Francis Bacon - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Philosophy



Pioneer of the philosophy of the New Time, English scientist Francis Beckon Contemporaries know primarily as a developer of scientific methods of studying nature - induction and experiment, author of the book "New Atlantis", "New Origa" and "Experiments, or Mustic and Political Guide".

Childhood and youth

The founder of empiricism was born on January 22, 1561, in the mansion of Yorkhouse, at the Central London Street Street. The father of the scientist, Nicholas, was a politician, and the mother of Anna (in the Maiden Cook) was the daughter of Anthony Cook - Humanist, who egregated the king of England and Ireland Edward VI.

Portrait of Francis Beckon

Mother from the young age instigated the son of love for knowledge, and her, girls who know the ancient Greek language and Latin, it was easily obtained. In addition, the boy himself has been interested in knowledge from the gentle age. For two years, Francis studied at Trinity College of Cambridge University, then spent three years in France, in Sir's English Ambassador Emiaas Paulta.

After the death of the family of the family in the 1579th Bacon, Bacon was left without livelihood and entered the right to study the right to school barrister. In 1582, Francis became a lawyer, and in 1584 member of the Parliament, and until the 1614 played a prominent role in debates at the sessions of the community chamber. From time to time, Bacon was the message of Queen Elizabeth I, in which she sought to impartially approach the urgent political issues.

Now, biographers agree that if the queen followed his advice, a couple of conflicts between the crown and parliament could be avoided. In 1591, he became an adviser to Queen's favorite - Graph Essex. Bacon immediately gave to understand the cartridge that was devoted to the country, and when in 1601 Essex tried to organize a coup, Bacon, being a lawyer, participated in his conviction as a state traitor.

Due to the fact that the people standing above Francis saw in him an opponent, and because he often showed his discontent in Epistolar form about Elizabeth's politics I, Bacon soon lost the location of the queen and could not count on promotion. With Elizabeth I, the lawyer never achieved high posts, but after in 1603, Yakov I stewart asked to the throne, Francis's career went to the mountain.

Statue of Francis Beckon

In 1603, Bekon was granted the title of knight, he was erected in the title of Baron Veerlaulasky in the 1618th and St. Olbansky Viscount - in 1621. In the same 1621, the philosopher was accused of obtaining bribes. He admitted that people whose deeds were dealt with in court, repeatedly gave him gifts. True, what it influenced his decision, the lawyer denied. As a result, Francis deprived of all posts and banned to appear at the courtyard.

Philosophy and doctrine

The main literary creation of Beckon is the work of "experiments" ("Essayes"), on which he worked continuously for 28 years. Ten essays were published in 1597, and by the 1625th in the book "Experiments" there were already 58 texts, some of which came out in the third, reworked edition called "Experiments, or Mustic and Political Guide".

Philosopher Francis Bacon

In these works, Bacon reflected on ambition, about friends, about love, on the occupation of science, about the vicissitudes of things and other aspects of human life. Works have abounded by scientists with examples and brilliant metaphors. People seeking career altitudes will find tips built solely on the cold calculation in the texts. There are such statements in the work:

"All who rises high pass through the zigzags of the screw staircase" and "Wife and children are the hostages of fate, for the family is a hindrance to the interaction of great cases, both kind and evil."

Despite Beckon's classes with politics and jurisprudence, the main cause of his life was philosophy and science. Aristotelian deduction, while holding the dominant position, he rejected as an unsatisfactory philosophizing method and proposed a new tool for thinking.

Francis Bacon

The sketch of the "Great Plan of Recovery of Science" was made by Bacon in the 1620th, in the preface to work "New Organon, or True Indication for Interpretation". It is known that six parts were provided in this paper (a review of the current state of sciences, a description of the new method of obtaining true knowledge, a set of empirical data, a discussion of issues subject to further research, preliminary decisions and philosophy itself).

Bacon managed to make only the outline of the first two parts. The first was named "On the benefits and success of knowledge", the Latin version of which "about the dignity and attachment of science" came out with corrections.

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Since the basis of the critical part of the philosophy of Francis is the doctrine of the so-called "idols", distorting knowledge of people, in the second part of the project, he described the principles of the inductive method, with which he offered to overthrow all the mind idols. According to Bekon, there are four types of idols, which are deposited by the minds of all mankind:

  1. The first view - the idols of the genus (mistakes that a person makes due to its nature itself).
  2. The second type of cave idols (errors caused by prejudice).
  3. Third view - Idols of Square (errors generated by inaccuracies in the use of the language).
  4. The fourth appearance - idols of the theater (errors committed due to commitment to authorities, systems and doctrines).

