Poseidon (God) - character history, mythology, films, interesting facts


Character History

In the mythology of the ancient Greeks - the main maritime god, is among the top three of the first Gods of Olympus together with the Lord of the Underground Kingdom of Aid and the Ruzhurjez Zeus. Poseidon is considered responsible not only for the water and the sea, but also for earthquakes, and even for horse breeding.


Poseidon accounts for Brother Zeus and Aida, as well as the goddess hero, Demeter and Gesti. By defeating Titans, young gods began to share the world, and the Sea element went to Poseidon. The ancient local deities - Neri, Ocean and Others responded to Poseidon for the sea. Hero over time pushed them.

Poseidon with Trident

Poseidon is represented by the sea on the chariot. The chief attribute of God is a trident, with which he can cause storms, break the rocks. When Poseidon hits the trident on the ground, Spring appears, from which can beat both sea and fresh water. And once the blow of the trident Poseidon opened a whole valley in Fessiona to give a river outlet that broke and flooded the country.

Poseidon is severe. An angry temper, revenge and rage, the hero resembles the element, the embodiment of which became. For example, Poseidon mercilessly pursues Odyssey, who insulted God, depriving the view of his son - the cyclope polyfem. Poseidon's face in the ancient statues and images is attached mainly excited and angry expressions, which is easy to notice the photo of Poseidon statue, which is stored in the National Archaeological Museum in Athens. But, for example, Zeus is usually depicted calm. In the myths, the Marine God embodies the unstable strength and authority to together with the royal majesty.

Poseidon in mythology

In ancient Rome with Poseidon, she was identified by the local god of the seas and threads of Neptune, which was originally connected with the Greek maritime god was not. Initially, the Romans were little worshiped by Neptune, because few flooded around the seas and did not have any needs in Divine support from this side. The meaning of Neptune has grown in that period when the image of this God looked at the Greek ideas about Poseidon.

Poseidon, like other children of Kronos, immediately after birth was waiting for the test. According to one version, the father ate a newborn God, on the other - threw out in the sea. Poseidon brought up volcanic naval deities, which were called Telkhin. They, like satellites Poseidon, were read on Rhodes. In Crete, they believed that Poseidon created the first ships in the world. And after the gods defeated Titans, Poseidon made copper doors that locked the tartar.

Statue of Poseidon

Under the rule of Poseidon, there was never earthly cities, although he repeatedly traveled with other gods and argued with them because of the cities. With Atina, the Marine God argued for the Attika, and then barely flooded the city when the dispute lost. The only mythical possession of Poseidon on land is the island of Atlantis - was flooded with Zeus as a punishment for the dismissions of the morals reigned there.

Poseidon considers himself equal to Zeus and is visiting the championship. He participated in the conspiracy against Zeus, for which it was punished by the obligation to serve the Troy king. For this, the mortal marine god is erected around the city of the wall, and when he did not receive a fee for the work - he was angry and enjoyed the sea monster, which devoured people.

Poseidon and Zeus

The avenue of Poseidon is reflected in many myths. When Queen Cassiopeia is carelessly praised by beauty and declares that it is more wonderful nonreide, sea nymph, the god punishes not only boastful beauty, but also all her fellow citizens, a saturated sea monster. It was possible to revive the wrath of the Divine, just having sacrificed the daughter of Cassiophei Andromeda. The girl was saved by the hero of Perseus, who showed the mandes of Medusa Gorgon, because of something turned into a stone.

Poseidon took part in the Trojan War, where he took the side of the Ahaseians.

Poseidon - Art.

It was believed that people were obliged to the existence of horses and horse breeders, people are obliged to Poseidon, who created a horse and taught mortals to be managed with him. The god of the sea wore the nickname of hypigi, which is translated as "equestrian". Poseidon was dedicated to horse rhystal. The sacred animals of the sea god, besides horses, another black bull and dolphin were considered, and Posydon's trees called.

The temple of Poseidon acted in the pentum. Now this place refers to southern Italy, the southeast of the city of Salerno is located. The building has survived to this day.

Wives and children

Poseidon's habitat is a luxurious palace at the bottom of the sea, where God lives with his wife, nonreight named Amphitrite, and born from her son named Triton. The retinue and the surroundings of Poseidon make up nonbeid (sea nymphs, which can be compared with Slavic mermaids), hippocampus (sea horses with fish tails), as well as other inhabitants of the sea.

