Mikhail Levitin - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Director, Olga Ostrumova, Theater 2021



Mikhail Levitin is a Russian director, playwright, writer and TV presenter. Looking at his boiler energy, it's hard to believe that he overstepped the 70-year-old frontier. Mikhail Zakharovich, like 20, 30 years ago, full of strength and energy. For Levitin, a person is creative and bright, there are no borders and prohibitions, it despises conventions and age limitations. Hermitage Theater "Hermitage" every year pleases fans with new performances and writes wonderful books, for which he repeatedly became the nominee of the Booker award.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Levitin was born in December of the post-war 1945 in Odessa in an intelligent family. By nationality he is a Jew. Mom Mikhail originally from the Ukrainian town of Kozelz, later moved to Chernigov. Father was born in the Belarusian Mogilev. Parents met during the war in the Orenburg region, in Buguruslan, where a 23-year-old girl worked in a single point in the area of ​​searching for people missing during the war. Young people got married and after the war moved to Odessa.

Mom Mikhail worked at the Institute of Communication, where Marxism-Leninism was taught. Circus artists she read the subject on the public basis. There was a familiarity of Mikhail Levitin with the world of art in his brightest manifestations. Levitin argues:

"Since then, for me, the artist that clown is the same thing, I do not distinguish them."

In the circus on the shore of the "Pearls by the Sea", a little Misha met with amazing people, legends. Circus programs sold the father of Efim Berezina, famous for the entire alliance of the artist known as the plug. Later, Levitin met Viktor Ilchenko, Roman Kartsev and Mikhail Zhvanetsky.

Mikhail Levitin did not miss a single circus presentation. Already in 5 years, dressed in the father's jackets, he gave home concerts, repeating the entire repertoire Arkady Rykin. The boy dreamed of becoming a clown, but in the adolescence "fell ill" the theater.

The directorial talent "cut through Mikhail Levitin at school. The guy signed up in the drama, but soon realized that he would cope better than his head. And although he became the best actor, but left the team and created his alternative drama. He turned out to be more successful than "official": at urban review, the brainchild of the young director Levitin presented the audience a performance "Mozart and Salieri" and received the first prize, leaving behind the respected art teams of Odessa.

At school, Mikhail Levitina was taken to the bayonets, accused of destroying the work of the official dramaway, and hinted that it would be nice to say goodbye to the Buntar. Mikhail heard and jumping through the class (handed over the exams externally), went to enter Gitis.

Mom, who did not want the Son to associate life with the actor, the son brought a certificate from the dean, confirming the receipt to theatrical university. The woman dreamed of seeing the child with an engineer, a "serious" man, but Mikhail chose the world of art.


In 1969, Mikhail Levitin, who studied at the course of Yuri Zavadsky, was awarded the diploma of the director. The diploma performance Levitin put on the play Petaire Weiss on the stage of the theater on Taganka. He was called "about how Mr. Mokinpott got rid of his stuffy."

For 10 years, Mikhail Levitin put more than a dozen performances, which the Teathers of Moscow, Leningrad, Riga. With a light Hand Levitin at the Kurchatov Institute, a buffonade studio has appeared. Soon the director created another studio without constant "registration", which included novice actors Vsevolod Abdulov, Leia Ahacedzhakova, Olga Ostrumova, Ivan Svindovichny, Albert Philosov.

The turning point in the creative biography of Mikhail Levitin was cooperation with the miniature theater in 1978: the talented director was invited to a permanent job. After the appearance in this temple, Levitin Melpomen on the stage appeared performances on the works of Yuri Oleshi, Isaac Babel, Kurt Vonnegut and Mikhail Zhvanetsky. The audience standing applauded the innovative productions of Mikhail Levitin "Chekhonte in the Hermitage" and "Harms! Charm! Shardam!, Or school clowns. "

The director moved to the theater scene of the prose and the poetry of Oboriutov, depicting reality through Grotesque and Alogism. So, on the stage of the theater, the miniature appeared performances on the works of Daniel Harms, Alexander Intraved and Nikolai Oleinikov. In 1987, Mikhail Levitina appointed the main director of the miniature theater. Soon the theater was renamed "Hermitage", he became incredibly popular with theatrians of the capital.

After a burst of glory, the director survived a difficult period when he almost took his favorite brainchild. In 1993, merchants tried to take away the theater building, the director was threatened, Mikhail Levitin moved around the city with security. When the threat of the loss of "Hermitage" seemed inevitable, Mikhail Zakharovich declared a hunger strike. He was supported by Fazil Iskander, Sergey Yursky, Sergey Solovyov and the leading actress Theater Love Polishchuk. Raiders retreated.

Today, the Pieces of Russian and foreign authors are put on the "Hermitage" layouts. But the theater regulars with special pleasure are visited by performances, put on the play Mikhail Levitin. These are such as "I take off the" rat "," Psycho and Meloevka "," Azef "," S.S.S.R. ".

Mikhail Levitin is also a talented TV presenter. From 2011 to 2013 on the Culp channel, the audience saw the cycles of its copyright about the life and work of famous actors, directories and playwrights.