Describing the prejudices that disturb the development of science, the scientist offered a three-part division of knowledge produced according to mental functions. He referred to the story, poetry - to imagination and philosophy (which included sciences) to mind. The basis of scientific knowledge, according to Bekon, is induction and experiment. Induction can be complete and incomplete.

Francis Bacon in Parliament

Full induction means regular repeatability of the property of the subject in the classroom under consideration. The generalizations proceed from the assumption that it would be that way in all similar cases will be faced. Incomplete induction includes generalizations made on the basis of the study of not all cases, but only some (conclusion, by analogy), because, as a rule, the number of all cases is unawartless, but theoretically prove their infinite number is impossible. This conclusion is always probabilistic.

Trying to create "true induction", Bacon was looking for not only facts confirming a certain conclusion, but also the facts that disprove it. It, thus, armed the natural science of two research facilities - listing and exception. Moreover, the main importance was the exceptions. With this method, it, for example, has established that the "shape" of the heat is the movement of the smallest particles of the body.

Monument to Francis Baconu

In his theory of knowledge, Bacon adheres to the idea that true knowledge follows from sensual experience (such a philosophical position is called empirical). He also gave an overview of the borders and nature of human knowledge in each of these categories and indicated the important areas of the study, which no one paid attention to it. The rod of the Bekonov methodology is a gradual inductive generalization of the facts observed in the experience.

However, the philosopher was far from a simplified understanding of this generalization and emphasized the need for support to the mind in the analysis of the facts. In 1620, Bacon wrote Utopia "New Atlantis" (published after the death of the author, in 1627), which in terms of the plan did not have to give way to the work "Utopia" of the Great Thomas Mora, a friend and mentor Henry VIII, whom he subsequently beyond and beheaded, Due to the intrigue of the second wife, Anna Boleyn.

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For this "new lamp in the darkness of the philosophy of the past" King Yakov helped Francis a pension of 1200 pounds. In the unfinished work "New Atlantis", the philosopher told about the mysterious country by Bensalem, who was led by Solomonov House, or "Society for the cognition of the true nature of all things", uniting the main sages of the country.

From the Communist and Socialist works, the creation of Francis was distinguished by a pronounced technocratic character. The opening of the new method of knowledge and conviction is that the study should begin with observations, and not with theories, put it in one row with the most important representatives of the scientific thought of the new time.

Book Francis Bekona

It is worth noting that the teaching of the backone about the law and in general, the experimental science and the experimental and empirical method of research made an invaluable contribution to the treasury of human thought. However, in life, the scientist did not receive significant results in either an empirical study, nor in the field of theory, and its method of inductive knowledge through the exceptions, the experimental science has rejected.

Personal life

Bacon was married once. It is known that the spouse of the philosopher was three times younger than himself. The choices of the great scientist became Alice Baurn, the daughter of the widow of the London elder Benedict Bairnema.

Francis Bacon and his wife Alice Baurn

The wedding of 45-year-old Francis and 14-year-old Alice took place on May 10, 1606. There were no children from the pair.


Bacon died on April 9, 1626, in 66 years old, in a ridiculous accident. Francis all his life was fond of studying all sorts of natural phenomena, and one day in winter, riding with the royal medic in the carriage, the scientist had an idea to conduct an experiment in which he intended to check how much the cold slows down the process of rotting.

Monument on the grave of Francis Bacon

The philosopher bought a chicken carcass on the market and sank him his own in the snow, which was cold, got sick and died on the fifth day of his scientific experience. The grave of the lawyer is located on the territory of the Church of St. Michael in St. Olbans (United Kingdom). It is known that at the site of burial, after the death of the author of the book "New Atlantis", established a monument.


Francis Bacon has developed new scientific methods - induction and experiment:
  • Induction is a broadly used term in science, denoting a method of reasoning from private to a common one.
  • Experiment is a method for studying some phenomenon in an observer-controlled environment. It differs from the observation of the active interaction with the studied object.


  • 1957 - "Experiments, or instructions of moral and political" (1 edition)
  • 1605 - "On the benefits and success of knowledge"
  • 1609 - "On the wisdom of the ancients"
  • 1612 - "Experiments, or instructions moral and political" (2nd edition)
  • 1620 - "Great Restoration of Sciences, or New Organon"
  • 1620 - "New Atlantis"
  • 1625 - "Experiments, or instructions of moral and political" (3rd edition)
  • 1623 - "On the dignity and attachment of science"


  • "The worst loneliness is not to have true friends"
  • "Excessive frankness as much unfriendly as perfect nudity"
  • "I thought a lot about death and find that it was the smallest of evil."
  • "People who have quite a lot of flaws, first of all notice them in others"

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