Lyubasha (Tatiana Zalochny) - biography, news, photo, personal life, "happy birthday", songs, composer 2021



Turning on the TV and hitting another musical concert, the viewer will see the artist (or a group of performers), and will also hear the song that before you have already heard on the radio or on the Internet. The more simpler the song and incentive motive, the stronger it is entrusted to the feeder and the more often it makes itself felt, manifested in the manner who heard in the form of a humorous or disintegration (marketers often use this effect when creating viral video).

Lubasho can boldly call the queen of such songs, because the Russian poetess and composer wrote hits for all famous pop stars. If you look at the list of songs written by her, then there will be familiar to everyone.

Childhood and youth

The real name of the singer and the composer - Tatiana Zalouochi, she was born in Zaporizhia, who was part of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic at that time. It happened on August 25, 1967, in the family of ordinary Soviet engineers George Andreevich and Lydia Ivanovna Sai (Zalouochi Tatyana became after marriage).

In early childhood, the little Tanya gave to understand the parents that they would not get bored with her. To direct the child's energy to the right direction, Georgy Andreevich and Lydia Ivanovna gave daughter to a music school in the piano. At first, Tanya took this idea to the bayonets, but later it was drawn away. Moreover, the girl organized a musical group at the school.

Also, still as a schoolgirl, the first instrumental play wrote. She was then only 12 years old. Where to go to learn after graduation, Tatiana was not thinking seriously. As a result, together with two friends, he entered the local university - to the Zaporizhia State Engineering Academy.

The predisposition to the specialty of the electron engineer did not have, but training in the physico-mathematical class, as well as the parents engineers helped the girl to hold out to the release. To have at least some kind of outstand while studying at the Academy, the Vocal Quartet organized the vocal quartet with which he advocated in his free time.


Tatiana managed to organize the music team and at the first workplace - at the Research Institute of Titan. After two years of work, Tatiana realized that it was impossible to combine the unloved work with his favorite passion. Then the girl made his choice - went to work in the Zaporizhia Regional Philharmonic. It was a risky decision, because at that time the ravage was already the mother of two children - the sons of Pasha and Andrei.

According to Tatiana's stories, once, during the rest with sons in the Crimea, she met a guy on the beach with a very extraordinary appearance - Albino, dressed in a fringe outfit. As it turned out, not just like that. He was a chiromant. Just for the sake of the interest of Tatiana stretched his hand. The guy for a few moments carefully studied the lines of the girl's hands, and then said: "You will become famous." Tatiana smiled only bitterly - to become famous for the ordinary Soviet workers was an unnecessary business. But she was mistaken.

The ice was touched in 1996. Then the musician Sergey Kumchenko wrote the text to one of the musical compositions of the galleva, and the song of Irina Allegrova "Ballerina" appeared. After completing a couple of orders for Allegrova, Tatyana meets Arkady Ukupack. For him, the songs of "Amsterdam" and "Maestro Jazz" writes, and later - 20 more songs.

The question of acquaintance with the Primaudon Soviet and Russian pop, Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, was only a matter of time. Time came in 1998, by this time Tatiana had already managed to work with Katya Lelle, Lolitoy, Alika laughter and even with Boris Moiseev. In 1998, Zallumat meets Pugacheva and makes debut at its annual concert-festival "Christmas meetings". Then there is a familiarity of the public with the performer of Lyubasha.

After the "Christmas meetings", Tatiana with children and her husband moves to Moscow and with a head plunge into work. The result becomes a joint album with Pugacheva "Is there a boy?", Released in 2002. Songs "Snow falls at all", "at a table in your favorite cafe", "cold in the city" and, of course, "be or not" everyone sang. These tracks wrote Lubash.

Noticing the excitement that rose around the young performer, Alla Borisovna realized that he could lose his prick. Therefore, it was decided to reduce Tatiana with other artists so that she wrote songs for them instead of playing on the scene on his own.

So Christina Orbakayte hits, Alexander Buynov, Linda, Natalia Vetytsky, Lyme Vaikule, Valeria and other pop artists appeared. After this, the incident began to compare with the Linda Perry - the overall counter of Lyubashi, who wrote Pink hits, Gwen Stefani and Christine Aguilera, sacrifting their own career of the performer.

In 2005, the benefit of Lyubashi "Look at me on the stars." The concert took place in the Kremlin and lasted as many as 4 hours. Three TV channels fought for his broadcast for his broadcast, but won in this race, of course, "first".

The following year, Lyubashi came out the album "Shower for the Soul". The songs to the Disk Tatiana recorded and in a duet with other stars: "Medvedkovo - Paris" with Alexander Buynov and "This is autumn" with Alexander Marshal. At the same time, Tatyana created the track "by itself" for the Album of Serdyuchka "Trali-Vali".

