Nikolai Ltokov - biography, photo, personal life, death



Nikolai Anisimovich Lefigockers - a figure contradictory and ambiguous: historians shared on two half, and each insists on its right. But the opposing parties are solidar in one: the Soviet police associated with citizens with the punitive organ.

General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Nikolai Ltokov

With the new Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the image of a policeman in the presentation of Soviet people approached a benevolent intellectual, the sample of whom the audience saw in the series "The investigation is conducted by experts." Yes, and the film itself came out during the reign of the head of the department.

By changing the perception by citizens of severe law enforcement officers, lyrics attracted writers, pop artists and movies. The police day became a nationwide holiday, and law enforcement officers today call the profile minister the best of their predecessors and followers.

Childhood and youth

The future Minister of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs was born in 1910 in the then Russia, at the station Diamond Ekaterinoslav province (today the city of Diamond Lugansk region of Ukraine). Nikolai Likokov grew up in the working family, the head of which worked at the metallurgical plant.

Nikolai Ltdokov in youth

A teenager went to work for 12 years, setting up Konogon at the coal mine. In 1926, after graduating from a seven-year school, the young man became a student of the school of mining industry. After graduation she worked at the mine in the town of Kadiiii.

After graduating from the school, Nikolai Likokov did not put the point in education and went to Dnepropetrovsk, where he entered the metallurgical university. The ranks of the Communist Party entered 2 years before the end of the Institute. In 1933, Nikolai Likokov received a diploma and worked until the end of the 1930s in Ukrainian factories.


The Biography of Nikalokov as a policy began in 1938: the young chief of the Martensian workshop of the Dnipropetrovsk Metallurgical Plant was elected first secretary of the district party. A year later, Nikolai Lokalokov headed the city executive committee of Dnepropetrovsk and worked in this post before the start of the war. During the years in the city, Leonid Brezhnev met: the future Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU worked by the secretary of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Committee.

In 1941, Nikolai Nikolokov entrusted ensuring the evacuation of factories and the population to the south of the country. In the summer of 1941, Khokalokov mobilized to army service. As part of the group of the South Front, he went to Stalingrad, where he was appointed head of the group.

Nikolai lyrics in war

From 1941 to 1942, Nikolai Ltokov - authorized by the South African Summer South Africa in two regions, Stalingrad and Rostov. The next 2 years was replaced by the political assistant of the rear of the northern group of troops. The end of the war met as the head of the political waste and the rank of Colonel 28 of the Rifle Corps.

After the war, Nikolai Ltdokov year (until 1947) worked as Deputy Minister of Industry of the Ukrainian Republic. Then 4 years, until 1951, she worked in the Ukrainian office of the Central Committee, replacing the secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. The zone of responsibility of the deputy included the Ukrainian industry.

Nikolai Alokov and Georgy Zhukov

From 1951 to 1965, Nikolai Likokov worked in the Moldovan SSR, in turn, taking up the posts of Deputy Chairman of the Republic of the Republic, Chairman of the SN Moldavia and the 2nd Secretary of the Central Committee of the Republican Communist Party.

Leonid Brezhnev, heading the post of the Secretary-General, "pulled up" the closer to the old acquaintances. Alokkova offered the post of the Union Minister of Public Procedure. Nikolai Nikolai Nikolakov's spouse with a warm heart left with a heavy heart. The woman was killed a husband to refuse high position, warning:

"Or you will kill you, or you will kill yourself."

But the ambitious and full ideas of the official has already built plans for the reorganization of the department: work in the capital at such a high post stalled pride and attracted to scale.

Over the 16 years of the Board of Nikolai Nikalokov, 17 institutes and the Ministry of Internal Affairs opened in the country. The salary of employees has grown, significant changes have undergone uniforms. There was a summer form - short sleeves shirts and permission not to wear ties in the heat. Law enforcement agencies have equipped with modern technology, and the demand for the police grew up. The prestige of the service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs rapidly grew, as well as the confidence of citizens to "people in shape."

Nikolai Alokkov

Note that Nikolai Lokalokov led the ministry after 13 years after the shooting of Lavrentia Beria, the ominous shadow of which, as well as the attitude to the police, the human memory kept tenaciously. For 5-6 years, the Protege of Brezhnev changed the attitude towards the head challenged. In the 1970s, it was a joke that in the Ministry of Internal Affairs more teachers than in the Pedagogical Academy.

Nikolai Likokov proposed to cancel in the USSR Institute for registration and "national" count in passports, ratified for the conditional measure of punishment for the "small" criminals. The minister believed that before the vessel, the suspects should not be held in custody, and after serving the term of the conclusion of the former "zeks", they have the right to return to their native city, and not reveal for the "101st kilometer".

