Behemoth Cat - Character Character, Role, Character and Quotes


Character History

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov is a very ambiguous figure in Russian literature. Some are confident that the writer knew how to look into the past and predicting the future. "Master and Margarita", its fundamental work, which has been created for many years, is still disputes among literary critics. But, perhaps, many will agree with the fact that Bulgakov managed to identify colorful characters, among whom Woland and his retinue: Fagot, Azazello and Behemoth's cat - they were remembered both character and aphorisms.

History of creation

Literary criticists still can not give an accurate answer to the question when Mikhail Afanasyevich started working on his mystical work. But it is considered that the writer began to do the draft sketch in 1928, and initially the novel told about Voland and his associates, but the love line between the master and Margarita was added to the subsequent edits.

Michael Bulgakov

Bulgakov personally "illustrated" by the quotation of one of the heroes: "Do not burn manuscripts." Due to the fact that the religious play of the writer was banned in the theater, he threw into the oven kept sheets, but most of the material survived.

It is worth saying that work on the work lasted from 1928 to 1940, so Mikhail Afanasyevich can be safely put in one row with Alexander Pushkin, who worked on the "Eugene Onegin" seven years, and Johann Goethe, whose novel "Faust", pushing Bulgakov on The creation of "Master and Margarita" was created from 1774 to 1831.

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In the winter of 1940, the state of health Mikhail Afanasyevich deteriorated sharply. The writer began to lose sight, and the doctors diagnosed in him a hazardous disease - hypertensive nephrosclerosis. Therefore, near Bulgakov's bed, Elena Sergeyevna's wife was on duty and night, who continued to work on the novel, writing off the proposals for dictating a dying husband.

As for the animal waswolf, the image of a hippid cat was designed for no accident. Surely fans of the Witchcraft Roman guess that satyr and hidden subtext were sealed in the work of the Master and Margarita, and in the images of the main characters without difficulty there are hidden symbols and prototypes. "Bulgakovyady" are not able to give a single answer, which became a source of inspiration to create a favorite mess of Messira, who did not chaliel, did not touch anyone and fixed the primus.

Fudith hippo in the book I.Ya. Porfiryev

They say, Mikhail Afanasyevich read the book I.Ya. Porfiryev "Apocryphic Tale of Old Testament Persons and Events." In this work, it was mentioned about the sea monster, but not about the Cthulkhugovard of Lovekraft, but about the hippopotamus that lives in an unknown desert. Crank is presented in the book as a creature with an elephant head, which "decorate" fangs and trunk. Demon also has a huge stomach, thick hind limbs and barely noticeable tail. Therefore, it is not surprising that the underwater inhabitant was compared with a wooden mammal due to similarity in appearance.

Also on the shelf of the writer lay a Tomik, which is called "History of man's relationship with the devil", from where Mikhail Afanasyevich did statements. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the demonology, where the Hippo is a demon personifies the mortal sin - gluttony, in other words, an increment. In general, hippopotamus is the standard name of the minion of Satan.

Demon Behemot

But the second wife of the master of the pen love Belozerskaya said that the prototype of the fluffy fascinity of hell was their pet nickname. Literary critic Mariett Chudakova believes that one of the "distant ancestors" hippopotamus is a Cat Murr invented by Hoffmann, the same funny and smug.

The role of a hippid cat in the novel

Despite the censorship, dominant in the USSR, and the fact that Mikhail Bulgakov was a "Pet Stalin", the writer did not even seek to cover the sarcasm and irony by any metaphors and other artistic turnover. The writer refuses the vices of society, which are not covered with a veil and, as if there are in order of things. It is only worth remembering the quotation of Voland:

"People like people. They love money, but it was always so ... Well, frivolous ... Well, that ... and with mercy sometimes he knocks on their hearts ... Ordinary people ... in general, remind the same ... the apartment only spoiled them ... ".

It is worth saying that the writer Ironized not only over Muscovites, which on the presentation in the "variety" ran into the salon for free import dresses, but also on themselves.

Woland and Behemoth Cat

Mikhail Afanasyevich told how the money received from foreign director of his plays, they went to Torgsin with the beloved in order to make purchases. In this gloomy place where citizens having "currency values" were caught, the writer and his beloved watched, as Soviet people sought to buy delicacies.

In the novel, one of the grained Voland combines contradictory qualities in itself. The amateur to treat the lady "clean alcohol" also has "intelligent" habits, and a tendency to bump and aggressiveness. What only did the hippo on the pages of the novel: then he pays the tram with the controller, thereby bringing to the madness of Ivan the homeless, then drinks vodka visiting the steppe Lyarkayev, then beats Varenuhu, then tears the head by Bengali, etc.

Hippo cat with a glass of vodka

Hippo is the jester of the "hypnotist" who loves to make fun of people. So, for example, when Prokhorov interlocked: "So that my devils took!" (In general, the word "Damn" repeats in the novel quite often), - the cat made the chairman in the literal sense to disappear from the office, and instead of him in the chair of the head, it remains to sit and distribute the orders of the jacket.

The tail of the devil was remembered by lovers of literature due to quotations, for example, he strangled Chekists, saying:

"The only thing that can save the deadly wounded cat is a sip of gasoline ..."

At the end of the novel, the Hippo appears in the appearance of a sad room, which is doomed to the wanderings next to his lord. Before the sunrise, he, like other representatives of the dark strength, disappears into the place where the eternal shelter "devotees and elected" is prepared.


In 2005, the director Vladimir Bortko presented a mini-series "Master and Margarita" to the public. Although the project's budget was small, the creators were pretty tried to come up with an exciting picture and not to turn the original text.

Vano Miranyan as a cat hippo

Behemotus's cat was created not using computer graphics, actor Vano Miranian played him, the growth of which is only 100 centimeters. Vano during the filming had to work in a hot costume, and he could sing his paw on his own, and special motors answered for the facial animal. According to rumors, the actor missed during the bolt at Satan:

"There is so much naked girls, and I do not see anything!"

Voiced the cat Artist Semen Furman.

Interesting Facts

  • In the Soviet Union, by the century from the birthday of Mikhail Bulgakov, a postage stamp was released with the image of a hippid cat.
  • In the city of Kharkov, a monument to Mikhail Bulgakov and the Behemotus Kotu: a writer and a member of the Woland Sweets are sitting on a bench.
Monument to Mikhail Bulgakov and Kotu Hippo
  • Mikhail Afanasyevich adored domestic animals. So, in the writer's house and his second wife Lyubov Belozerskaya lived a cat on nicknamed flour. Love for the tailed writer handed over his wife; True, he initially did not take the animal in his hands. The firstborn flour was called anchlag in honor of the theater success of the author "Master and Margarita".


"Protest, Dostoevsky Immortensherth!" "Let me, Master, whistled before jumping for a piece of fare."

"Would I allow myself to pour a lady vodka? This is a pure alcohol! "" I do not touch anyone, I don't touch anyone, I will redeem the Primus. "" I would like to serve the conductor in the tram, and there is nothing worse than this work. "" I will not teach me, I sat down at the table, do not worry, Survived! "" And I really look like a hallucination. Pay attention to my profile in the moonlight. "For some reason, for some reason you always say" you ", although not a single cat with anyone drank bruershaft!" "Queen in admiration! We are in admiration! "" But you do not at me in complaints ... "

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