Plato - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, ancient Greek philosopher



The basic principles of philosophy were formed during antiquity. Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato - outstanding writers, scientists and thinkers of their time. All of them contributed to the development of philosophy, and about Plato, British logic Alfred Whitehead was expressed that all European philosophy, in essence, note to the works of the ancient Greek, which became the founder of the idealistic direction.

Childhood and youth

The exact year in which the philosopher was born, unknown. There is an assumption that it happened in 428 or 427 BC. Birthday is considered May 21 (7 Fargelion), on this day Greeks celebrated the birthday of the son of Zeus and Titanides Summer - Apollo.

There are no concrete information about the exact place of birth. Most sources are called the hometown of Plato Athens, but there is another option. According to him, the biography of the future philosopher began on the island of Aergin, located in Sironikos Bay, and in Athens, Plato's family moved in order to give children a good education.

By the way, not only the year and the place of birth of Plato are considered controversial. There is an opinion that in fact the philosopher called the aristoclon, and Plato is the nickname that he received from the Pankration coach, the wrestler of Ariston from Argos, because of the broad shoulders ("Platos" translated from the ancient Greek "wide"). For the first time, this was mentioned by an antique historian Diogen Lanertsky.

Plato's parents treated aristocrats. Father of the philosopher - the descendant of the king of Attici Codra, and the mother of the Athenian reformer of Solon. By Plato's mother, Plato had two unages, critical and harmid, both members of the group of Conquiet rulers "Thirty Tiranans". In addition to Plato, Ariston and Perktoni (so called his parents) there were other children - the sons of Glavacon and Adimant, as well as the daughter of the Pokon.

Children received a classic musical formation - the so-called education, which includes aesthetic, moral and mental education in the system (named after MUZ). She taught Plato at that time the Philosopher Discretaker was painted, follower of Hercelite Efesse. Under his leadership, the future thinker studied literature, rhetoric, ethics, basics of sciences and other disciplines.

While studying the best results, Plato achieved in the literature, visual art and struggle, later participated in the Olympic and Nemean games.

Childhood and youth Plato fell out on the afternoon era, when cowardice, tape and korestolubiye spread among the population. The situation only strengthened the military conflict between the Dossky Union and Peloponesky.

Ariston's political figure tried to establish the lives of fellow citizens. Therefore, he wanted his son after receiving education, too, became a politician, but Plato himself adhered to other views on the future. He tried himself in writing craft, writing poems and dramas.

In 408 BC NS. Young Plato decided to attributed to them the tragedy to the local theater. On the way, he ran into an elderly, but a strong man. They had a conversation that turned the boy's life from his legs on his head, and also gave the start of a new life. This man was Socrates.

Personal life

Personal life Plato is mysterious even for historians who recovered the facts of his biography of grains. The philosopher preached a refusal of private property, as well as the community of wives, husbands and children. Therefore, it is impossible to allocate one Wife Plato, as can not be exactly called his biological children.

Officially, Plato was never married. He himself promoted the concept of Platonic Love, explaining this feeling of respect and care between students and the teacher, explaining that it is not necessary to love the body of a person, but his soul. Emotions he considered something low that you need to be able to keep controlled.

Philosophy and views

The doctrine of Socrates was reform, it was strikingly distinguished from what was previously. In his philosophy, focus on the study of peace and nature shifted to a person. The views and statements of Socrates were impressed by the young Plato, which the works of the latter say.

In 399 BC NS. Socrates condemned and sentenced to death. The philosopher was accused of not honored gods, revered by residents of the city, and instead distributed a new faith, thereby corrupting people. Of the respect for the past merits, including participation in the Peloponess War, Socrates were allowed to speak with the speech of protection (on its basis, the "Apology of Socrates" of Plato was written), and the death penalty was carried out by drinking poison from the bowl.

The execution execution was seriously influenced by Plato, causing the hatred of the hatred of democracy. After the death of the teacher, he travels on a journey, the goals of which are becoming familiar with other scientists, the exchange of experience with them and the knowledge of dialectics on the foundations of being. Over the next 10-15 years, the philosopher visited Megahar, Kypreu, Finika and Egypt. During this time, he managed to meet and chat with the architecture of Tartan, with other students of Socrates Euclide and Feodor, as well as with oriental magicians and Haldia. The latter forced Plato seriously to get into Eastern philosophy.

After prolonged wanderings, Plato arrived in Sicily. In the plans of the philosopher was the creation of a new state together with the local military leader Dionisia Seniors (also known as Syracuse). According to the man, in the new state, the philosophers must rule, and not drink the poison of the bowl under the crumbs of the smoking crowd. But the idea was never realized: Dionysius turned out to be a tyrant, which the ideas of Plato categorically did not like.

After that, the philosopher decided to return to Athens. The city forced Plato to revise some ideas about the perfect state. The result of these reflections was open in 387 BC. NS. The Academy is an educational institution in which Plato began to train other people. So the new religious and philosophical union was formed.

Plato's school was called in honor of the area in which lessons were held (park outside of Athens), and the locality itself was named after the mythic hero of Hekadem. In the Platonic Academy, students studied mathematics, philosophy, natural science, astronomy and other sciences. Training took place through dialogues: Plato considered that this is the best way to know the essence of things.

One of his dialogs was published under the name "Pier", it is represented in the form of a conversation of the ancient Greeks, which praise God Erota. The philosophical text tells about love, its species and the knowledge of this feeling. The central place is occupied by the ideas of Socrates on the beautiful, the essence of which is good.