Nikolai Ltdokov and Leonid Brezhnev

In 1977, Nikolai Likokov initiated the appearance of a penalties, in the people of nicknamed "chemistry." Convicted, the number of which in the late 1970s reached half a million, was serving the deadline, not losing freedom. "Chemists" worked at enterprises with harmful conditions, preserved families and did not fall out of social life.

Contemporaries are grateful to the lyrics for played in the posthumous fate of the role shot by the royal family. The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs stood behind the director of Helia Ryabova and the geologist of Alexander Avdonin, discovered the remains of Nicholas II. The daughter of the Minister, Irina Nikalokov, after the death of his father told reporters that Nikolai Anisimovich called his duty to find and on the Christian tradition to bury the remains of prisoners of the Ipatiev House.

Mstislav Rostropovich and Galina Vishnevskaya

The influence of Nikolai Nikalokov was provided by Galina Vishnevskaya and Mstislav Rostropovich, with whom he was friends and in the period of glory, and during persecution times. Good relations The Minister supported with Archbishop Pimen and the artist Ilya Glasenov, who presented the album brought from abroad from the photos of Nikolai Romanov and his family.

Nikolai Localkov was distinguished from representatives of the highest party level. He was engaged in sports, read a lot, painted, visited theatrical premieres.

Nikolai Ltdokov and Yuri Andropov

In December 1982, after the death of Leonid Ilyich, the Protege of the Secretary General was accused of corruption and fired. For the persecution of the head of the head of the KGB Yury Andropov, the long-standing enemies of Nikolai Nikalokov. The investigation conducted on his initiative revealed multiple abuse of the powers of the ex-minister.

In February 1983, without preparing the etches and opals, committed the life of the suicide of the spouse of Nikalokov - Svetlana. Woman shot himself at the cottage.

Nikolai Ltdokov and his wife Svetlana

In the summer of the same year, the former chapter of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was thrown away from the Central Committee, and in November, the general shoulders took place. This seemed not enough. At the end of 1984, Nikolai Nikalokov was excluded from the party, deprived of state awards, leaving only the combat. Brezhnev's favorite accused of the embezzlement of antiques, written off broadcasts, jewels in the amount of half a million rubles.

Roy Medvedev wrote that the majority of accusations were false, but the spouse of Nodokhov, along with Galina Brezhnev, allegedly succeeded in a buying and resale of gold products and diamonds.

Personal life

With the wife of Svetlana Popova, a charming blonde nurse, which was almost 17 years old, Politruk Nikolai Lykalokov met on the front. More couple did not part. They got married and created a strong family, in which the daughter of Irina and Son Igor were born.

Nikolai Ltdokov and his wife Svetlana

After the war, Svetlana Nikalokov graduated from the Medical Institute and became a otolaryngologist.

After moving to Moscow, Svetlana Vladimirovna did not become a housewife as the majority of wives of party officials, but continued to practice. She defended his dissertation and taught in the metropolitan Medical Institute.


The last straw, the taught of the patience, was the publication of the Decree on the deprivation of Nikolai Nikalokov's title of the army general in the central newspapers on the police day. Before that, he was called, offering to pass awards.

Memorial sign in honor of Nikolai Shchelokov in Dnepropetrovsk

According to the stories, Nikolai Smokokov answered that they came and took themselves. The date was determined on December 13th. The former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not wait. On December 10, he wrote a letter to Konstantin Chernenko, which began with the words: "So began 1937 ..."

On December 12, clicks held relatives, and the 13th, leaving money to pay utility services and drinking coffee with brandy, let me up a bullet. According to the daughter, they have found a note: "From the dead orders do not remove."

Flooded Clochal on the 20th section of the capital Vagankovsky cemetery. The grave is located next to the place of burial of his wife.

In 2008, a group of Russian directors removed the documentary tape investigation "Kremlin funeral", which is based on declassified archival documents and legends about the deaths of the Soviet aristocracy. The 15th series - about the death of Nikolai Nikalokov. The film was released on the TV channel NTV.


  • In the Luhansk region there are three museum premises N. Nikalokov: in the Stakhanovsky City Museum (whole room), restored house number 8 on Barnaulskaya Street in the city of Almazna (House-Museum was officially opened on 10/23/2007), in the regional Museum of the Department of Internal Affairs in Lugansk, memory corner with Personal things.
  • Honorary Citizen of the city of Dnepropetrovsk (now Dnipro).
  • On May 7, 2011, in Dnepropetrovsk, the building of the Main Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the region opened a memorable sign. According to the Center for Public Relations, the sign is installed in the square, the decision of the Dnipropetrovsk City Executive Committee called in honor of N. A. Nikalokov.
  • The interregional public organization of veterans of operational services "Honor" established the medal named "Nikolai Anisimovich Nikalokov".
  • In 2005, the director Maxim Faytelberg took about the fate of Nikolai Nikolakova, a documentary film "Fall of the All-Fusion Minister. Locks. "

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