Helmut Kohl - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Domestic and Foreign Policy



Helmut Kohl is a German politician who became a chancellor of the country three times. Kohl influenced the process of unification of the Federal Republic of Germany and GDR, on the entry of Germany in NATO and the introduction of the euro instead of brands.

The biography of Helmut Kolya began on April 3, 1930. Future politician was born in the family of financier. Native for Helmut City is Ludwigshafen-on-Rhine. Father Hans was born in Bavaria. Mother of youth called Cecilia. In addition to Helmut, two more children brought up in the family.

The family has paid attention to politics. Father and mother were on the side of the representatives of the conservative bourgeoisie. But did not forget the Catholic covenants. During the Second World War, the older brother of Helmut died. The future politics defended the country's honor on the battlefield. But the work did not come to hostilities.

Helmut Kohl in childhood

In 1950, the guy decided to move on, so he became a student of the University of Frankfurt. The young man in the souls were legal sciences. But after a year, the stake leaves from the school and goes to Heidelberg University. The main objects for studying Helmut chose history and socio-political sciences.


The political career of Helmut Kolya began in school years, after the guy's entry into the Christian Democratic Union. Later in Ludwigshafen, Kohl created a "youth union". Tracting for politics intensified every year, so in 1953, Helmut was elected to the members of the KDS Board. Later, the young man became the Deputy Chairman of the Department of the "Youth Union", located in Rhineland Palatz.

Helmut Kohl in youth

Gradually career policy gained momentum. By 1968, Helmut had managed to visit high positions in the Christian Democratic Union. As a result, I chose a young man for the post of Deputy Chairman of the Party. Aless help in the formation of Kolya as a policy rendered Fritz.

In addition to the post of Chairman of the party, Helmuta got the position of Prime Minister Rhineland Palatz. The man established an administrative reform, later organized the University of Trira-Kaiserslautern, which is now known as the University of Trier and Technical University of Kaisersloute.

Young politician Helmut Kohl and his first wife Hannelore Renner

Three years later, elections took place in the party. It was not able to achieve victory, so the place of the Chairman of the CDC went into the hands of Rainer Bartzel. But the joy of the opponent was short. In 1973, Helmut was again invited to this position, where the politician remained until 1998.

In 1976, Kolya had a desire to move on. Just at that time, elections were held in the Bundestag. The politician decided to experience the fate and appeal to the post of Chancellor. Promotion activities were successful. The Kolya Party received 48.6% of votes. It was a little victory for one-party, but to win elections in general XDS and Helmut failed.

Helmut Kohl and Margaret Thatcher

Thanks to this Kolya had to leave the post of prime minister and go to the Bundestag as the head of the faction. But unexpectedly, representatives of the Christian Social Union decided to leave the united faction. Hellmut could not allow this, so he went on tricks. The unity of one-party residents managed to save. From 1976 to 2002, Kohl was in the Bundestag as a deputy.

The official board of Helmut Kolya for the posts of the Federal Chancellor of Germany began on October 1, 1982. The politician took the place of Helmut Schmidt, who expressed a vote of distrust. Such a decision led to problems within the free democratic party, since the post of Chancellor Kohl did not come by elections.

German Chancellor Helmut Kohl

But Helmut wanted to achieve mutual understanding, so asked the members of the Bundestag one only question - the question of confidence in the new leader of the country. Many deputies decided to stay away from these proceedings, so if I got what I wanted. A year after the appointment by Chancellor Helmut, the FRG prescribed to deputies. The politician declared the dissolution of the Bundestag.

For a long time between France and Germany, the relations were increasing. But in 1984 everything changed. On the battlefield, at Verden, the old opponents of Helmut Kohl and Francois Mitteran met. The photo with the handshake scattered around the world and became reliable evidence of reconciliation of two sides.

The external and internal policy of Germany in the years where Rules Helmut Kohl possessed both positive and negative estimates. Increased attention to politics turned out to be attracted after the Flyca scam. Helmut was caused by the Commission due to interrogations about bribery in the government.

