Natalia Konchalovskaya - biography, photos, personal life, books, poems



Mikhalkov Sergey Vladimirovich did not experience the shortage of female attention, and therefore he was lied by Lovelas. But once, coming to visit the artist Konchalovsky and saw his daughter Natasha, lost his head. It was love at first glance and until the end of life.

January 6, 1903 (and at the old style on January 19) in the city of St. Petersburg, Natalia Petrovna Konchalovskaya was born in the family of famous artists. Painting from Konchalovsky was in the blood: the artist was father, brother, grandfather, and even grandfather on Mother Natalia - the famous Vasily Surikov. I brought up Natasha Olga Vasilyevna, who the daughter remembered a courageous, strong and cheerful woman.

Portrait of Natalia Konchalovskaya

Before the 1917 revolution, Natasha traveled a lot with his family. In the roadside, the girl studied foreign languages, which later helped the future writer in the translation of literary works of world authors into Russian. At the same time, the artistic taste of the future writer was formed - Natasha met on journey with works of art of world masters.

Natalia Konchalovskaya as a child

Konchalovsky family biography surprises the abundance of famous names among relatives and friends. During the revolutionary changes in the life of Russia, Konchalovsky lived in the workshop of the Father, near the Triumphal Square, in Moscow, and the neighbor was Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. The period of the revolution was heavy - the production of grocery cards, half-starving existence, was often absent heating and electricity.

But despite the difficulty of life, the audience overwhelmed theaters. The frequent guests in the house of Konchalovsky were Prokofiev, Tolstoy, Erenburg, Eisenstein and others. The atmosphere of the house Konchalovsky simply did not leave the choice of the younger Natasha. A girl since childhood wrote poems and adored classic music.

Natalia Konchalovskaya as a child

In 1910, Natasha was admitted to training in the gymnasium of Pototsk. In a building where the gymnasium is located, the composer Sergei Vasilyevich Rakhmaninov, the music of which girl heard between classes was held. The passion for music continued when meeting Shalyapin family. Natalia's good friend later became the son of Fyodor Ivanovich - an actor who immigrated to Europe, a girl even stayed at Shalyapins in Italy.

Natalia Konchalovskaya in youth

The godfather Natalia was sculptor Sergey Timofeevich Konenkov, who had a girl who often seen in the workshop, watching the work of the master. In the same place, she listened to Esenin's poetry, met the Isador Duncan. From childhood, Konchalovskaya recalled that despite the versatile development and many talents, she was not prepared for any of the specialties, but at the same time the girl has mastered the management of the household under the guidance of the wise mother Olga Vasilyevna.

"I deeply addressed a family for which spiritual culture, art, permanent labor was the basis of existence," recalled Natalia Konchalovskaya.


The literary activities of Natalia Petrovna Konchalovskaya began with the translations of Browning works, Steelmach, Rubinstein and others. Here, Natalia came true knowledge of languages ​​since childhood. The most famous work of Konchalovskaya in this area was the translation of the poem "Mireley". Then the books about the life of the Frenchwoman Edith Piaf went into the world.

Illustrations to poems Natalia Konchalovskaya

But Natalia Konchalovskaya became famous as a children's writer and poetess. The book "Our Ancient Capital", where the author of understandable children described the history of the Russian people and the state, brought Natalia Petrovna recognition of contemporaries.

In the monastery cell narrow,

In four deaf walls

About the land about the Old Russian

The priest recorded the monk.

So Natalia Petrovna told the children about the sources of knowledge about Moscow and Russia. In addition, in the works, the writer taught children to see beautiful in everyday. So, in the story "Nerukopantic", which entered the book "Magic and hardworking", the author unobtrusively introduces the reader with the work of the Russian artist Vrubel, seeing the outlines of his canvas in the relief in the snow.

Natalia Konchalovskaya - biography, photos, personal life, books, poems 16682_6

Much of time and effort Konchalovskaya paid to popularizing the creativity of his grandfather - artist Vasily Ivanovich Surikov, he also devoted one of the books "Gift Isless". The Natalia's virtuoso game on piano helped the writer to create a "music alphabet" for children mastering the musical instrument.

Personal life

Natalia Petrovna from his youth was surrounded by the attention of talented young people, at parties was a welcome guest. At one of these evenings, young people hit the future plans, and Natasha announced the intention to marry and give birth to five children. This phrase played an important role in the life of young Konchalovskaya. A promising and successful Dandy, Alexey Alekseevich Bogdanov, drew attention to the girl - Son of the merchant trading in tea.

Natalia Konchalovskaya with first husband Alexei Bogdanov

Alexey Bogdanov himself was engaged in trade with the United States, and everything in his life was formed: wealth, wife, that's just no children in the family. It was then a forty-year-old handsome man and met Natalia, who later went to America. By that time, the legitimate spouses have already become, the newlyweds settled in Seattle. Once, retracting on the table of her husband, Natalia's pregnant firstborn found a letter from the former spouse, where she cursed the family of Bogdanov and their children.

Natalia Konchalovskaya and Sergey Mikhalkov

The same night, the believer Konchalovsky had a miscarriage. Spontaneous abortions repeated six times in the life of a young woman. And only in November 1931, after returning to Russia, Natalia was born daughter of Catherine. In a country manor, where the family settled, as often was the talented guests, the creative bond of Moscow - Natalia tried to bring her husband to the world of art. Realizing the futility of their efforts, Natalia Petrovna asked the divorce. In 1937, Alexey Bogdanov committed suicide after arrest.

Natalia Konchalovskaya and her children Nikita and Andrei

In 1936, Natalia Konchalovskaya married again, for the then a little-known poet Sergei Mikhalkov, who, besides, the younger wife for as many as 10 years. Despite the happening episodic novels of Sergei Vladimirovich on the side, the couple lived together a long and happy life, noting 50 years of living together. In the second marriage, the writer gave birth to two more children - Nikita Mikhalkov and Andrei Konchalovsky. Ekaterina Konchalovskaya stepfather launched and brought up as a native daughter. In marriage, Sergey Vladimirovich and Natalia Petrovna had 7 grandchildren and 6 grains who became the heirs not only the famous surname, but also the talents of the family.


In recent years, Natalia Petrovna spent in a country house, in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region. According to the memoirs of the son Nikita, Konchalovskaya gone easily and calmly. Natalia Petrovna lived a long (85 years old), happy and fruitful life, leaving the descendants a lot of books and poems, on which several generations of Russian children were brought up.

The grave of Natalia Konchalovskaya

The funeral procedure was conducted by the Patriarch Pimen in the Trinity Cathedral, and the children's writer was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery. Photo Natalia Petrovna Seasons of the beginning of the 20th century, preserved in the family archive of Mikhalkov, show all the power, vitality and energy of this fragile woman, which she sent to creativity.


  • 1989 - "Magic and hardworking"
  • 1988 - "Edith Piaf. Song, assembled in a fist "
  • 1987 - "Favorites" in 2 volumes
  • 1981 - "In search of Vishnevsky"
  • 1980 - "Storage memory"
  • 1979 - "Magnetic Attraction"
  • 1973 - "Storage memory"
  • 1972 - "Troubaduras and Saints Mary"
  • 1965 - "Song, assembled in a fist"
  • 1964 - "Gift is invalid"
  • 1961 - "Son of the Earth of Siberian"
  • 1959 - "Zhongo, Nin Hao!"
  • 1953 - "Our ancient capital"
  • 1940-1970 - poem

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