Peter Grinev - Character, History, Love, Masha Mironova, Personality


Character History

The acting face of the story of Alexander Pushkin "Captain's daughter". Peter Grinev - a young man of seventeen years, who from an early age he was recorded in the Semenovsky regiment in the Life Guard, which predetermined the life path of the hero. Lost - that is, a young nobleman, who has no necessary education confirmed by the corresponding written certificate from the teacher. Such young men could not enter the civil service or receive documents confirming the right to marry.

Plot and biography

The story is conducted on the face of the aged Greeneva. The hero retells the stormy events of the past for their own descendants.

Peter Grinee with parents

Childhood and youth Hero held in the Symbirian province in the estate of the parents. Peter's father is a retired officer, a strict man. When the son turned sixteen, determined the army service. The young Peter, according to the Father, ran through Devychima, lazil on the pigeons, that is, he spent his life in idleness, was not attached to the matter and did not receive systematic education.

Going to the place of service, the Grineal on the road falls into Burane and meets in the steppe of a unlucky runaway Cossack, which leads the hero and his older servant Savelych to the innocent court. In gratitude for the service, a young officer gives Cossack a hare Tulup. Subsequently, it turns out that this Cossack is Emelyan Pugachev, the leader of the peasant war. The GRINEVA is important here, described in the second chapter of the story. In this dream, the Grinewalks the role of Pugacheva in his own destiny.

Peter Grinev and Emelyan Pugachev

The place where the hero is going to serve, - the Border Belogorsk Fortress. Arriving into service, hero sees there Masha, the daughter of the commandant of the fortress of Captain Ivan Mironov, and falls in love with her. Among the colleagues Peter there is another officer who has a love interest in Masha, Alexey Shvabrin. This man causes a hero on a duel and wounds. Greeneva Father learns about the duel and the reasons that it provoked it. However, Masha has a dowry, and Peter's father unequivocally demonstrates attitude towards this fact, refusing to approve the marriage of the Son.

The situation is aggravated when the Parents of Masha die during the Pugachev uprising. In the captured by the troops of Pugachev, the fortresses of the nobles are executed, and Mironov become victims of this wave. Masha remains orphan. When young officers give a choice - go to the side of the rebels or die, Duelant Shvabrin brings Pugachev's oath, and Grinevo refuses to do it. The hero must execute, but the situation is saved by an older servant, which turns to Pugachev, and the leader of the uprising will know the young man in the Grineh, with whom he crossed in winter. It saves a hero of life.

Peter Grinev and Schvabrin

Grinev does not make gratitude to Pugachev's puzzling, refuses to enter the rebel army and leaves for the departed city of Orenburg, where he continues to fight against Pugachev. Masha Mironova meanwhile remains forces because of the disease in the Belogorsk fortress, where it turns out to be in the power of the Schwabrin Definition, which is going to marry a girl against her will. Masha writes the grade of the Grandfather, and the hero leaves the service without the permit, actually deserts to save the beloved. Allow this situation in the Belogorsk fortress, the hero helps all the same Pugachev.

Schvabrin comes to Greeneva, and the hero is in prison again, this time is governmental. Determining Masha gets to Empress Empress II and tells the fact that Greennev was shared, thus achieving the liberation of the groom.

Peter Grinev - Character, History, Love, Masha Mironova, Personality 1640_4

By the way, the story "Captive's daughter" so inspired contemporaries that the painter Ivan Moduosushevsky in 1861 wrote a picture to the plot of Pushkin (as they would have said, "Fanart"), which was called "Presentation of Letters Catherine II" and portrayed the corresponding moment from the text. Picture is located in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

Image and characteristics

The hero is shown in the story a sufficiently colorless and inexpressive person, a person, devoid of bright feelings and paints. Some critics adhered to the opinions that Pushkin created Greeneva to "pay" the image and actions of Pugachev, which is derived in the work as a powerful, colorful figure. At the same time, the actions of the young hero with all the inexpressiveness of his character draw as a person with the courage and loyalty of the debt.

Peter Grine and Masha

The hero of grew up in a typical landlord family. He taught him the sciences, who gave himself to the teacher, being actually a hairdresser. The hero as a result of such training knew elementary diploma, "he could very well judge the properties of a greyhound dog" and knew how to speak French a little. The education of the young Peter was engaged in a harsh father and servant Savelich, who set the idea of ​​the idea of ​​honor and appreciating the young noble behavior. In such circumstances, the formation of the nature of young Greeneva was to form.

Father Peter Greeneva watches his games

The father of the hero believes that for the formation of the personality of the young man, you need to "pull the strap", sniff powder. To this end, the father sends the hero not to Petersburg, in the guardian (which he was looking forward to himself), and in Orenburg, from where Peter and go to the border Belogorsk Fortress - towards harsh tests and unexpected love. The peripetics of fate and a novel with Masha over time turn a young frivolous hero in a mature and responsible man.


The image of Peter Greeneva more than once found an embodiment on the screen. The last film design of the "Captain Daughter" was published in 2005. In an animation film, filmed by the director Catherine Mikhailovoy, dolls are used.

Peter Grineal in the 2005 cartoon

In 2000, a historical film was released called "Russian Bun" based on this story Pushkin. The role of Greeneva is played here by Polish actor Mateush Damenatski, and Marat Basharov is voiced. The film is nominated for the Golden Bear Prize at the Berlin Film Festival.

Mateush Damenatsky in the role of Peter Greeneva

In the time of the USSR (1958), the story was shielded by the director Vladimir Kaplunovsky. In this version, the role of Greeneva played Oleg Strizhenov.

Oleg Strizhenov in the role of Peter Greens

"Captain Daughter" was shielded and abroad. Two films came out in Italy - "La Figlia del Capitano" in 1947 and "La Tempesta" ("Storm") in 1958. Another tape called Volga on Flames ("Volga En Flammes") came out in France in 1934. He took off her Russian director Viktor Turzhansky, who emigrated to France after the revolution.


"I could not stop the strange clutch of the circumstances: Children's Tulup, donated by tramp, got rid of me from the loop, and the drunkard, hacked by alone, deposited the fortress and shook the state!"

"God knows you; But whoever you are, you kicker a dangerous joke. "" Not to bring God to see the Russian riot, meaningless and merciless! "" The best and strongest changes are those that occur from one improvement of the morals, without violent changes in political, scary for humanity " . "Our duty to protect the fortress to the last bulk."

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