In the second half of the 1970s, Mikhail Levitin made his debut as a writer. The story "Italian happiness" appeared in the newspaper "Week".

Today in the author's piggy bank (Levitin - Member of the Union of Writers of Russia and Pen-Club) more than a dozen books. Its prose willingly print "Tolstaya" magazines "Banner", "October", "Neva". Four Roman Mikhail Levitin nominated on the Russian Booker Prize. In 2001, Mikhail Levitin assigned the title of People's Artist of Russia.

The director continues to put on the stage of the "Hermitage" performances. In 2016, theatrians saw the "Wedding of Krchinsky" formulation on Novy Arbat, 11 on the play of the playwright Alexander Sukhovo-Koblin. In 2017, the premiere of "Don Quixote" was held in Hermitage.

The next year was not too saturated on theatrical productions. The director set the play "Tsari" on the poems "Boris Godunov" Alexander Pushkin and "Pugachev" Sergey Yesenin.

In 2019, Mikhail Zakharovich released the book "Decitment of books about Victor Shklovsky." This is not just a biography, and the author's attempt to comprehend the temperament and behavior of his hero. Then Levitin collected his story written at different times and published in the "October" magazine, to the collection "Praised Tale", which saw the world in the same year. The last work on the literary field was the book about theater and people working in it, which was called "after love. Roman about profession. "

In the same year, he set several performances: "Outside the law. Outlaw. Outside the law, "on Lion, Luntz and" I am not at home "in Daniel Harms.

On the TV channel "Culture", Mikhail Zakharovich "Valkyrie Sergey Eisenstein" was published. The director appeals to one of the largest and most significant events in the biography of the great Sergey Eisenstein - putting on the scene of the Bolshoi Walkira Theater Richard Wagner on the eve of the Great Patriotic War.

Personal life

The first time Levitin married himself in his youth when he was in the second year of Gitis. Mista's charming girl Masha - Sister Alexei Borodina, Derukok of the Russian Academic Youth Theater became the elect Mikhaila. Masha was a student MSU. Young spouses who barely turned 18, filmed an apartment in Pushkino.

After graduating from universities, Mikhail and Masha plunged into the work. Mary's wife settled in the library of foreign literature, Mikhail Levitin put the performances and was less and less frequently in Pushkino. Love has fed and moved to the background, on the first was work in the theater.

In 1969, Levitin met the second love - Olga Ostrumov. They met at the dysu rehearsal. For several years, Mikhail and Olga were lovers: both were afraid to upset Masha, the good soul of man. But the truth had to open.

In marriage with Olga Ostrumova, two children were born. Olga's daughter became the actress of the Father's Theater "Hermitage". Olga Levitina is a well-deserved actress of Russia. Son Mikhail Levitin - Theatrical and film director.

The marriage of Levitin and Otrumova lasted 23 years. He was destroyed by Mikhail's loving. As a creative person, he was continuously fascinated, while he loved his wife. According to Levitin, the girlfriend "revealed" the eyes of Olga, having told about his numerous hobbies. Followed divorce.

Now the director is married to the Third Woman - Maria Kondrashova. Mikhail Levitin met her in the theater: Masha passed a study practice. According to the director, seeing Masha, he exclaimed internally: "This girl will save me!" In the third marriage, the daughter of Maria was born. She, as well as two senior director's children, a creative man.

Mikhail Zakharovich rejoices with his success, but even more children. In 2016, the creative debut of Mikhail Levitin Jr. took place. The young director presented the audience a melodrama-tragifars "scoundrel", in which his mother, sister Olga, stepfam Valentin Gaft, Vladimir Vdovichenkov and Lev Durov. The film went on the screens after the death of Lev Konstantinovich.

The director does not post photos on social networks. Therefore, all news from the personal life of Mikhail Zakharovich fans will learn from official sources.

Mikhail Levitin now

In the fall of 2020, Mikhail Levitin presented the play "Bitch", which was raised by his novel. The meaning of the setting is reduced to the fact that the woman becomes a bitch not from a good life.

The performance transfers the audience to the post-war Odessa. In the center of the plot - a girl named Lucy. She has the best dad and girlfriend. However, Idilly collapses at one moment. Once Lucy finds out that the father changes the mother. This leads to the divorce of spouses. The girl suffers a feeling of guilt, but can not forgive the Father. Then the fate causes her another strike - Francesca's girlfriend dies. After herself, she leaves a diary with fantastic notes that end in the phrase "I will return to you Father." Lucy with head is reading. Thus, it becomes a long way of forgiveness of an expensive heart of man.

The performance turned out to be sincere and kind. A new generation of actors shone on stage - Pupils Mikhail Zakharovich. Lucy performed Diana Schulmina, and Francescu - Anna Bogdan. Father's role went to Stanislav Sukharev.

Mikhail Levitin determined the genre of the play as a melodrama. Its main goal was to show the audience that you need to forgive each other, despite the resentment and betrayal.


  • 2004 - "Wonders in Retova"
  • 2006 - "Girls"

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