Poseidon and his wife amphitrite

Like other gods of ancient Greece, Poseidon was fruit and loving. Among the beloved and wives of the sea is about two dozen names. Poseidon's children from goddesses and mortals called a huge number of characters of ancient Greek mythology. The goddess of Demeter, after he agreed with God in the appearance of the mare, gave birth from Poseidon horse named Arion.

Arion, Lamia, Polyfem - Poseidon Children

The daughter of Poseidon is considered monstrous lamia. Jealous Gera turned this heroine in the beast for the fact that she awakened a love interest in his uncle Zeus. It is believed that Lamia eats people, and to fall asleep - takes out his own eyes and puts into the bowl. The cyclope of the Polyfem, blinded by the Odyssem, gave birth to Poseidon sea nymph Foos. From Poseidon directly leads the kings of the mythical Atlantis.

Films and actors

Poseidon is present in the series of fantastic novels "Percy Jackson and Olympians" of the authorship of Rick Riordan. There, Poseidon, ancient Greek marine bodies, turns out to be the father of the main character - a teenager named Percy Jackson. Events occur in America in our time. Olimepa's gods live in New York on the non-existent six hundred Empire State Building, the sea of ​​monsters, which wandered Odyssey, moves to the Bermuda triangle region, and the entrance to the kingdom of Aida is now under Los Angeles. In addition to the young son of Poseidon, the world is full and other half-breeds - children born from the unions of mortals and gods.

Jack Gwillim as Poseidon

In the book "Percy Jackson and the Last Prophecy" Percy meets with his father Poseidon in the underwater kingdom. The god of the seas at this time will be entrusted with the titanium Ocean and is forced to defend his own possessions. At Poseidon in this series there is both the second son - Tyson, a teen-cyclops, which works in the forge of his father and at times takes part in the adventures of his brother.

According to the series of books about the adventures of Percy Jackson, two films were shot - "Percy Jackson and a Lightning Thief" (2010) and "Percy Jackson and the sea monsters" (2013). Poseidon, the Greek god of the naval depths and the father of the main character, is present in the first of them. The role of Poseidon is performed by Scottish actor Kevin McCidd, famous for the medical series "Anatomy of Passion."

"Poseidon" Writer Paul Helico called the ocean liner invented by him from the novel of the same name, written in 1969. A huge chic ship goes into a monthly cruise dedicated to Christmas, and on the way back hits a catastrophe. The liner turns away with a keel up and begins leisurely to dive into the water.

Almost all passengers on board die immediately, survives a small group of people who find themselves in the "inverted world" in the depths of a huge ship and now have to somehow get out and escape before the ship is sinking. For this, the heroes will have to do a difficult path from the upper deck, where in the hall of the restaurant they caressed the catastrophe, to the ship's ships.

Danny Houston as Poseidon

On this novel shot two films. The first tape called "Poseidon's Adventures" was published in 1972. Much later, in 2006, director Wolfgang Peterson took off the remake of this film. And in 1979, Sicvel was removed to the original film called "Poshödon's captions. In this film, terrorists, attracted by rescuers, try to rob a sinking ship.

Poseidon as a character appears in the films "Battle of Titans" (1981) and the "Horn of Titans" (2012). In the first film, the role of the maritime god plays actor Jack Gwillim, and in the second - Danny Houston.

Interesting Facts

  • The name Poseidon wears a robot assistant from the story of Kira Bulychev "The Prisoners of the Asteroid". The hero was a robot far intelligence, then turned out to be written off and was at the disposal of Polina Metelkin, an employee of the Alien Section of the Institute of Time with which flew to ordinary planetary flights.
  • In the fictional universe of the scientific fiction series "Babylon-5" name "Poseidon" is marked by the class of spacecraft.
  • The French Groove Metal-Metal Group "Dagoba2" has released a studio album called "Poseidon" in 2010.
  • Poseidon Character (Poseidon) is present in the SMITE multiplayer game, where the gods and heroes of various mythologies fight in tournaments.
Poseidon (God) - character history, mythology, films, interesting facts 1665_10
  • The name of the Greek maritime god is called a crater on the moon, which is located in the so-called sea of ​​clarity.
  • The US military is also loved by Poseidon. There are patrol antidal aircraft Boeing P-8 Poseidon, designed to find and destroy submarines, and the type of UGM-73 Poseidon ballistic missiles, which were placed on submarines. The latter were removed from weapons in 1996.
  • Franz Kafka has a short story "Poseidon", where God in the best traditions of the author appears by the Scorn of the Olympic bureaucratic car. And Heinrich Heine dedicated to Poseidon poem, which entered the North Sea cycle.

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