Cat Matroskin - character history, image and character, quotes


Character History

Character created by the children's writer Edward Uspensky. Gray striped talking cat, boy buddy, whose name is called Uncle Fedor, and Psa Ball. For the first time appears in the story, published in 1973 ("Uncle Fedor, Cat and Dog"). Then he becomes the hero of a series of Soviet cartoons taken based on this and other works of Eduard Assumption.

History of creation

Cat Matroskin has a prototype - a friend of the writer Edward Uspensky, the editor of the Satyric newsrier "Fitil" Anatoly Taraskin. Cat Matroskin "Inherited" reasonableness, the circumstance and the domicileness of this person, and at the same time he had to inherit and surname. However, Taraskin asked Uspensky not to call the fictional cat with his name, because he considered it too caricature.

Anatoly Taraskin - Matroskin's prototype

On the screens, Matroskin appeared for the first time in 1975, two years after the release of the story "Uncle Fedor, Cat and Dog", in the cartoon of the same name, shot by directors Yuri Klepacksky and Lydia Surikova. Assumption himself wrote to this cartoon scenario. And the cat Matroskin was voiced by the actress Clara Novikov, later became the famous humorous and TV presenter (in the Ukrainian version), and actress Svetlana Harlap (in the Russian version).

However, this screen embodiment of Matroskin remains not too famous. The real fame was the image created in a series of cartoons about the adventures in Prostokvashino, filmed by the director Vladimir Popov: "Three from Prostokvashino" (1978), "Vacation in Prostokvashino" (1980) and "Winter in Prostokvashino" (1984).

Clara Novikova, Svetlana Harlap and Oleg Tabakov voiced Matroskin

Scenarios for all three wrote Eduard Asspensky, and the taper-striped hero was voiced by Oleg Tabakov, whose voice is now trying to symuntize, on the occasion, in the speech of Cat Matroskin. The design of animal characters for cartoons was created by the descriptor artist Nikolai Drekalov.

Image and plot

Cat Matroskin is an economic and practical hero, rationalist, is inclined to save, of all seeks to benefit. Own nickname calls the name. First, lived in Moscow, at a certain professor who studied the language of animals. There, Matroskin, in turn, learned the human Russian language and began to talk to people.

Cat Matroskin in the first cartoon

Then he became a homeless, lived in the entrance of a residential high-rise building, where he met Uncle Fedor. Then, together with the new friend and dog, the ball moved to the village of Prostokvashino, where it was ideal for himself. It took up the economy, embodied the dream of his own cow, which will give milk.

The hero is looking for practical benefits in everything and is upset when it does not find, in times running stick. She inclined to push the ps of the ball in that it is not in the farm, but only the "expenses are alone." Quarrel with the ball due to the fact that impractical dog instead of the boots spent money on fashionable sneakers. Sometimes it takes milk, which gives his cow, all existing in the house of the tank.

Cat matroskin and ball

It has a lot of useful skills: knows how to work on a sewing machine, embroider with a cross, play guitar, write and read, and also assume that, undoubtedly, it is useful to be able to make a shopping cat. And also sings under the guitar of the song.

In the new Assumption's Handes, which came out already in the 90s, Cat Matroskin demonstrates a tendency to entrepreneurship and fits well into new realities, where the practical ingenuity of the hero and the ability to find a way out of a difficult situation turn out to be ("Aunt Uncle Fedor, or Escape from Prostokvashino "," New orders in the village of Prostokvashino ").

Cat Matroskin and Uncle Fedor

In the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino", Matroskin's cat meets Uncle Fedor and with him goes to the village of Prostokvashino. At the place of pleasures, they get acquainted with the dog nicknamed the ball, and it shows a new acquaintance with an empty house where you can live. In the meantime, the parents in Moscow are submitted to the newspaper announcement of the boy's disappearance, and heroes have to get acquainted with the korestolobiy village postman Pechkin, who expects to get a bike as a reward for "issuing" Uncle Fedor.

In the cartoon "Vacation in Prostokvashino", the hero, together with the dog, continue to live in the village. And Uncle Fedor, before that returned with his parents to Moscow, again goes to the "sorry" and comes to them on vacation. Parents of an independent boy who did not plan to relax in Prostokvashino, together go to Sochi. Matroskin in the village hurts with a cow who gave birth to a calf Gavruch, and the ball became interested in photography.

Cat Matroskin with a guitar

In the cartoon "Winter in Prostokvashino", the Economic Matroskin quarrels with the ps of the ball, who missed the money and instead of the boots bought for the winter sneakers. The heroes do not speak directly with each other and transmit messages from one corner of the house to another, using the postman Pechekin as an intermediary. Later, Matroskin puts up with a dog: when Uncle Fedor and his father come to them for the New Year, heroes have to pull out stuck in the snow "Zaporozhets".

Interesting Facts

Economic cat Matroskin, a fan of cows and milk, decorates labels of dairy products produced by the Russian brand "Prostokvashino".

Cat Matroskin in dairy advertising

The famous cat is several times embodied in bronze. The monument to Matroskin and the ball can be found in Khabarovsk on city ponds. Bronze heroes are sitting on a bench and talk. And in 2015, a monument to the actor Oleg Tabakov was opened in Saratov, and Matroskin's cat became the second figure in this composition.

On the basis of the cartoon "Three of Prostokvashino" in 2005-2009, a series of video games was created, where Matroskin is present as one of the characters.


Cat Matroskin remains a favorite character of fans of animation of different ages, and the spells of the hero are still hearing. For example, Matroskin Kamnier to the way Uncle Fedor eats a sandwich:

"Wrong wrong, Uncle Fedor, Eat Sandwich. You keep it with a sausage, and you need to put the sausage to the tongue, so tastier it will turn out. "

Other quotes also diverged widely:

"If we will not give up to each other, we will not have a house, but a communal apartment. Eklock "." There are also people are so coatless. The less they think, the more benefit. "" Oh, this ball is with us! Hunting was found! There is no income from you, but the expenses are alone ... "" - So what is it? What is this folk creativity?

- Oh, you, Seryos! This is the National National Folk Hole. "FIG" is called!

- lived! We, we can say him, found on the garbage, washed, they were cleared of cleaning, and he draws us the Figvama here ... "" And who will think about us? Admiral Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern? "" ... On the receipt of the cow, a redhead one, we took it alone by the receipt, we will take one alone so as not to violate the reports. "

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