Harry Truman - biography, photos, personal life, domestic and foreign policy



Harry Truman - 33rd President of the United States of America (years of government from 1945 to 1953), in matters of internal politics ahead of his time, but as a result failed Fiasco. With the filing policy, a cold war with the Soviet Union was unleashed, Truman entered the story as the creator of NATO and an ardent fighter against communism.

Childhood and youth

The future president of the United States was born on May 8, 1884 in the city of Lamar (Missouri). Harry is a senior of three children of Fermer and Cottle Merchant John Anderson Truman. Family for several years in America, until he settled in Independence, where the little Harry went to school. The boy fascinated reading books, history and music - rose at 5 o'clock in the morning to learn another batch on the piano.

Portrait of Harry Truman

After school, Harry enrolled in a business college, where, among other things, he studied accounting, but a year later he was forced to leave an educational institution - by that time his father broke, had to make money. The young man managed to gain experience at the railway station, edited, the National Commercial Bank, and before World War I worked with his father and brother on the grandmother's farm. In war, he was sent to the captain.

Harry Truman in childhood

After the death of the father, Truman took the farm in his hands, improved it by introducing crop rotation and large-horned cattle. In parallel, Harry tried forces in business - invested in the lead-zinc mines in Oklahoma, invested in the development of oil fields and speculated for real estate in Kansas City. However, business projects were unsuccessful.

Start of political career

With political affiliation, Truman decided yet in his youth - ranked himself for supporters of democrats. Thanks to the support of this most powerful part of the South, under the leadership of Tom Pendergast, as well as war veterans, in 1922, Harry elected Jackson County Judge. It was rather administrative than the judicial position. The main directions of work covered economic needs: road maintenance, nursing home management, wastewater removal. The Chairman of the Court took the most important issues of citizens.

Harry Truman in his youth

In court, Truman chaired two deadlines, well established himself as an official, and in 1934, again, with the help of Pendergast, was elected to the US Senate. Being a convinced supporter of the "New Course" of Franklin Roosevelt, he went to work with his head and even earned his appointment to one of the committees. Popularity reached the disclosure of fraud on the railway, participated in the preparation of the law on transport and regulating the air report.

Harry Truman and Franklin Roosevelt

In 1940, Truman with difficulty, but still re-elected to the Senate. Policy entrusted the leadership of the Committee to investigate the implementation of the National Defense Program, the ineffective use of public funds and corruption was revealed at the conclusion of military contracts. During World War II, the country quoted Truman's saying:

"If we see that Germany wins, then we should help Russia, and if Russia is winning, we should help Germany, and thus, let them kill as much as possible, although I do not want to see Hitler in any circumstances Winners. "

In 1944, Roosevelt appointed Truman by Vice-President instead of Henry Walleza, who became distinguished by liberal peasants than caused dissatisfaction with the Democratic Party. At this post, Harry controlled American military activities. Harry Truman for the post of vice president lasted 82 days. In April 1945, Roosevelt unexpectedly died, and, according to the Constitution of America, Truman took over the presidency.

As president

Despite the positive aspects of the activity, the politician was not popular with the people, which prove the surveys of the population. In 1951, only 23% of Americans agreed with the course of government, two years after the departure from the post, 31% of the population gave positive evaluations to the work of Truman.

However, by the beginning of the 80s, the history revised, and the 33rd US President ascended to the Bronze Place in the ranking of American rulers. He only lost to Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy, becoming essentially a folk hero.

Trumanu got a farm with difficult problems: the war ended, the conflict broke out under the section of Eastern Europe, relations with the Soviet Union deteriorated, and in their own country it was necessary to patch some cutters.

Domestic politics

The Board of Harry Truman is associated with mitigating racial contradictions, he tried to abandon the policies and laws separating the population on a racial basis. The Committee on Supervision of the Regulation of African Americans - a structure that ensured the equality of all citizens.

Trueman pays great attention to economic and social problems, offering new laws. The most famous program of the President received the name "Fair Course". In fact, the project was an expanded "new course" Roosevelt.

Harry Truman

Increasing social support costs, price control and loans, raising wages, construction of public housing, ensuring full employment of the population, the introduction of public health insurance, assistance to education - in this politician has seen the country's growth points.