In November 1989, the Berlin Wall fell. In the GDR there were significant changes towards democracy. It encouraged Kohl to introduce a program in the Bundestag that helped to get close to Germany and the rest of Europe. But this project was not agreed with party partners.

Helmut Kohl and Angela Merkel

In mid-1990, Germany and GDR signed a state agreement on the currency, economic and social union. Serious economic reform negatively affected the state of enterprises. Helmut Kohl was able to force the heads of European powers to meet and coordinate the unification of the Federal Republic of Germany and the GDR into a single country. Later, Germany fell by politics in NATO.

The association allowed Helmut to develop a political career. The foresight and knowledge of the fundamentals of psychology allowed a man to prevent the coup, which was formed in 1989. Heiner Gaisler, Lothar Spet and Rita Zyusmouth became the initiators.

In January 1991, Helmut Kolya was re-elected by the Federal Chancellor. The rival in this election was the Prime Minister Saar Oscar Lafontane. Now the name of Helmut will be directly related to the union of Germany, since the politician became the first federal chancellor of new territories.

Helmut Kohl and Vladimir Putin

After three years, Kohl re-elected. This time, the elections were complex, but the Rudolf Rudolf Prime Minister Rudolf Charping could not oppose Helmut. From that moment on, Kohl elected other tactics on the foreign policy arena. On the territory of Frankfurt am Main, thanks to the efforts of Chancellor, the European Central Bank was posted. The German brand came to replace the German brand.

The internal affairs of the states remained without attention by Kohl. This was subsequently the reason for the loss of XDS in the elections to the Bundestag in 1998. For Helmut, this meant resignation. In 2002, Kohl refused to participate in the new elections for the post of Chancellor of Germany.

Personal life

Personal life The policy did not cause interest from the public. In 1960, Gelmut took a girl named Hannelore Renner. The newly minted by the translator worked. It is known that young people met 12 years before marriage.

Helmut Kohl and his first wife Hannelore Renner

But love relationships started later. This marriage born sons. Hannelore was tormented for a long time because of allergies to daylight. Every day a woman deprived of his strength, so in July 2001 at the age of 68 years old politician committed suicide.

In 78 years, new love was winning Helmut. The beloved man became T-shirt Richter. Woman worked as an economist. Mike held a post in the Economic Department of the Federal Chancellor Department.

Helmut Kohl and his wife Mike Richter

An interesting fact about the wedding Richter and Kolya: the ceremony took place in Hydelberg Hospital. Here at this time the politician passed the recovery rate after a serious injury obtained during the fall. At the celebration there were close relatives and friends of the couple.

The first book with Memoirs Gelmut published in 2004. This part called "Memories, 1930 - 1982" Kohl dedicated to the spoused wife Hannelore. About mother children politicians recalled with love and believed that his career was the merit of his wife. The second volume appeared on the bookshelves in a year, and the third book - in 2007.


Diseases told Helmut Kohl. During the last months of life, the politician did not appear in public. On June 16, 2017, the relatives of the men declared the death of the ex-Chancellor of Germany. The official cause of death close Helmut was not voiced. But the media appeared in the media that the politician died due to complications after the operation on the bladder.

Helmut Holy Funeral

Helmut Kola's funeral took place on July 1. The farewell ceremony took place in the European Parliament located on the territory of Strasbourg. Former US President Bill Clinton, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Chairman of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev came to say goodbye to Helmut. Grave Politics is in Spaire.

The ceremony was absent Mikhail Gorbachev. Because of the health problems, the doctors were forbidden to go to the ex-president of the USSR to Strasbourg. The head of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin expressed condolences and stated that in many respects his political views had an influence of Kohl.

Interesting Facts

  • Gelmut Kol became the initiator of the unification of the FRG and GDR to Germany.
  • German Chancellor signed the Maastricht Agreement, which marked the beginning of the creation of the European Union.
  • The political career of Helmut Kolya ended due to the corruption scandal.
  • Helmut Kohl wrote several book memoirs.
  • At the age of 16, he joined the Christian-Democratic Union.


  • 2004 - "Memories, 1930 - 1982"
  • 2005 - "Memoirs. 1982 - 1990 "
  • 2007 - "Memoirs. 1990 - 1994 "

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