Nikita White - biography, personal life, photo, news, governor of the Kirov region, age, term of conclusion 2021



Nikita White became famous as a former governor of the Kirov region, a journalist and a political blogger. Even being in prison sentence, he did not lose support for supporters who continue to follow the news from his biography.

Childhood and youth

Nikita Yuryevich Belykh was born on June 13, 1975 in the city of Perm. He was a younger child in the family of Soviet intellectuals and grew up with Brother Alexander. Father celebrity was a candidate of technical sciences, worked by Metallurg at the factory. Mother taught at the university, held the position of director of the Lyceum at Perm State University.

It is not surprising that Nikita from an early age was diligent in school. He with a gold medal graduated from school with a physico-mathematical bias, after which he became a student of the Perm State University. During this period, the celebrities had difficult to: Father died, so he was forced to combine her studies at the economic and law faculties with part-time.

Being a student, White became a journalist of the local channel "T-7". There, he once talked with a businessman who called the guy to his company. So Nikita became a broker, and then - the co-founder of Fin-East, specializing in securities.

After graduating from the university, the celebrity was invited to work in a Permian financial and productive group, where he had become a vice president later than 2 years. In the early 2000s, at the base of PFPG, an investment banking group "Parma" was created, where White took the post of Director General. In parallel with the conduct of the business, he studied in graduate school, was in the oxford.


In 1998, Nikita Yuryevich joined the "New Power" movement, which later became part of the "Union of Right Forces". Politician became chairman of the regional organization of the party. Soon after that he was elected by a deputy of the regional legislative assembly. He consisted of deputy groups, headed the Committee on Taxes and Economic Policy.

In the spring of 2004, White became the Vice-Governor of the Perm Region after Yuri Trutnev took the position of Minister of Natural Resources. But already a year later, the official resigned due to the fact that he became the chairman of the "Union of Right Forces". His appointment supported most delegates.

In the fall, before the elections to the Moscow City Duma, Nikita Yuryevich supported the idea of ​​combining ATP with an "apple". Soon he became a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Territory on the list of his party.

In 2007, politician was going to leave the post of Chairman of the "Union of Right Forces", but was immediately re-elected. But long on this post Nikita Yuryevich still did not stay, in September next year he announced that he leaves the party. The deputy substantiated his decision by the fact that he did not want to "see himself in the Kremlin project." Boris Nemtsov supported him.


In the winter of 2008, President Dmitry Medvedev made White on the list for consideration by the Legislative Assembly of the Kirov region as a governor. In this regard, politician left the post office of the Perm Territory and from the joint democratic movement "Solidarity", with whom she collaborated before.

On December 18 of the same year, Nikita Yurevich was given the authorities of the governor, 86% of delegates voted for politics. In January 2009, in the Kirov Regional Drama Theater named after S. M. Kirov, inauguration was held.

Among the priority tasks of celebrities was overcoming the consequences of the economic crisis. Wanting to reduce costs, he refused an expensive SUV, purchased for budgetary funds, and reduced the number of officials. He took up white and the formation of the team, at that time they included Alexey Navalny and Maria Gaidar.

To keep in touch with the population, politician participated in the weekly analytical program "Governor's diary" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow". Every Monday he answered the topical questions about the Kirov region.

In 2014, Nikita Yuryevich's powers came to an end, and Vladimir Putin appointed him temporarily acting governor to elections. White participated in them as a self-configuration with the support of United Russia and was re-elected.

Criminal case

In 2016, the representative of the Investigative Committee, Vladimir Markin, said that the governor of the Kirov region received a bribe in a major amount, because of which a criminal case was established. The celebrity was caught polishing at the Lotte Plaza restaurant located in the center of Moscow.

In the role of a briber, a citizen of Germany, Yuri Zudheimer, was a member of the Board of Directors of the Novovyatsky Ski Combine, which previously turned into the relevant authorities and therefore did not attract responsibility.

By decision of the Basmanny Court, Nikitu Yurevich was arrested for a period of 60 days before clarifying circumstances, and Vladimir Putin removed him from the position of the governor due to the loss of confidence. The following months detainee spent in Lefortovo SIZO.

During this period, the White lawyer insisted on the innocence of the client. He stated that the politician did not take the money in his hands, and the coloring agent hit the skin when he shook his hand bribed in greeting. According to the investigator Ruslana Mukhachev, during the interrogation, the ex-governor stated that the funds received were intended for the needs of the city of Kirov. Also, the defense statement said about sponsorship.

After the arrest was extended, the celebrity had health problems against the background of the exacerbation of diabetes. He was transferred to the SIZO Silence, where the necessary medical equipment and staff was translated. The politician added noticeably in weight and moved by canes.

Soon it became known that the SC finished the investigation into the criminal case against the official who was charged with bribery and on another episode. On February 1, 2018, the Presnensky Court of Moscow recognized Nikita Yuryevich White guilty in obtaining bribes. He was sentenced to imprisonment in a strict regime colony, the detention period was 8 years. Also, the ex-governor was obliged to pay a fine of 48.2 million rubles. To serve the sentence, he went to the village of Klekotka Skopinsky district of the Ryazan region.

In the colony whites began to work librarian and managed to show himself from the best side. He raised the literacy rate of prisoners, introduced them to reading and intelligent games. In addition, a former official took over the review of the news review on the prison radio. He admitted that such activity helped to return to the form and improve well-being.

Personal life

The personal life of the ex-governor of the Kirov region is not a secret. In the past, he was married to Elle White. Three children were born in marriage: Yuri and Gemini Alexander and Stepan. The eldest son was educated in the UK. Younger studied at the same school as politician himself.

After parting with his wife, Nikita Yuryevich met Catherine Referts, with which he was first rewritten in social networks. But soon the novel started between them, who continued and after an official arrest. Being in custody, he made a beloved sentence of his hand and heart. They got married in 2018, and then decided to get married.

For some time, Catherine led the social network on behalf of the prisoner, published a photo and news about him. But the marriage existed only the year. The decision to divorce the White Refert substantiated by the fact that he does not want him to hurt her human rights activities. They decided to stay friends.

Nikita White now

According to the media, Nikita Yuryevich worked on the sewing production, where he was translated from the library. He is engaged in sewing children's toys.

In 2020, the celebrity lawyer filed a petition to mitigate the sentence and replacing the remaining time for forced work, but it was withdrawn due to legal nuances. Kirov lawyer Yang Chebotarev called a possible early early liberation already in 2021.

And in July 2021, a new criminal case for the exceeding authority was instituted. Allegedly in 2015 from the regional budget, he brought 202 million rubles.


  • 2015 - the breastplate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia "For the contribution to international cooperation"
  • 2012 - Medal "For merits in the 2013 All-Russian Census of 2010"
  • 2010 - a memorial sign "For merit" of the Federal Service for Drug Control

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