The teachers and students of the Academy lived together, this man adopted in the followers of Pythagora. The students were Astronomer Evdokh (who was closer to Plato with Eastern teachings and religions) and philosopher Aristotle.

In 366 and 361 BC. NS. Plato re-visits Sicily at the invitation of a friend of Dion - Ruler Syracuse and Shurin Dionysius senior. Dioniria does not like this alignment, what he eloquently gives to understand the murder of Dion. The death of a friend grieved Plato and forced back to Athens, where the philosopher continued to learn followers before the end of the days.

Later, in the desire to create a concept that united a person and space, the philosopher came to an objective idealism. In writings, he reflected about the soul and nonsense, believing that all items that surround a person are the result of the connection of inanimate matter, ideas and souls. Plato believed that there is an ideal world of things. According to him, all the objects of this world are perfect samples, prototype of objects that exist in reality.

To date, not a single original work of Plato has been preserved, but there are copies. The most ancient copy of the work of the philosopher is found in the city of Pemba (160 km south-west of Cairo), written in Egyptian papyrus.

Plato's works form Platonian housing. For the safety of the collected works of the philosopher, thank the ancient Greek bibliograph Aristofana Byzantine. By the way, he for the first time and structured the works of Plato, dividing them on the trilogy.

Later, the restructuring conducted a philosopher Trasl from Menda, the court astrologer Tiberius Julia Caesar Augustus. Trasill grouped the compositions of Plato in tetralogy, such a separation is used now.

There were other attempts to struduce and group the creations of the philosopher. The version of the Russian Antiquity Alexei Fedorovich Losev is popular. According to the Lose Platon's book, it is worth divided by 4 periods - early ("Crytons", "Harmita", etc.), transitional ("Eutidem", "Ion", etc.), mature ("Timy", "State", etc. ) and late ("laws" and "post-plane").

One time for the public was available to one product of Plato "Timy". The situation was corrected by the Italian philosopher Martilio Ficino (1433-1499), which translated the rest of the work from ancient Greek to Latin.


After the murder of Dion of Syracuse in 354 BC. NS. Plato returned to Athens, where he lived until the end of the days. In the last days of life, he began working on a new book "On Good as such." The foundation of Labor Plato has already formulated and shared it with students. However, moved thoughts on paper and did not come out.

Historians wrote that the student of Socrates had never seen laughing, while he went to bed with Tomik Aristophan, the Great Poet. Despite the meaning of Plato in philosophy, it is known about his daily life, in the dialogues he only occasionally mentioned himself, describing some minor events.

On your own birthday in 348 (or 347) BC. NS. Plato left this world for natural reasons, taking into account his age. There is not one version of these events. For one of them, the man died at the desk, on the other on the wedding feast. Also, one of the reasons for the death of the philosopher is called pediculosis, but with respect to this in the "History of Philosophy" Thomas Stanley wrote that people spreading such unpleasant rumors around Plato caused him a considerable harm.

The philosopher was buried in ceramics, not far from the Academy. On his tombstones were carved the words:

"Two sons gave rise to Apollo, Eskulap and Plato. One heals the body, and the other is the soul. "

In memory of Platon, paintings are written and engraving. As a character, the philosopher appeared in kinocartes "Blood, Sweistance and Death" (1948), "Socrates" (1971), "Night" (1985), "PIR" (1989). In 2010, the feature film "Death of Socrates" was released, in which Plato appears.

Ideas and discoveries

At the heart of Plato's philosophy lies the theory of Socrates, according to which true cognition is possible only regarding unresponsive concepts that constitute an independent disembodied world, coexisting the world sensual. Genesis is essences, Eidosa (ideas), non-perplex space and time. Ideas in understanding Plato Autonomous, and therefore, only they can be learned. This is stated in the works of a transitional and mature period.

In the works of Plato "Kristen" and "Time", first describes the history of Atlantis, which is the ideal state. True, it was not possible to determine its exact location. Presumably, the island was located in the west of Hercules heights. His disappearance of the philosopher connected with the earthquake that occurred, due to which the island state was plunged into the water along with its inhabitants - Atlants.

For the first time, interest in Atlantis appeared in the Renaissance Epoch, but in science, questions about her actual existence remained controversial. For this, the story of the island is considered a legend, but attempts to find real facts and events confirming its existence have not been undertaken once.

Plato often kicked the Ninel Diogen from Sinop (the one that lived in a barrel and walked in the afternoon with a lantern "in search of a person"). When Plato said about a person, that this is a biting animal, devoid of feathers, Diogen slipped him with a compartment chicken, calling the Platonian man. After that, the philosopher had to be added to the wording of the phrase "with flat (wide claws".

Plato is an opponent of passion and a bright manifestation of emotions, he believed that such behavior was low and contains a harmful start. Opinion about the relationship between men and women, he expressed in different works.


"Socrates me a friend, but the truth is more expensive" (later this quote turned into "Plato to me a friend, but the truth is more expensive", the authorship of which was attributed to Aristotle, Martin Luther and Servantes). "When people are forced to choose from two angry, no one is obviously not. Will choose more, if you can choose a smaller. "" What will the upbringing be? However, it is difficult to find better than that found from the most long-standing time. For the body, it is a gymnastic, for the soul - Music. "" You can forgive the child who is afraid of darkness. The real tragedy of life, when a man is afraid of the world. "" Those who are smart enough to not climb into politics are punished by them they rule the people more stupid themselves. "


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