But, unfortunately, Harry Truman did not find support in Congress. The bill was not adopted, so with time voters were disappointed in politics. In 1952, he refused to nominate his candidacy for the presidency. Only 15 years later, other leaders will return to the endeavors of Truman.

Foreign policy

The president entered the world history as a cold war spotter. At the end of the second global relations of America and the USSR deteriorated in the sharing of influence zones in liberated Europe. Truman was outraged by the Yalta Roosevelt Agreement with Stalin - believed that the predecessor lost too much to the Soviet leader.

Harry Truman and Joseph Stalin

Wanting to intimidate and gain more weight in foreign policy, America announced the creation of an atomic bomb, and to put a point in the war with Japan, weapons decided to reset on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In Tandem with the UK, the states created a plan limiting the influence of the USSR in Europe. So the cold war started.

In 1947, Truman demonstrates the doctrine of "deterrence" - a number of measures aimed at the non-proliferation of communism. The idea in return for financial assistance is supported by Turkey and Greece.

Harry Truman signs a document on the creation of NATO

The US Leader adopted the Marshall Plan, which implied the influence of billions of dollars in the underwent war of the Economy of European countries, thereby guaranteeing America a huge influence on its territory. And in 1949, NATO is born, a block that would protect the Communists from expansion.

The United States in the late 40s and in the early 50s supported France in colonial actions in Vietnam and got involved in the war in Korea. Aggressive foreign policy and participation in hostilities became another reason why compatriots lost confidence in Truman.

Personal life

In the biography of politics there was a place and personal life. In 1911, young Truman, after long courting, offered the hand and heart of a fellow village from Independence Elizabeth Wallace Ferman. However, the girl refused to fan. Harry promised to return to the question when he earns more money - that's why the farmer hit the business.

Harry Truman and his wife Elizabeth

In April 1919, Truman married the elected. The spouse always remained in the shadow of the political career of her husband, weakly participated in the social life of Washington. Although, according to researchers, Harry was consulted with Elizabeth in politics, especially if it was important state decisions.

The only daughter of Mary Margaret Truman was born in marriage, after marriage - Margaret Truman Daniel. In his youth, the girl came about the career of the singer, even performed with a symphony orchestra, but, having married the editor of The New York Times, buried the dream.

Harry Truman and his daughter Margaret

However, the popular woman still became - on the writing field. Peru Margaret belongs to 32 books in a detective genre, each becoming a bestseller. Truman's daughter also released the parents' biography and a collection of memoirs from childhood spent in the White House. Books contain an abundance photo from the archive of the Truman family. Margaret presented the famous father of four grandchildren, died in 2008.


Death threatened Truman back in 1950. In late autumn, two Puertorikans tried to penetrate into the house, but did not happen to the crime - one of the president born to the life was killed, another sentenced to life imprisonment.

Grave Harry Truman

Harry Truman died on December 26, 1972 in Kansas City. The man who lived to such advanced years was struck by pneumonia. The 33rd Leader of America rests in the courtyard of the Truman Library.


  • American aircraft carrier USS "Harry S. Truman" (CVN-75)
  • Presidential Library-Museum of Truman
  • School of Public Sciences Harry S. Truman
  • State University. Truman in Missouri


  • 1972 - "Harry S. Truman", M. Truman
  • 1982 - "Bess V. Truman", M. Truman
  • 1994 - "Harry S. Truman: Life", R. Ferrell
  • 1998 - "Independence Man", D. Daniels
  • 2003 - "Harry S. Truman: His life and times", B. Burns
  • 2008 - "Harry S. Truman", R. Dallek
  • 2009 - "Harry Truman", Publisher "de Agostini"
  • 2016 - "Truman", L. Dubova, Chernyavsky


  • 1947 - "33rd US President Harry Truman"
  • 1950 - "My country is you"
  • 1963 - "Winners"
  • 1973 - "World in War"
  • 1980 - "Atomic cafe"
  • 1984 - "Victory"
  • 1988 - "Again 18"
  • 1994 - "Our Century Wars"
  • 1995 - "Truman"
  • 2006 - "Flags of our fathers"
  • 2004 - "Consumer theory"
  • 2008 - "The President to remember"

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