Sleeping Beauty - Biography, Main Heroes, Actors and Roles


Character History

Probably, each girl dreams of becoming a sleeping beauty, which will bring a beautiful prince from dreams, as it was in the plot of a traditional European fairy tale. Lovers of books saw a nontrivial story Thanks to the literary edition of the Grimm brothers and Charles Perro. By the way, the same writers worked on the "Red Cap" and other works that are familiar with both adults and children. The story about the ridiculous girl moved to the expanses of cinema and other literal creations.

History of creation

The fairy tale about sleeping beauty was invented much earlier than we can assume. Moreover, some researchers were looking for a hidden subtext. For example, there is an obsolete theory of some folklinists, which assumed that the thirteenth fairy was expected - was invented for no accident. The fact is that the thirteenty-month lunar system has changed and cut: thus, humanity "put in the center" is not a moon, but the sun.

Charles Perret

A familiar plot is found in the French work "Persefest", which he saw the light in the XIV century, but Charles Perrica was based on another source and relied on the Fabil, which is presented in the Fairy Tale of Jambattists Basil "Sun, Moon and Waist" (1634). Bazille wrote about the royal waist daughter, which court astrologers predicted the danger of flax.

In order not to discover the child to the unenviable existence, the owners of the throne ordered to remove all herbs from the castle, but such a precaution was not helped, since after some time the waist saw an old woman from the window, hiding Flax. The girl was asked to try to spin, but he moved himself into a finger offering, which was the cause of death.

Jambattist basil

Upset king with Queen did not bury the hotly beloved daughter, but ordered to transfer the body of a girl to a country palace. Next, a king appears in the plot, who failed to wake up an unfortunate princess. Since this man visited the girl for no accident, soon the waist gave birth to two twins, one of which was Her Savior: Instead of the chest, the boy began to suck her mother's finger and sucked off the city from him, due to which the main heroine woke up.

Later, the king returned to his mistress and, having seen children, called them the sun and the moon. Further, the legitimate spouse learns about the treason of the king and prepares for all participants in the dish, which is customary to file cold, revenge. In real history, there are brutal motives, for example, the owner of the throne ordered to kill the sun and the moon and make it hot "under the robber sauce". Nevertheless, the story about the waist and twins is a happy end.

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Charles Perra could not allow children to see rape in a fairy tale and an application for cannibalism. Therefore, the genius of literature did the same as with the "Red Cap" - softened particularly "sharp" moments, and also changed the cause of the girl's eternal sleep for the curse of an evil fairies.

Charles's fairy tale is surrounded by a magic atmosphere and ends with a kiss and a wedding, while his predecessor described all the harsh tests that had to pass in love with a pair. Also, the master of the word changed the queen to the mother, and the king on the prince.

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It is worth saying that the Jambattists meet a similar moment in the work of the "Young Slave", in which the Fairy curses the beauty of Lisa and prophesies to her death due to the fact that Mom will leave the ridge in her hair. By the way, a crystal coffin appears in this handwritten work, which used Brothers Grimm in Snow White and Seven Gnomes.

The "lethargic" fairy tale of Charles Perp was published in 1697 and in fact it was called "Beauty in Sleeping Forest". This work was recognized among the sophisticated public, especially since the author adjusted the creation under the court literature of that time, trying to wear the characters in the noble costumes of the XVII century. And the girls are blossoming from the phrase:

"It approached her with trepidation and admiration and sank beside her knees."

Perra did not pursue the goal to impress the public, because in every fairy tale, even if it is a children's work about the wizards and fairies, the philosophical subtext should be present. Thus, the main idea of ​​the "sleeping beauty" is that the power of love is able to defeat any adversity. But for small readers there are other adapted plot lines - Translations of N. Kasatkina, T. Gabbe, A. Lubar and other literary figures.

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As for the Grimm brothers, they will not fall asleep with one main character, and all the kingdom, and the fairy tale ends at the moment of the awakening of the princess. To know the Russian mentality, you can turn to the creator of the "Eugene Onegin" Alexander Pushkin, who wrote a "fairy tale about the dead princess."


The classic plot begins with the fact that the king and the queen was born daughter. In honor of this event, a grand feast was planned in the whole kingdom, where everyone was invited to all the wizards, except for one thing: the fairy had not been shown from his tower for half a century, and everyone thought she was dead. Uninvited guests still came to the celebration, but she did not have enough cutlery, so the owner of the magic wand seemed to be unacceptable.

Gifts Fey

When the rest of the fairies gave birthday to the birthdays, the old woman Karaboss said the cruel prophecy that the injection of spindle will become fatal for beauty. But after all, the sentence softens another wizard, because the last word wins in the dispute: the unfortunate girl will not die, but will fall asleep in a deep one for a hundred years. It is noteworthy that in the original retelling of Charles Perro about the "invigorating" kiss of the Prince is not mentioned.

Hearing the prediction of the sorcerer, the king ordered the burn all the spindles and spindles, but his attempts to save the daughter are in vain: becoming an adult girl, the princess finds in the Castle's country tower, which did not know about the bunch of spindle and straight a sidel.

Sleeping Beauty and Tver

The main heroine decided to help, but the finger of the believer finger and fell dead. As soon as the princess was not walked: she was splashing in the face of water, rubbed whiskey with fragrant vinegar, but no measures woke up the king's daughter.

Fairy, who at one time softened the sentence, asked the owners of the castle to leave the place and immersed it in eternal sleep; High trees rumbled around. The young sorceress thought that the princess would be sad, when she, waking up one hundred years, would not see a single familiar face. Therefore, Fairy touched each of the court wand, and they also fell asleep for a whole century. The king with the queen was escaped to this trick, since, according to Perso, the rulers have cases that cannot be postponed to such a long time.

Sleeping Beauty and Prince

After a hundred years, a prince appeared in the castle, who did not know about the current situation, but heard from the passing about sleeping beauty and that her brave young man awakens. The son of the king rocked on his horse in the enchanted place, where he saw a young girl. When he sank to his knees, the princess woke up by the princess. Consequently, in the original Perrah there was no kiss, because the heroine woke up from what was going exactly a hundred years.

Interesting Facts

  • Composer P.I. Tchaikovsky also presented his own vision of the fairy tale, however, in musical performance. Spectators still enjoy the name ballet "Sleeping Beauty".
  • In 1959, the shielding of a fairy tale about sleeping beauty presented a Walt Disney multiplier, embodying Charles Perp's concept in a full-length cartoon. The main characters were voiced by such actors and actresses like Mary Costa, Bill Shirley, Eleonor Odlton, Verne Felton and Barbara Joe Allen.
Sleeping Beauty in Walt Disney Cartoon
  • In Disneyland, there is a sleeping beauty castle built as an advertising tool. But the Children's Park opened in 1955, four years before the cartoon premiere. The origin of the castle was announced in 1957, because curious tourists were constantly interested in this building.
  • In the cartoon in the guise of evil fairies, Malefistent appeared. By the way, this heroine has become popular and even earned the Spin-Off with Angelina Jolie in the lead role.

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