Sergey Stolyarov - biography, photo, personal life, movies, death



Sergey Stolyarov is an outstanding actor, the game of which still admire the audience and film critics. Sergey Dmitrievich was awarded the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR, and also became a laureate of the Stalinist Prize. However, the main award actor always considered the recognition of the audience.

Childhood and youth

The biography of the future actor began in a small village called Uzabovo, which is under Tula. Sergey Stolyarov was born on November 1, 1911. Five children grew in the woodroom family. Since childhood, the boy had to be not easy: Sergei Dmitrievich's father died in war in 1914. The family needed hard, so the little Sergey went to earn money, hardly he turned five years old: the boy pass the cows of the healing neighbor.

Actor Sergey Stolyarov

In 1919, a large-scale privacy began. And without that poor family lost stocks for the winter, the Military took everything to the cleaner. Then Grandma Sergey sent a boy with four brothers in Tashkent - there were more opportunities in the city at least on a piece of bread. But in Tashkent, Sergey did not hit. On the way, the boy infected with a typhoid and stayed at the Kursk Hospital. The brothers went on.

When Sergey Stolyarov recovered, kind doctors and nurses sent the boy to the orphanage. There's Sergey there and met the scene: one of the educators organized an amateur children's theater.

Sergey Stolyarov in youth

Dreams about the career of the actor Manili Sergey, but harsh time dictated other conditions. After the orphanage, Sergey Stolyarov went to study in the Moscow Craft School, where he chose the specialty of the driver and locksmith.

After graduating from studying, Sergey Dmitrievich got a job in a railway depot. However, the dream of a young man did not leave the dream, devoting his free time in the theater studio. Soon, the young talent was noticed and invited to join the troupe of the theater of the Red Army.


The first role in the movie went Sergey Stolyarov in 1935. The young man played the pilot in the film "Aerograd". This picture though did not bring the actor of glory and fame, but played a decisive role in the further fate of Stolyarov. Sergey Dmitrievich noted the director Grigory Alexandrov and immediately invited a talented actor to the role in the film "Circus".

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Work on the picture went without a small two years. In 1937, "Circus" went on screens. Sergey Stolyarov played a major role in this film. The audience perceived the picture with delight, and the actor became a symbol with a symbol of true masculinity and nobility. Rare Photo of Sergey Stolyarov tried to get all the fans of cinema.

The children's dream of Sergei Dmitrievich was embodied, but the happiness of the actor turned out to be overshadowed. Sergey Stolyarov categorically refused to attend the premiere showing of the painting, giving him nationwide love. The fact is that a talented operator Vladimir Nielsen was shot shortly before that. Anonymous report was served for execution. He played the role and "intact" surname of a man - in those days, any little thing could be a reason for accusing in state treason.

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Stolyarov was shocked what happened and did not want to receive a government award. The premiere of "Circus" passed without the main character. After some time, the picture went to the World Festival of Cinema, to the capital of France, but there was not invited there.

It is noteworthy that on the same festival for the first time the famous sculpture of faith of the Mukhina "Worker and collective farmer" was presented. The figure and face of the worker Mukhina looked with Sergey Stolyarov. This sculpture is still the Mosfilm emblem recognizable by even people who are far from the world of cinema.

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In 1943, Sergey Stolyarov began to invite the roles in children's films. The first was the "Koschey Immortal", several years later, the pictures "Sadko" and "Ilya Muromets" appeared. Colleagues Sergei Dmitrievich will later remember that at first the actor was afraid to look ridiculous in the images of fabulous heroes, but soon literally drank with his characters and again showed a high level of acting skills.

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The popularity of the actor in those years was phenomenal, Sergey Stolyarova recognized on the street, and the screen heroes of the artist became idols and an example for imitation. At the Venetian Film Festival, the picture "Ilya Muromets" won the first prize. However, the main character was not at the presentation again: this time the government simply did not release a hypocrite from the country, considering unreliable.

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The talent of Sergey Stolyarova manifested itself not only on the screen: the actor began work on his own scenario dedicated to Dmitry Donskoy. However, to finish Sergey Dmitrievich prevented the disease.

Personal life

Sergey Stolyarov's personal life was happy. The actor's wife, Olga Dmitrievna Konstantinova, was also an actress, although not so successful.

Sergey Stolyarov with family

The couple raised the son of Kirill. Sergey Dmitrievich turned out to be an exemplary family man, the orphanage taught a man to appreciate home comfort.


In 1968, Sergei Stolyarov began to complain about deterioration of well-being. At the actor began to swell their legs, began to torment shortness of breath. For some time, Sergey Dmitrievich was shouted from proposals to consult a doctor, writing off everything for age. However, soon the man felt very bad. The diagnosis of doctors was disappointing: the actor was diagnosed with cancer. Oncology will later be called and the cause of the death of Sergei Dmitrievich.

Grave Sergey Stolyarova

Until the last day, Sergey Stolyarov worked on his own scenario, but did not have time to finish the work. In 1969, the actor sent papers to assign the title of the people's artist. Son Sergey Dmitrievich will later remember that the father, who has not got up from the hospital bed, only waved on the envelope with his hand. A few days later, December 9, 1969, Sergey Stolyarova did not.

The actors buried at the Moscow Vagankovsky cemetery. Sergey Dmitrievich's grave is located next to the last shelter of Vladimir Vysotsky, Vladislav Listeeva, Inhi Artamonova. The creative heritage of the actor will live forever in the hearts of fans.


  • 1967 - "Timbal Andromeda"
  • 1966 - "Ask your heart"
  • 1965 - "They will not pass"
  • 1960 - "They were nineteen"
  • 1957 - "The Tale of First Love"
  • 1956 - "Ilya Muromets"
  • 1952 - Sadko
  • 1946 - "Ancient Waterville"
  • 1944 - "Ivan Grozny"
  • 1944 - "Koschey Immortal"
  • 1939 - "Vasilisa beautiful"
  • 1939 - "Sailors"
  • 1936 - "Circus"
  • 1935 - "Space flight"
  • 1935 - "Love and Hate"

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