Jason Suddition - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Olivia Wilde, Filmography, Comedy, Series 2021



Jason Sudjakis is a talented American actor, whose images are instantly remembered by spectators sincerity and immediacy. In his filmography, there are many successful paintings in which he not only starred, but also performed as a screenwriter and producer.

Childhood and youth

Daniel Jason Sudieties was born in September 1975 in the town of Fairfax, located in Virginia. His father was engaged in business, and the mother was a tourist agent. Later, the family was replenished with two daughters - Lindsay and Kristen. The latter became a dancer and actress.

The future performer since childhood had an idea of ​​the world of cinema thanks to his uncle - the actor George Wendt. The boy often visited his house and listened to stories from the set, but I did not think about the career of the artist. Young Jason dreamed of becoming an athlete, he received a scholarship in Fort Scott College, where he defended the honor of the local basketball team.

But soon, the referee realized that the sport was not his vocation. After that, he decided to go in comedians and in subsequent years successfully toured together with comedy teams. Once a guy noticed the creators of the Saturday Night Live show, which invited him to the scene of the screenwriter. Later, Jason began to film in Sketches and became a permanent participant of the troupe. But in 2013, he announced his departure from the project.


A shirtyx began to shoot in the movie on television, but at first it was episodic or secondary roles. The acting debut took place in the film "Alien Avengers - 2", released on screens in 1998. In it, Jason played a guy named Chester.

Later, the audience could watch the work of the artist in the TV shows "in Philadelphia are always sunny" and "30 shocks", where he was a participant in regular acting staff. But the first wave of popularity came to the star after the comedy outcomes "Once in Vegas", which collected $ 219 million at the rental.

In the future, in the piggy bank of the artist, more and more sensory projects began to appear, among them the "head hunter". The breakthrough for the actor was 2011, when the premiere of the tape "Clean Week" took place. In it, Jason starred with Owen Wilson, who played his best friend.

Secure success helped the output of the film "Unquest Bosses". In it, the artist played the main role of a simple worker who decided to physically eliminate the boss. At the box office, the picture gathered about $ 209 million, which guaranteed the exit of the continuation.

At the Spedition Playground, Jennifer Aniston was the company, later she joined him and when working on the comedy "We are Millers." This is a tape on a unprincipled drug dealer, which for the sake of achieving the goal will acquire a false family. But under her influence it changes, becoming better.

He managed to work together and on the film "Unquest Ladies". There, the performer decided to move long to move away from the Amplus of the comedian, having experienced a dramatic image. His hero is a widower trying to gain happiness after losing his wife. But the spectators play the star did not suffer, and the picture received predominantly low marks.

A year before that, in 2015, Jason joined the acting of the TV series "The Last Man on Earth" about the dangerous virus survived after the pandemic. The artist played the secondary role of Miller's T-shirt - the brother of the main character performed by Will Forte.

Shortly thereafter, the film was a show of a fantastic comedy "My Girl - Monster". The center of attention of the audience is the history of Gloria, which has an unusual ability. She was played by Ann Hathaway, and Jason appeared in the form of a long-time girl, who also hides an amazing secret.

No less fascinating was the plot of the thriller "car per million", based on the biography of the American engineer John Delorean. Suddition played his friend Jim Hoffman, the image of which was invented from scratch. The picture received positive feedback from critics.

I remember the public and the image of the star in the TV series "Mandalorets", but this time in a negative meaning. According to the story, the actor's hero beats a little iodine, which has bent the network users. After the premiere of the project, Jason was among the most mentioned in Twitter.

Jason Suddition - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Olivia Wilde, Filmography, Comedy, Series 2021 16645_1

But the main achievement in the artist's career is the series about football called "Ted Lasso". In the center of the plot - the coach for American football, which is taken to work with the players of the club of the English Premier League "Richmond". The idea for the character appeared in 2013, when Sudjakis worked on rollers for NBC Sports.

A little naive, but kind and positive ted liked the public that the creator was advised to develop his story for a full-fledged series. After that, Jason took up the script writing, the result of which became a comedy, published on Apple TV + in the summer of 2020. During the pandemic period, this light and life-affirming project became a salvation for many people who were on forced self-insulation.

According to the writer, he is not particularly well versed in football, but decided to fill the gaps in an unusual way. Sudjakis plunged into the world of FIFA game, followed by time with friends.

Personal life

In the past, the actor was married on the Writer Kay Cannon. They lived in marriage for 4 years, but in 2010 lay a divorce. Shortly after that, Sudieties got close to the actress Olvia Wilde, which met on the set Saturday Night Live. Charming Jason instantly conquered the heart of the elect, but at first did not even guess this.

In an interview with Olivia admitted that herself took the first step, asking her friend to transfer her phone number to the artist. Their dating lasts until 2 o'clock in the morning, because the lovers could not speak. Soon they began to live together, and in 2013, the referee made Wilde the proposal of his hand and hearts, but the wedding did not take place.

In subsequent years, artists have repeatedly stated that they are not in a hurrying with a solemn ceremony, because they are so family. During this time, two children were born at the couple: Son Otis and daughter Daisy. From their relationship they seemed harmonious, because they did not stop talking about how they love and appreciate each other.

Announcement of parting that appeared in the headlines of the press in the fall of the 2020th, it became a complete surprise for fans. Insiders reported that the former lovers have not lived together for a long time, but support warm relations for the sake of joint education of children. Now their photos often appear in the instagram account of Olivia.

Hopes for reunification were finally collapsed when Wilde was noticed in the arms of the singer Harry Stylza. But, according to the press, Jason also managed to find happiness in his personal life: the actors have repeatedly seen in the company of Kili Heizelle.

Jason Sudjakis now

In early 2021, it became known that Sudjakis became the owner of the Golden Globe Prize in the category "Best Actor" for the role in the TV series "Ted Lasso". Shortly thereafter, the long-awaited premiere of the 2nd season, in which Jason returned to the main role of the unusual football coach was returned.


  • 1998 - "Alien Avengers - 2"
  • 2007 - "Ten Commandments"
  • 2008 - "Once in Vegas"
  • 2009 - "Hunter for heads"
  • 2011 - "Unqualified Bosses"
  • 2013 - "We are Millers"
  • 2013 - "Temperty"
  • 2013 - "Fobia of Love"
  • 2014 - "Unqualified Bosses - 2"
  • 2015 - "The Last Man on Earth"
  • 2016 - "Unquest Lady"
  • 2016 - "Colossal"
  • 2017 - "Kodachrom"
  • 2018 - "Takeda by Million"
  • 2019 - "Education"
  • 2020-2021 - "Ted Lasso"

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