Roman Gritsenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "House-2", "Plan B" 2021



In "House-2" cases of the return of former participants per perimeter are single. Roman Gritsenko managed to do it three times. For no accident, probably in the social network "Vkontakte" a young man wrote:"Enough words! Do you like? Act! Never give up and always fight for your happiness. "

Childhood and youth

The Biography of the Roman began in April 1995 in Omsk. The parents have the oldest. Brother Miron has already lit up on the set of scandalous show as a guest. The younger Bogdan is still not by age such programs. In winter, Gritsenko with friends gave preference to hockey battles, and in the warm season he played the Cossacks-robbers, football. Ego Father in his youth chased the ball at the amateur level, was the team and participated in tournaments.

At 13, Roma went to Moscow to study in a sports boarding school, but did not have a football player - she suffered injuries. Yes, and the clubs did not hurry with invitations. Of difficult decision to stop training is difficult. However, the athlete's career smoothly flowed into a career model. High (height 185 cm), with embossed muscles, a smiling guy is removed for glossy publications, participates in advertising campaigns.

Higher education star reality received at Dostoevsky University. Now, according to a number of sites, studying the Magistracy of the Rau named after Plekhanov. With the native city of Roman's memories of the first love hobbies are connected. It is recognized that dating and dates took place on the local embankment. From here there is an incredible view of the sunsets.

TV project

Gritsenko came to "Dom-2" in June 2017 and from the threshold was encouraged by the participating girls by a statement that she did not pretend to the heart of Marina Africata, because he had blonde brother. Part of the audience did not believe and found this news with a funny producer running.

He did not walk around and about, but confessed that he was on the frontal place because of the Lisa of Triandafilidi. Having learned that the lady consisted of intimate relations with the former priest Walter Solomentsev, changed her opinion about it.

The feelings of the novel to Lisa were peculiar. Later, the guys decided to become a couple, but the guy expressed dissatisfaction with the one who spent time without him. Jealousy crossed border. Gritsenko spoke openly about the wrong behavior of his beloved.

For the honor of the woman, Simon Mardinishin, and the quarrel turned into a fight, following which the novel was in the hospital. Stay in the medical facility did not go in vain for Gritsenko: he was carried away by a nurse. Lisa, because of this, decided to finally break with him. After another shelter, medical assistance was required by the opponent of the novel by Evgeny Maslov. He seriously damaged eyes.

Communication with the participant of the project Saida Babayeva led to the emergence of a new short-term union. Communication quickly ceased, but loneliness is not for Gritsenko, so he decided to build love with Maria Cochno. It turned out to be a mistake, the novel again did not like her behavior.

To admire Mary Kuleshova, a young man did not interfere with the gossip of EE promiscuity in the perimeter. After the return of the girl with Seychel, he rushed to try happiness and here, but to no avail.

When Roman himself hit the islands, then, apparently, decided not to spray in ordinary participants, but to attract the attention of the leading reality of Olga Buzova. The couple were found kissing on video from surveillance cameras installed on sites.

Gritsenko bore the televisers with flowers and gifts, invited on dates, but did not wait for the response. Nevertheless, having learned about Roma's attempts to make friends with Elena Chromine, Olga arranged a scandal, accused him of frivolousness and banned talking about feelings. The guy is all tired, and he left the platform.

Half a year old Gritsenko worked the leading events, the SMM manager, filmed with the younger brother. In "Dom-2" returned, starting flirting with Irina Pinchuk, which by that time he broke up with Valery Bloousman. However, the girl in the sincerity of Cavaller did not believe, doubted that he really forgot about Buzova.

Roman and really left the show again, but not for the singer. The love pushed this step, what a young man wrote about in the comments under one photo in "Instagram". In the picture, Gritsenko is captured in an embrace with some Evgenia Shestakova.

Personal life

For the novel, it is important that the girl is externally attractive, but it is not the main thing. He can conquer smart, bright, spiritual lady, able to support her beloved in a difficult situation. And the ability to prepare and maintain the economy - quality, alleged, which is called, by default.

To arrange a personal life in the framework of "House-2" in Gritsenko does not yet work, actually, as with Evgenia. She managed to introduce another passion with his parents. The media wrote that the meeting was good. Shestakov also visited reality on the set, the visit was barely ended with a scandal.

Directors, according to Zhenya, tried to deceive her on the project, offering to become a participant. The couple went together and with the battle - the novel came up with the guards, blocking the girl.

The following conflict occurred already between lovers: Evgenia broke the Gritsenko's lip and turned one eye into a solid hematoma. In the world and harmony, young people stretched out a week and after the next quarrel finally broke up. Parents Shestakova, who did not like his daughter's friend, banned her to communicate with the novel.

Roman Gritsenko now

Leaving attempts to conquer Olga Buzov, the novel emphasized that he was experiencing only a friendly feeling and wishes a former beloved to find a real man. Tesediva herself for a couple with Timur Batrutdinov in 2019, he started a new project called "Plan B".
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Celebrities, who had previously trying to meet a soul mate in the Show "Bachelor" and "Marry Buzov" help each other in the next searches. If nothing from this idea does not come out, Olga and Timur are obliged to get married.

Gritsenko was among the participants who decided to catch luck for the tail. It is not afraid to step on the same rake. Previously, the novel says, he was young and stupid, and now no tests will bring out equilibrium. The rivals are not interested in him, and among them - Pavel Nazarov, the brother of the participant "Marry Buzov" Evgenia Nazarova, blogger David Manukyan, who was filmed from Olga in the clip. Journalists caught on the set and winner of the show of Denis Lebedev.

TV project

  • "House 2"
  • "Plan b"

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