Kirill Varaks - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Kirill Varaks - the Russian actor and cinema actor, famous for the television screen of the TV series Mikhail Weinberg "Pregnancy Test".

Kirill Varaks was born on March 25, 1987 in Mogilev (Belarus). In 2011, the actor graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Theatrical Art. It is known that while Cyril was a frequenter of student performances.

Actor Kirill Varaks

In the theater piggy bank of the artist already in those years, produced "Hamlet. The beginning "(based on the tragedy of William Shakespeare)," Pumping "(based on the story of Anton Chekhov)," On the shore of the desert waves "(based on Alexander Pushkin's poem)," Twelve "(based on Alexander Blok poem) and" Beautiful far " (based on the play by Danilov Privalov).

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After graduating from the University, Varaks became a member of the troupe of the St. Petersburg "Etud-theater", continuing to implement his creative ambitions already on the stage of this institution. At the stage of the Etude-theater, Kirill played in the performances "Bird Phoenix returns home", "shame to be unhappy", "Two poor Romanians who speak Polish", "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" and "Morphy".

It is known that in 2013, the artist became the laureate of the St. Petersburg Theater Prize "Breakthrough" for the best male role in the play "Two poor Romanians who speak Polish".


In the movie Varaks made his debut in 2009. Then the TV Patrol 3 TV series was broadcast on TV screens, in the episode of which a novice actor appeared. In 2011, Cyril received a major role in the film "Games of Adult Children".

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In the center of the plot tape - the history of the life of a man named Paul (Oleg Fedorov), who secretly in love with eighteen-year-old Katya (Rina Grishina) - the daughter of the hostess stables, on which he works veterinarian. The hero comes up with different ways to become interested in the sentence and arrange it to himself, however, the fate interferes in his plans.

Catherine finds on the road of a serious guy named Alexey (Kirill Varaks). A young man who needs urgent medical care, the lady brings to the stable and begging Paul to operate it. The appearance of Alexei violates the usual lifeguard of the farm inhabitants living far from other people, and confuses Paul all the cards.

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A year later, the fans saw their favorite in the series Alexei Shikina "Wolf Island", the main roles in which the actors Mikhail Trukhin were performed, Alexander Polovtsev and Oleg Metelev. The plot is built around the young man named Anton (Kirill Varaks), which during the party he started a fight with the son of a businessman.

As a result of the scuffle Anton hardly injured his opponent. Fearing court proceedings and imprisonment, the guy leaves for an island located in the Baltic Sea. The guy does not suspect that Major Volkov literally comes to his heels.

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In 2014, the actor filmography was full of the role of Intern, the obstetrician-gynecologist Paul Selfar in the Melodrame "Pregnancy Test". In a film that tells about the most joyful and terrible sides of the human life - the miracle of the birth and the horror of death, Anna Kamenkova, Danila, Danaev, Lianka Gryu, became partners of the Varaks on the set.

In 2016, a fantastic tragicomedy "What the French" director Vladimir Shevelkova came to the screens. In the picture, shot on the novel named Vladimir Kornev, Kirill played a major role - Tillima Dawaleksieva.

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The tape tells about the life of a conventional St. Petersburg guy, who unexpected reveals the magical ability to make sure that with bodily contact with any person he learns all his secrets and fears. As a result, in just a week, a special gift turns the life of the main character from the legs on the head.

Personal life

About the personal life of Cyril, as well as about his person, it is known extremely small. Charismatic actor protects relatives and close to the annoying journalists and does everything possible so that his personal life does not turn into public the public.

Kirill Varaks and his wife Yana

It is only a reliably that varaks whose biography is covered with a halo of mystery, is a loving husband and an exemplary family man. Artist's spouse is Jan. She is in no way connected with the world show business. Relationships lovers were weakened in July 2017.

Kirill Varaks now

In October 2017, at the "First Channel", the premiere of the Island Criminal Drama Stanislav Titarenko "Unfortunate", in which, in addition to Kirill, starred Sonya Metelitsa, Alexander Pashkov, Evgeny Tkachuk and Alexey Kirsanov.

Events Films unfold in the 70s last century in the USSR. The main heroine of the series - Young Sonya, who lives ordinary, no different from other life. Girl sixteen years old, and she is sure that a bright future awaits her ahead.

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Since childhood, Sonya as if she lived in some kind of idealized world. The lady never noticed human vices, meanness and cruelty, preferring to focus on the positive qualities of people.

Dreamy features always believed in sincere friendship and all-consuming love. The whole world of schoolgirl turns away from the legs when Sergey appears in her life, in which she falls in love without memory. The young man demonstrates the main heroine that in this world is full of "dirt" and look at all through "pink glasses" - incorrectly.

In addition, in 2018, fans will see a charismatic actor in the paintings of the Defense Avenue and "Pregnancy Test 2". It is known that the shooting is already in full swing.

Kirill Varaks in 2017

Despite the dense work schedule, the reincarnation wizard does not forget about fans. In "Instagram", Kirill regularly posts photos from filming, as well as video phones from recreation. It is worth noting that social networks are not the only resource telling fans about the latest news from the life of Kirill.

On various Internet portals and print publications, materials related to the creative biography of the star are also often published. On the official website of the Liestchy Fanates can familiarize themselves with the list of serials and films in which the actor was shot.


  • 2009 - "Road Patrol 3"
  • 2011 - "A4 format"
  • 2011 - "Adult Children Games"
  • 2012 - "Igor Baron"
  • 2013 - "Stalingrad"
  • 2014 - "Pregnancy Test"
  • 2014 - "Letters on the glass"
  • 2015 - "Coast Guard 2"
  • 2016 - "What the French are silent"
  • 2016 - "Our happy tomorrow"
  • 2017 - "Disposher"
  • 2018 - "Pregnancy Test 2"
  • 2018 - "Defense Avenue"

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