For Philip Kirkorov, Zalochi wrote the hit "Flying", which sounded in 2007.

In 2009, the theater of the song Lyubashi opened, which is still working to this day. The repertoire of the theater includes musical performances based on copyright works. Together with the Lyubash and her artists there are the middle and younger sons of Zalouochi - Andrei and Gleb. At the same time, het "Happy Birthday!" Performance of the artist, which since then firmly entrenched in the solemn program of Russian anniversaries and name.

In 2015, Tatiana was held in 2015, this time on the scene of the Jurmala Concert Hall "Dzintari". The scale of the event was not inferior to the benefit of a decade ago. By the end of the year, the premiere of the musical performance "at a table in the beloved cafe" took place. The statement was shown in the State Theater of the Film Actor, and Valery Yaremenko made a director director.

The performance was a number of miniatures based on the songs of Tatiana and intertwined with the common heroes and the plot. Tatyana Georgievna continues to cooperate with the performers, engaged in writing music and texts, and also leads the children's teams of Barbarika and Zebra to the cell. Songs "New Year" and "Friends There are no weekends" were written by Lyubasha for children's groups and became very popular.

In 2017, the premiere of the children's fairy-tale performance "The Adventure of Zebra to the Cell and Her Friends", set up by the same Valery Yaremenko on the work of a privacy. The performance was successful. Subsequently, the project turned into the Yutube-channel Zebra to the cell, which publishes children's educational songs and cartoons.

In continuation of the year, Single Tatyana "I love you with my hands," the comedy of Philip Korshunov "Save Pushkin" came to the movie screen. The soundtrack was written to this film. By the way, for Tatiana, this is not the first experience with cinematographers - before that, prior written music for two parts of the Franchise "Love in the Big City", the comedy "8 ​​first dates", as well as the series "His person" and "unequal marriage".

Two new tracks saw the light in 2018: "First" based on the film of the same name and "exacerbation of feelings". In the video, Vyacheslav Zaitsev outfits were involved in the Spring Singla, which gave the roller a very original flavor.

As the author and artist, Lyubasha's songs were invited to the TV show "Shelter Comedians", where guests tell interesting moments from their star career and share cases of personal life. In one of the releases of Tatiana in a duet with Valery Yarevko, Medvedkovo - Paris performed, the artist performed and sololy, singing the author's song "Street, Lantern, Pharmacy".

In addition to the musical niche, Tatyana Zalouochi firmly settled in the literary. Since 2008, its books began and continues until now. During this time, the works "The best songs of your favorite stars" were published, "take up the stars", where, in addition to poems, Tatiana's prose, a collection "New poems and songs for children", "Barbariki. Songs and poems, "" Newest children's songs for the holidays. "

Personal life

Personal life Privoir does not advertise, claiming that personal about that is personal, so that it does not apply. It is known that Tatyana was married twice. The first marriage brought the lodge two sons - Paul (1985) and Andrei (1986), the second husband presented the son of Gleb (1998).

The middle child of Tatiana became a pop singer and is famous under the pseudonym Andrei Grizzly. In 2011, the guy won the new wave competition, later participated in the 3rd seasons of the show "Voice". The youngest son - Gleb Melenetyev - also went on the mother's footsteps and busy with music. Tatiana often becomes the author of the songs and for his children.

Lubash now

Sometimes a deceased doubts, and the right path she chose for his professional biography. Despite such moments, now the artist continues to engage in creativity.

In collaboration with Evgeny Kryolov, Lubash wrote and performed the song "You come", which became a soundtrack for the film "New Year's repair".

At the children's Yutiub-channel "Cukuki" in February 2021, with the participation of the Zebra project to the cell, they released the video on the song Tatiana Zalouochi "What is kindness", written in the distant 2007. For the first month, the roller scored more than half a million views.

It continues to lie down to manage and children's musical theater, the pupils of which, under the leadership of Tatiana, performed in the library named after Anna Akhmatova in the Krylatsky district of Moscow with a congratulations concert "Happy March 8th."

The singer herself in March 2021 appeared before the audience Kostroma Regional Philharmonic, where all the verses of their musical talent demonstrated.


  • 2002 - "Was there a boy?"
  • 2005 - "Love is not trailing"
  • 2005 - "Learn me on the stars"
  • 2006 - "Shower for the Soul"
  • 2010 - "Lyubasha.mp3 - Grand Collection"
  • 2010 - "Learn me on the stars - 2"
  • 2011 - "New poems and songs for children"
  • 2013 - "Will be good"
  • 2015 - "Learn me on the stars - 3"
  • 2015 - "Learn me on the stars - 4"

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