Carlos Castaneda - biography, photo, personal life, books



Carlos Castaneda is an American writer, researcher of Indian magic. The author of bestsellers told in books on how to expand the boundaries of perception, know the universe. The work of Castaneda in the scientific community was considered fiction, but some information was of interest for scientists.

Childhood and youth

Information in the biography of Carlos Castaneda varies. The scientist told that the papers indicate the name Carlos Aranya, but after moving to America decided to take the name of the mother - Castaneda.

Carlos Castaneda

The writer also talked about what was born on December 25, 1935 in the territory of the Brazilian city of São Paula. Parents were wealthy citizens. The young age of mother and father did not allow them to raise their son. At that time, parents were barely turned 15 and 17 years old, respectively. This affected the fact that the boy was handed to raising her mother's sister.

But the woman died when the child was 6 years old. And in 25 years, the young man lost both the biological mother. Carlos did not hear an obedient child. The young man was often punished for relations with bad companies and violations, including school rules.

At 10, Carlos went on a journey, which ended in the boarding school Buenos Aires, but after 5 years Castrange again waited for the move. This time San Francisco became the destination. Here youth brought up a receptional family. After completing training at Hollywood High School, Carlos went through the ocean - to Milan.

Carlos Castaneda in youth

The young man entered the Academy of Fine Arts Brera. But for a long time to comprehend the basics of visual art did not manage due to the lack of relevant talent. Castaneda takes a difficult decision and returns to the California bank of the United States.

Gradually, love for literature, psychology and journalism woke up in the soul of Carlos. A young man for 4 years attended courses in City College, located in Los Angeles. To keep the guy was no one, so Castaneda had to work hard. The future writer invited a psychoanalyst assistant.

Carlos work was to streamline records. Every day Castaneda listened to sobs and complaints of other people. Only after some time, the young man realized that many psychoanalyst customers were like him. In 1959, Carlos Castaneda officially became a citizen of the United States of America. After this important step, the young man did another one - he entered the University of California, where he received a degree in anthropology.

Carlos Castaneda in youth

Time magazine proposed another version of the writer's biography. In 1973, an article was published in which it was said that the author of bestsellers was born on December 25, 1925 in Cahamarka, the city in the north of Peru. As a confirmation, journalists used the data of the immigration service .. did not coincide with the data on the directions of the writer's studies. According to the researchers, Castaneda studied at the National College of St. Virgin Mary Guadelupe in Lima, later enrolled in the National School of Fine Arts, located in Peru.

Literature and philosophical thought

Castaneda did not stop scientific work. The man wrote articles about medicinal plants that used North American Indians. On a business trip and got acquainted with a person who changed the perception of the world Carlos, - by Juan Matus.

The books of Carlos Castaneda are impregnated with the knowledge gained during the training of Juan Matus. This man became famous for magical abilities. The expert in this area was well familiar with the ancient shamanic practices. Critics were not perceived seriously the information presented in the works of Castaneda, calling it impossible and incredible.

Don Juan.

But it did not repel the fans of Carlos. The man had followers who continue to be the activities of Castaneda today. In the teachings, Don Juan appears to wise shaman. Some people see in the description of the magician of the Indian sorcerer. But, according to the writer, this is more a representative of academic science.

In the books of Carlos described the submission of Juan Matus about the world, which is based on unknown for Europeans. Castaneda presented a new device of the world, which was influenced by socialization.

Don Juan's disciples preferred to live according to the rules of the teacher. This lifestyle was called the Warrior's path. The magician argued that all living beings, including people, perceive energy signals, not objects. The body and the brain process the data obtained and create your own model of the world. According to Matus, it is impossible to know everything. Any knowledge will be limited. Introduced this idea to books and Castaneda.

Books Carlos Castaneda

Usually a person perceives only a small part of the information received. In Done Juan's teachings, it is denoted as a tonal. And the part in which all aspects of the life of the universe are included, was called a nucleon. Carlos Castaneda truly believed that it was possible to expand the ton, but for this you need to go through the warrior.

