James Potter - Character Character, Son Harry, wife Lily, Death


Character History

Hero of a series of novels of the English writer Joan Rowling about Harry Potter. The father of the main character, the husband Lily Potter (in the Maiden Evans). The sorcerer, unregistered Animag (knows how to turn into a deer, because of what the nickname came among friends).

Joanne Rowling

The popularity of books about Harry Potter turned out to be so high that they were pulled by the quotes, fan fiction began to compose. Some of these secondary works even gained the form of independent book series.

For example, a certain Norman Lippert wrote a series of books about James Sirius Potter, the son of Harry Potter, whom he called in honor of his own father ("James Potter and the intersection hall of the oldest", "James Potter and the Square of Fate", "James Potter and a gatekeeper curse" ).

James Potter in a deer

Because of this series, the author joined the conflict with Joan Rowling. The one, reading the books, did not seek to prohibit the publication, but Norman Lippert could not retrieve commercial benefits from their works. There is no professional translation of these texts into Russian, but part was translated by Harry Potter fans.


James Potter was born on March 27, 1960 and died on October 31, 1981, killed by the Dark Lord Wolan de Mort. Hero study time in Hogwarts at the Faculty of Gryffindor - 1971-1978. He was a catcher in the team of Gryffindor by Quiddich.

James Potter in childhood

James wore round glasses and a short haircut, and the dark disobedient hair of the hero sticking out in different directions, as his son Harry Potter, who was almost a complete copy of his father. By origin, James is a purebred wizard, in whose nature there is no maghos.

At school, the hero is popular. Sirius Black, Remus Lupine and Peter Pettigrew, with whom the hero, probably met the hero, was likely to meet the first day of James. The guys called themselves "Marauders" and had fun together, while often violating the rules established at school. Teachers, however, descended some pranks with their hands, although heroes were often punished.

Remus Lupine, James Potter, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew

James conflict with Severus Snape, first of all because of Lily Evans, in which Snape was in love. The beginning of the conflict was laid before the start of classes in the first year, on the train, which was driving young students in Hogwarts. At the same time, when Snape could bite the waswolf (Remus Lupine), James saved the enemy's life. Snape, however, said that James was not resolved to approach him without marauders who "poisoned" the enemy with an indispensable numerical advantage.

In the future, the enmity between the "Marauders" and Severus Snape influenced the relationship of the latter with the son of James Harry Potter, to whom Snape is a teacher of potion in Hogwarts - was negative, comparing Togo with his father.

James Potter and Lily Evans

James studied well and was a successful student who was easily given. Despite the incorrect behavior towards Snape, about the interests of friends James. Having learned that Remus Lupine is awolney, the hero makes the decision to become an animagom, that is, to learn to turn into an animal. The rest of the "Marauders" were also accepted, as a result of which Peter Pettigrew received an anxagic rat appearance, and Sirius Black - Psa.


The purebred family of James was loyal to half-bloodeds and magloves wizards and did not have prejudices on this matter, besides, it was not bad secured. James, the first and only child in the family, was born late. The parents of James did not have any time to start the children and the appearance of his son became a miracle for them. As a child, the hero was surrounded by care and attention. Potters, the elders treated well to the friends of the Son. Sirius Black has always been a welcome guest for them. Later Sirius Black, the best friend of the groom, became a Schafer at the wedding of James and Lily Evans.

James Potter with family

After graduating from school, James married Lily Evans, which was still at the seventh year of Hogwarts. The spouses settled in Godrikkoy Vpadina - the settlement in the south-west of England, where magicians live next to the Maglies. In a war with a Volan de Mort and a group of minions of the Dark Lord, who called themselves the Eaters of Death, James Potter and his wife took the side of Albus Dumbledore, whose business was supported in every way. Both became members of the first convening Phoenix Order.


James Potter and his wife Lily died, defending her little son Harry, when the Dark Lord Wolan de Mort, who learned about the prophecy of Siville Telleon, appeared in the Potter's house to kill the boy.

