Teresa Durova - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Theater 2021



In 1991, the international festival of clowns took place in Moscow, the organizer of which Teresa Durov was performed. 300 artists from different countries, including the United States of America and Japan, arrived in Russia to speak at the festival. But they did not want to drive around the houses to the artists-enthusiasts, and they made a proposal to create a stationary theater of this genre. Two years later, the first theater of the clowns opened in Moscow under the leadership of Teresa Durra.

Childhood and youth

Teresa Gunnibalovna Durov was born on October 3, 1953 in the city of Baku (the territory of modern Azerbaijan), in the family of artists. Prapraded Teresa - Anatoly Leonidovich Durov - was among the most highly paid circus artists in Russia. Anatoly Leonidovich worked as an acrobat, clown, performed in theatrical productions with animals, tried forces as director.

Teresa Durova

His son Anatoly Anatolyevich Durov (accounting for Praded Teresa Hannibalovna) went in the footsteps of his father, becoming clown, satyrik, trainer, toured successfully in Europe. The circus tradition of the family continued her grandchildren. There were three of them in the family: two young men - Vladimir and Yuri, and the girl Teresa. When the fragile girl Teresa Vasilyevna became a trainer, the brothers just laughed at her. But as a result, Teresa Vasilyevna Durov received the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Circus dynasty Durov

In 1953, the daughter of Teresa Gunnibalovna was born in the circus dynasty of the Durov. Father Girls, Hannibal Vladimirovich Nadzharov, was a musician and trainer. To ensure a quiet childhood daughter, the parents left Teresa to upbringing grandparents along the Father's line, in Baku. But after seeing the mother, surrounded by elephants on the Manege circus, 5-year-old Teresa did not want to return to Baku, to normal life. The problem of choosing a profession before the girl was not standing, but she still moved away from the family tradition and instead of a player chose the scene. After graduation, the girl came to the Directory Faculty of the Russian Institute of Theater Art.


Career Teresa began at 13 years old, with circus arena, where the girl along with his mother spoke with the trained elephants. At seven years, the girl left Baku to her parents, in a nomadic circus, and there remained. Until 21 years old, the girl performed in the arena with circus numbers and trained animals, and coming out married, left the circus and settled with her husband in Moscow.

Circus actress to apply itself in the capital was nowhere, so Teresa came to the profession on the other side, the girl received a higher education in the specialty "directed". Even at the second year, Gitis Teresa got a job as a teacher in the Moscow Circus School.

Teresa Durov in the theater

One day, in a conversation with clown, Durov found out that the metropolitan circuses desperately need representatives of this cheerful, but not an easy profession. After a conversation on this topic with Yuri Nikulin, in 1991, Teresa Gunnibalovna was organized by the international festival of clowns in Moscow, in the hope of finding talents from the province. The festival was so successful that the actress decided to create the Moscow Theater of the Clownada.

The next problem, inserted on the path of the artist, was the need to give the theater the status of state. To do this, it was necessary to collect a lot of signatures on different documents. Now the brainchild of the artist is called "Teatrium on Serpukhov under the leadership of Teresa Durov."

Personal life

A beginner journalist Sergey Aleksandrovich Abramov, the son of the writer Alexander Abramov, came to the Circus in order to interview the famous trainer Teresa Vasilyevna Durov. Then the young man first saw her daughter on the arena. Teresa was then 21 and, judging by the photo, the girl was beautiful. Sergey fell in love without a memory and soon conquered the heart of the young trainer. A year later, young people got married.

Grandkon and Son Teresa Durov

Parents reacted with understanding and supported the choice of her daughter, but colleagues did not understand how the heiress of the Durov dynasty left Circus for the sake of family life. A year later, Teresa gave birth to the son of Artem Sergeevich Abramov. The young man did not go in the footsteps of the mother, he was closer to the Father's path - Artem became a writer and TV presenter. Artem's spouse is an artist, now manufactures copyright portrait dolls.

Teresa Gunnibalovna and Sergey Alexandrovich lived in marriage for 42 years and already raise the grandson Danil. Whether he will continue to give a glorious circus biography of her grandmother - while it is too early to make it early, but it will not work for an ordinary person in such a family.

Teresa Durov now

Teresa Gunnibalovna in 64 holds the position of artistic director and the main director of the Temium and is his heart and soul. The repertoire, which Durova selects personally, is presented on the official website. On the stage of the theater there are performances for different age groups: from the smallest ("dough", "flying ship") to adolescents and even adults ("in jazz only girls", "Male bodies. Single number").

Cloanada Theater under the leadership of Teresa Durov

Teresa, since childhood, accustomed to his parents not only to perform on the circus arena with animals, but also to remove the manure in the stable, no work is bent in its theater: she sews suits for actors, helps them to make them comes and even on Teresa's holidays.

The Teatrium in Serpukhovka tours with productions through the territory of the Russian Federation, creates theatrical projects and conducts international festivals of theatrical art, cooperates with European directors.

Teresa Durova in 2017

September 22, 2017 in Moscow, with the support of the government, passed 11 Gavrosh festival under the leadership of the Teatrium and Teresa Durra. This year, the festival is devoted to the theatrical art of France and is designed for viewers of any age.

Despite the age, Teresa Hannibalovna spends every morning in the gym, and the day is at work. The exception is only Sunday. In the only day off, Durov droves with his family to the country in the forest, plays with grandson and explores English.


  • "Prince and the Pauper"
  • "Dough"
  • "You need to marry you, barin"
  • "Canary soup"
  • "Male fragrance"
  • "Magic Lamp Aladdin"
  • "Sleeping Beauty"
  • "Flying ship"
  • "Buratino"
  • "Japanese fairy tale. Sword samurai "

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