Francois Ozone: Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



The director is not such a rare profession, it can be said that the creators of the films are thousands, but, as you know, not all of them are familiar with movie lovers, as few have a talent. Therefore, to get out forward, the movies are trying to find their highlights or use cliché brought, as Ridley Scott made in his new creation.

Director Francois Ozone

But Francois Ozone does not need to be inventing the bike, for he invented his original genre, with an admixture of eccentric sex scenes and human psychology. He is familiar with the painting "Farewell time" (2005), "Desperate Housewife" (2010) and "Two-Needed Lover" (2017).

Childhood and youth

Francois Ozone was born on November 15, 1967 in the city of Love - Paris. It is noteworthy that parents such an eccentric director were not approached by creativity. The head of the family Rene Ozone was engaged in biology, and the mother of Anna-Marie Ozone taught French in school. It is known that the boy has grown and brought up with the brother Guyoma and the sister Juli.

Francois Ozone in youth

Love for creativity appeared from Francois since childhood. The young man wanted to join the infinite world of cinema after filming in the commercial, and since the boy had a pretty appearance, he appeared before the directing cameras more than once.

True, Francois did not want to associate his life with acting skills, therefore he gave preference to the director. For this craft, he began to study in the French Cinematic School "La Femi", where he heard an excitement student and showed good results.


The creative biography of Francois Ozone began with shooting shorts. The director stipped his hand and created small videos, but, anyway, a young man tried to invest in every job, creating his own and unique style. The debut of Francois Ozone was the eccentric mini-film "Fingers in the stomach" (1988), telling about a girl suffering from Bulimia.

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For 12 minutes, the viewer sees a young lady, the main goal of which is to eat as much as possible. But then the day of the main character ends the same - two fingers in the mouth.

It is worth saying that the first job of Francois caused at the audience not the most pleasant impressions in aesthetic plan, but Ozone argues that it would seem such a simple process as food intake, it takes almost the first place in a person's life. Next, ozone became the author of several mini-movies, among whom "Little Death" (1995), "Summer Dress" (1996) and "Look at the Sea" (1997).

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Francois Ozone is not used to shooting the sugary paintings about the golden youth, which looks at this world through the glass of pink glasses. His shocking films, and the main characters are collected in their characters both good and negative qualities. Also the director, like the floor of Verkhovlen, is used to empowering with sharp satire and mischievable views on human sexuality.

In 1999, Francois becomes the author of the thriller "Criminal lovers", the plot of which revolves around the couple of Alice and Luke, who committed a crime: They kill their comrade and bury the body in the forest. But the killers notices a resident of a forest house with sadomasochistan and cannibal inclinations - from this and the events kaleidoscope begins. The main roles were performed by Natasha Rainier, Zheremi Rainier, Miki Manylovich, Salim Kesyun, Yasmin Belmadi and other cinema stars.

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The new century began for Francois Ozone from the detective drama "under the sand" (2000), where Charlotte Rampling, Jacques Nolo, Alexander Stewart and Pierre Vernier. The picture tells about a married couple, which went to the Primorsk region of the Landa, in order to spend their holidays. But by a strange coincidence, the husband's husband unexpectedly disappeared.

By the way, Charlotte Rampling is a favorite actress Francois Ozone. This woman also appeared in other films of this director: "Pool" (2002), "Angel" (2007) and "Young and Beautiful" (2013).

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Further, in two years, the key film Francois Ozone is published under the name "8 women", which brings recognition and glory to its creator. It is worth noting that in this criminal-detective waterman with an admixture of the comedy played such stars of cinema as Virgini Ledouien, Daniel Darya, Firm Richarin, Catherine Denev, Emmanuel Bear and Isabelle Yupper.

The plot dipping the viewer into the French outback brought by snow. In the house, the family is preparing for Christmas dinner, but the whole holiday overshadows a terrible event - the murder of the owner of the estate. Therefore, eight fair sex representatives who were familiar with the dead, begin their own investigation.

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Few people know, but Francois Ozone wanted to make a remake of the film George Kyukor "Women" (1939), but later came across the play, written by Robert Thomas in 1961, so I changed my decision. Thanks to the painting "8 women", Francois Ozone became the owner of remarkable awards - he got a "silver bear" and the Lumiere Prize.

In 2006, Francois Ozone pleases the avid kinomans in a short film in the conversational drama genre "Prelude", in which Louis Garlel and Vaine Jokanta played. In 2009, the director submits a drama to the Cyrino Criton again, this time he took off the film "Refuge", which reveals the problems of young people, mixing love and drugs in one drink. Events are starting to go full after one of the main characters die from overdose.

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In 2010, Francois replenished his track record of the cult comedy "Desperate Housewife." The director selectively refers to the actors, so in its films you can often see the same faces. Beauty Katrin Denev was invited to the main role, and Her Colleagues on the set acted Gerard Depardieu, Fabris Lukini, Karin Vyar and Zhudda Homeresh.

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Two years later, Francois, without changing his preferences, removes the thriller "in the house", which tells about the difficult teacher. This teacher (Fabris Lukini) is disappointed in its new class.

But still, one of the students sitting on the last desk, attracts the attention of Germen: Claude's boy (Ernst Wimer) not only puts efforts to study, but also manifests his literary talent. The teacher helps the young man who draws inspiration, spying at the average family.

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In 2014, the Kinomans saw the Drama "New Girlfriend". The picture caused ambiguous reviews among film critics: Some said that Ozon was originally approaching the plot, others used to say that a film about gender self-determination in unconventional pairs saves in the middle, causing the audience to bored. But the director himself confessed in an interview:

"And I hope and believe that the viewer is enough a smart to not consider my films as moral or immoral. For me, these are stories in which there is no morality. "

Personal life

Personal life Francois Ozone is not a mystery, a man admits that he is an open gay. Therefore, in its works, it is often possible to see the actor, reincarnated in a character with unconventional sexual orientation.

Francois Ozone

However, the director is more interesting for women's characters, the Frenchman loves to work with beautiful actresses. The reason is simple: Francois recognized that in women, unlike men, there is a certain riddle, comprehensive inner world and intimate experiences.

Francois Ozone now

The director continues to delight the sophisticated lovers of cinema and film critics with their original work. In 2016, the audience saw the picture "Franz", in the brilliant cast of Pierre Nine, Paula Bir, Ernst Shtezner and Maria Gruber.

Francois Ozone in 2017

In 2017, the film "Two-Needed Lover" ("Double Lover") with Marina Vakt, Jeremi Rainier, Jacqueline Bissset and Miriam Bayeye. The picture tells about an unusual pair. In the center of the plot - Chloe girl and her psychoanalyst floor, who hides his true "I" for a mask of hypocrisy.


  • 1998 - "Rightnik"
  • 1999 - "Criminal lovers"
  • 2000 - "Rain drops on rocky rocks"
  • 2000 - "under the sand"
  • 2002 - "8 women"
  • 2003 - "Pool"
  • 2005 - "Farewell time"
  • 2007 - "Angel"
  • 2009 - Ricky
  • 2009 - "Refuge"
  • 2010 - "Desperate Housewife"
  • 2012 - "In the house"
  • 2013 - "Young and beautiful"
  • 2014 - "New Girlfriend"
  • 2016 - "Franz"
  • 2017 - "Two-Needed Lover"

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