their marriage from the collapse: the lady without tiredly praised Olivier and repeatedly refused favorable proposals in favor of family well-being. In 1944, their family has suffered another misfortune - the cheerful and active Vivien fell ill with tuberculosis. Doctors prescribed her bed regime and treatment in the hospital, but the lady did not want to become a voluntary gate and, neglected by all the advice of doctors, continued to work.

The disease was aggravated by frequent nervous disruptions. Lawrence annoyed and scared his wife's seizures, during which she often rushed to him with fists. Tired of the hysterical spouse, the actor Olivier began to look more and more often on young actresses. Should every day got worse, Lawrence became interested in the young artist of the theater and the movie Joan Plourait.

On the day, when Vivien was 45 years old, Olivier kindly presented her Rolls Royce, and a few days later, after that, a letter in which he asked about the divorce was solemnly handed over. In 1961, Lawrence married the third time, on the actress Joan Plourait. She gave birth to a star of the television screens of three children: the son of Richard (he became a director) and daughters Tamsin and Julia-Kat (they became actresses). Spouses lived together until the death of Olivier.


In the 80s, Olivier has discovered cancer. During the couple of years, the director struggled with illness, but as a result, the disease won. Lawrence died on July 11, 1989. It is known that in the last hours of life next to the famous actor there was his family and close friends. The tomb of the Theater Worker is located next to the graves of writers of Charles Dickens and Hardy Thomas in the corner of the Poets of Westminster Abbey.

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In 2004, Kerry Conmani "Heavenly Captain and World of Future" film was released on large screens. In Film, besides Jude Lowe, Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie, also appeared computer reconstruction of Olivier. Three years after the premiere, in London, a monument to Lawrence Olivier was opened on the square near the Royal National Theater. The monument depicts an artist in its best role - Hamlet.


  • 1939 - "Thunderstorm Pass"
  • 1940 - "Rebecca"
  • 1940 - "Pride and Prejudice"
  • 1948 - "Hamlet"
  • 1952 - "Sister Carrie"
  • 1957 - "Prince and dancer"
  • 1959 - "Devil's student"
  • 1960 - "Spartak"
  • 1965 - "Othello"
  • 1969 - "Battle of England"
  • 1970 - "Three sisters"
  • 1976 - "Marathonets"
  • 1977 - "Bridge too far"
  • 1979 - "Dracula"
  • 1981 - "Battle of Titans"
  • 1988 - "Military Requiem"

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