James Potter and Harry Potter

Having learned about the danger that threatens their family, Potters hid from Volan de Mort. Made it was with the help of a protective spell Fidelius ("trust spell"), which hid from a dark lord and other unwanted persons a place where James lived with his family.

The keeper of the mystery, in whose heart is sealed the secret of the location of the hidden, James appointed the old school buddy Peter Pettigry, one of the "Marauders", but he turned out to be a traitor. Wolan de Mort was able to detect and kill the hero and his wife Lily, leaving their one-year-old son Harry Sapoy.


The role of adult James Potter performed actor Adrian Rowling. Appeared in four films of the series - "Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone" (2001), "Harry Potter and the Fire Cup" (2005), "Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix" (2007) and "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2" ( 2011). It's funny that Adrian was born on the same day that the character of James Potter played by the character - March 27.

Adrian Rawlice as James Potter

James Potter at sixteen depicted on the screen Actor Robbie Jarvis, who appears only once - in the film "Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix". An eleven-year-old James in the first year of Hogwarts played young actor Elph McIelwein.

Robbie Jarvis as James Potter

The role of James Potter in all films of the series - episodic. It is much better known to the viewer the main characters of the magical epic.

Elf Makilwein as James Potter

The role of Hermione Granger played actress Emma Watson. This role has become for nine-year-old Emma and still the most recognizable work in the cinema. Before that, the girl participated only in school theatrical productions, but fascinated producers at how confidently held on samples. After the release of the first film of the series in 2001, Emma received a premium as the best young actress. The actress herself after the release of the third film spoke in an interview, which he considers Hermione fantastic role and enjoys work.

Emma Watson as Hermione Granger

Nevertheless, by the time, when the last two films of the series had to start shooting, Emma had already heard from the role of Hermione and, according to rumors, I wanted to get out of the project. Weighing the pros and cons, the young actress still signed the contract for another three years of filming about Harry Potter, and the fans of the series received films with Hermione.

Ron Weasley, the second member of the Troika Heroes, played the British actor Rupert Grint. For Rupert, this role also became the first in the acting career. Interestingly, like his hero Ron Weasley, Rupert is afraid of spiders.

Although the American company "Warner Brothers Production" was engaged in the casting, in Casting, only British children could participate in the role of the three main characters and not older than eleven years. The acting experience was optional. Like Emma Watson, Rupert played in school performances, but was not a professional actor. But I was a fan of books about Harry Potter.

Rupert Grint as Ron Weasley

About Casting The eleven-year-old boy learned from the news on the channel "Air Force", and to get there, composed and recorded rap about how he wants to take part in the shooting. Movies about Harry Potter brought Rupert wealth and fame, but did not contribute to the career takeoff. Until now, the actor was not invited to participate in any other as a loud project.

Daniel Radcliffe played the role of the third and chief member of the three heroes - Harry, Son James Potter. Daniel, unlike young colleagues, was a professional acting experience. He participated in the filming of the television film "David Copperfield", which came out on the TV channel "Air Force" in 1999. In the same year, actors were gained to participate in the filming of the first film about Harry Potter, and Daniel passed the casting on a major role. The success of films about Harry Potter raised the actor on the wave of popularity.

Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter

After the completion of the Radcliffe project played many diverse roles, little similar to the image to which the audience was accustomed during filming and demonstrating films about Harry Potter. In the tragicomedy "Man - Swiss Knife" The actor plays a surrealistic speaker person named Manney, and in the absolute power of the dramatic thriller "Absolute Power" in the same 2016 - a brithead agent FBI, which joined the neo-Nazi terrorist group.

At the same time, Radcliffe is removed in social advertising and supports socially significant projects, and plays the theater. In 2017, the Plays of Tom Stoppard "Rosencranc and Guilderster is dead", where Radcliffe played the role of Rostecran, was published in the London Theater "Old Vic".

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