The writer told in books about the possibility of changing the location of the human energy field, which contributes to the absorption of external signals and development. According to Juan Matus, the points can be divided into a rigidly fixed, multiple position, complete awareness.

Carlos Castaneda

The maximum level of attention is capable of achieving in case of termination of the internal dialogue. For this, there will be a pity for his own personality and life, refuse faith in immortality, comprehend the art of a dream. The result of many years of cooperation with Matus was the book "Teaching Don Juan". This work allowed Castaned to get a master's degree.

In 1968, Carlos continued to learn from Don Juan. This time the writer collected a sufficient amount of material to create a new book "Separate Reality". Work published only three years later. A year later, the next bestseller Castaneda, called "Journey to Isstlan". Career scientist develops rapidly. Proceedings written under the influence of the Indian Mage helped get a doctoral degree.

From this day about Carlos Castaneda begin to walk rumors. Gradually, the writer "erases personal history." In the teachings of Don Juan, this stage is described as the first stage to development. Communication with the Indian ends with the book "Fairy Tales of Silence." Here Castaneda talks about the fact that Matus leaves the world. Now Carlos has to remember and independently deal with a new system of worldview.

For 20 years of life, Carlos Castaneda created 8 books, each of whom became a bestseller. The works of the author disassembled quotes. Gradually, the writer left the ordinary and preferred to live in a secluded place, without communicating with anyone. For concerns about the life of the life, publications of books were engaged in third parties.

In addition to creating books, Castaneda tried to comprehend magic. A man practiced this direction as he taught Don Juan. With Carlos, Tisch Abelar, Florinda Donner Grau, Carol Tiggs, Patricia, Patrod, tried to comprehend the world. Only in early 1990, the author of bestsellers again appeared in society. The scientist returned to teaching in the University of California. Later began to ride the United States and Mexico with paid seminars.

Carlos Castaneda taught at the university

In 1998, the world saw two books from Carlos Castaneda. This is "magic pass" and "time wheel". The work turned out to be the result of the life of the writer. In writings, the author talks about the most important points of comprehension of the Universe, represents complex information in the form of aphorisms. In the book called "Magic Passions", Carlos describes a set of movements that has become a tool for expanding the boundaries of knowledge.

Among the works of Carlos Castaneda there are bestsellers "Power of Silence" and "Fire from the inside". About the mysterious personality of the author of books were filmed not one documentary film.

Personal life

In the personal life of Carlos Castaneda was not all simple. A year after receiving American citizenship, the writer took to Altar Margaret Ranian. No information has been preserved about the girl.

Carlos Castaneda and his wife Margaret Ranian

Nevertheless, the marriage lasted only six months. Despite this, with the official divorce of the spouse, who no longer lived together, were no riser. Paper issued 13 years later.


Riddles pursued Carlos Castrange throughout his life. The official date of the death of the American anthropologist is indicated as April 27, 1998. But the world is known about the death of the writer on June 18 of the same year. Experts argue that for a long time Carlos suffered from severe illness - liver cancer, which killed the author of numerous books.


If you do not like what you get, change what you give. Read the whole way to spell your whole life, especially if this path does not have a heart. Do not, as a rule, do not give yourself a report in that in Any time can throw out anything from your life anything. Anytime. Instantly. Conduct to keep the equilibrium between horror to be a man and a miracle to be a person. They should not confuse loneliness and privacy. Loneliness For me, the concept of psychological, spiritual, privacy is physical. The first squeezes, the second - soothes.


  • 1968 - "Done Juan's teachings: the path of knowledge of the Indians Yaki"
  • 1971 - "Separate reality"
  • 1972 - "Journey to Ikstlan"
  • 1974 - "Tales of strength"
  • 1977 - "The Second Ring of Power"
  • 1981 - "Darrla"
  • 1984 - "Fire from the inside"
  • 1987 - "Silence force"
  • 1993 - "Dream Art"
  • 1997 - "The active side of infinity"
  • 1998 - "Wheel of Time"
  • 1998 - "Magic Passs: Practical Wisdom of Shamans Ancient Mexico"

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