Heraclit - biography, photo, personal life, philosophy, teaching



Heraklit is a favorite object of research both in ancient biographers and in modern scientists. They tried to separate the dark philosophical teachings from no less dark and mysterious biography. Hence the nickname of the philosopher - the Graclite Dark or Herclite is gloomy. The key point in the study of life, and especially death, this philosopher became an extraordinary antipathy, turning into the hatred, which he causes readers and biographers in the souls.

Portrait of Heraclita

The hostility, understandable to a certain extent, reaches unprecedented heights when heraclit dies, buried in excrement. To understand this death, it is necessary to consider the traditional biography of Heraclit in detail, since the reaction of biographers for the interpretation of the philosophical works of Heraclitis and their interpretation for a true understanding of the life and details of the death of this mystery is important.

Childhood and youth

Heraclit was born in the city of Ephesus (land owned by Turkey). The exact date of the philosopher is unknown, about 540 BC. Traditionally, Heraclit is considered a descendant of the ruling Andrkl family, according to other sources, the name of the father of the philosopher - Geracon or Bloson. As a child, the boy did not differ from the peers, played with other boys in the grandmother (analogue of the game in the bone).

That's just a perspective to inherit the power of Father, the young man did not please. According to historians, he refused the right of inheritance in favor of his brother, and he himself lived and indulged in philosophical reflections in the temple of the goddess Artemis, continuing to periodically play with the dice kosti.

Information about the life and teaching of the philosopher from Ephesus reached our times from the works of Diogen, who performed as a biograph of antiquity philosophers. Diogen in the earliest texts interpreted this act as proof of generosity of Heraclit, and later called pride, arrogance, arrogance or even contempt.

The ruins of Ephesus, the native city of Heraclit

Thanks to these traits, Heraclit's character later became a misanthrop. Thus, the understanding of the work and philosophy of Heraclita begins with these personal qualities. Neither the teachers nor the followers of Herclite did not have, unless he was painted from the city of Athens.

Heraclit often said that the teachers would not teach the students of wisdom, otherwise Xenophane would teach, and Pythagora. Another saying says that Homer deserved that he was pursued and beaten by a stick in poetic contests. This demonstrates the dominant features of the character and personality of Hercelite - arrogance and a contemptuous attitude towards people. The reason for this relationship is simple - these people have not achieved wisdom, according to Heraclitus.


The philosopher from youth considered those around people uneducated and stupid. In conversations of other philosophers did not participate, did not take his own views with an obvious extremist bias, as evidenced by the expressions of the philosopher. The main ideas of the philosopher are also confirmed that the development source in the world is war, and the death of one being gives life to another. Later, Melancholic-heraklite was as opposed to a laughing sage democritus.

Philosophy and doctrine

Herclica views are mysterious and ambiguous. Almost all of his work has ambiguous interpretation. In addition, before our time the originals did not reach the worldview, only the works of other philosophers and scientists are known about the worldview. Heraclita had her own understanding of wisdom. He did not show thoughts directly - only in the form of mysteries or hints. Hence, the second nickname of Heraclita - a philosopher-poet, he did not write in verses, but his thoughts were so metaphoric, which resemble the poetic syllable.

Heraclit and Democritis

The ability to understand the work of the philosopher had only deeply educated and analytically thinking people. Even Socrates wrote that only a minor part of Herclite's ideas disassembled, but found them beautiful. In addition, the Ephesus philosopher invented a unique approach: Complex ideas to convey in the form of extremely simplified examples, as a rule, these were occurring processes in nature.

So the followers independently came to the thoughtful thought philosopher or even their own unique conclusions. The contribution of the Heraclitus to the development of ancient Greek philosophy was the introduction of Logos universal. Initially, the term understood as "saying" and "meaning". Now Logos reflects the meaning of being and patterns of all existing.


The heraklite doctrine of Logos is a reflection of the painting of the world, where harmony is maintained along with dynamicity. So, in the teaching of the philosopher, the worldwide harmony is a space logo. But a person is unable to understand him and considers his word, its own logos, above the universal.

Harmonification is in unity: as Heraclit said, "all flows", matteria is transformed into various forms, but the logo remains constant. The quotation of "twice in one river you will not enter" was continuing. Nowadays, this expression has acquired a new meaning, but still reflects the author's philosophical thought.

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The constant change and transformation of matter and the substances of Heraclit called the world current and believed that everything in the world not only undergoes permanent transformation, but also has opposites. The dialectic of the soul of man The philosopher represented as follows: the soul consists of two components - noble (fire) and non-financial (water). Heraklit's fire was originally.

Heraclit also introduced the concept of "world fire", in which space is destroyed to revive again. The theory of the destruction of space was refuted by Hegel in the XVIII century, and Schleiermar did not recognize the fire of the initial element. In contrast to the heraklite laws of transformation of matter, the main ideas of another ancient Greek philosopher - Parmenide, who lived in the same period of time, conclude that matter is unchanged, constant and homogeneous.

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In the 4th century BC. Proponents of Naturofilosophy Plato, Aristotle invested in a new meaning to the term "Logos", having deprived of its ontological meaning. And followers of the school of Stoicism returned the Logos of the Space Essence. By the way, the term "cosmos" also introduced heraclitis. Part of the researchers belongs to the heraklite to scientists and naturalists, and not to philosophers. This is explained by the fact that the only work of Heraclitus, which came to the present day, is called "On Nature".

The work has the kind of hundreds of individual fragments of statements, whose interpretation was engaged in Philologist Herman Dils. In labor "On Nature", Heraclit laid the foundations of the theory of atomism. The contribution to the science of Heraclita became premature, according to some authors. The scientist introduced the concept of an atom as the smallest structural element, allowing the Paradoxes of EleaTov, the philosopher developed the concept of differential calculus.

Laughing democritus and crying heraklit

According to his ideas, even the human soul consists of atoms, which, after physical death, are transformed into another matter - the so-called the theory of atomism. The Herclithic human anatomy corresponds to the structure of the world: the body is built from the same atoms as the world around, and the chief body of the human body is a stomach. The laws of the nature of the physical world and the human soul, open by Herclic, formed the basis of the Miletsky school, whose representatives were Pythagoras, Fales.

Personal life

Problems of Heraclitis in relations with society, consisting in his contempt for people, put the imprint and on the personal life of the philosopher. Heraclit had no wife and children, since life spent in the temple of the forever young and innocent goddess of the fertility of Artemis. Pupils, as such, Herclite, also did not have - the problems of knowledge of the world, which he touched upon in his writings, scientists appreciated only after the death of the philosopher.

Death Herclita

Meracle's contemporaries and researchers are indignant not so much a lifestyle, worldview and goggles of Heraclita, how much the details of the death of a philosopher. According to the testimony of legends, Heraclit died, stirring up with manure, other stories say that his body broke off the dogs.

Monument Heraclita

The most reliable source of information is the records of Mark Auraliya, which states that the cause of the death of a philosopher has become a stomach (the disease in which an excess of fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity accumulates due to diseases of the kidneys and heart).


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