Lukino Wisconti - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Filmography



Lukino Wisconti - Italian director of theater and cinema, whose filmography of which has 37 works. Fame to the artist of the arts brought tapes "Obsession", "Rocco and his brothers" and "family portrait in the interior".

Lukino Wisconti was born on November 2, 1906 in Milan. The father of the director, the Duke of Giuseppe Wisconti di Modron, loved art and was known to local residents as theatrical patron. The mother of the Art Worker, Karl Erba, came from the family, got rich at the expense of the pharmaceutical industry.

Director Lukino Wisconti

It is known that, in addition to Lukino, parents also brought up more seven children, each of which was not provided to himself and necessarily engaged in either foreign languages ​​or sports or music. The director in adolescence during the couple of years he studied the game on cello.

It is worth noting that dad from orphanage invested in the minds of the daughters and sons the idea that in this world they will have to achieve difficulty and then.

From the biography of cinematographer, it is known that after receiving a certificate about the average education of Wisconti, on the recommendation of the fashion designer, Coco Chanel got an assistant to the Jean Renoara group, who shot the film "Country Walk" at that time. The work at Renuara became the starting point in the director's career Lukino.

Lukino Wisconti in youth

True, a couple of months after the premiere, the Kinol Center visconti was in the ranks of anti-fascist resistance. He covered in his house of people pursued by the fascists, and even helped the soldiers of the Allied armies to escape from German captivity.

In Rome Lukino, Gestapo was arrested and miraculously avoided execution. In 1945, he, together with other cinematographers, issued a documentary in memory of the anti-fascist resistance - "Days of Glory".

Among other things, even before the end of the war, Wisconti developed a rapid activity as director of the theater. From January 1945 to February 1947, he put eleven dramatic performances on various scenes of Italy.

Lukino Wisconti in youth

In 1946, Lukino formed his own troupe with a permanent residence in the Roman Theater "Eliseo". As a result, "Eliseo", which existed twelve years, became the first Italian director's theater, withstood the test of time.

According to Visconti himself, in its glorified performances of the 1940s, the audience had a feeling of something completely new, unprecedented. The unusual realistic performance and execution literally struck the public.


The first film "Obsession" ("Owning"), who was published in 1942, was the screening of James Kane's novel "The postman calls twice." Against the background of the "parade" cinema reigned at the time of the "parade" cinema, the crime and retribution was dramatically distinguished by a rigid, not an embellished image of the beggar of Italy, the gloomy temperament and the slope of passions.

Director Lukino Wisconti

In August 1948, the film "Earth Shardit" was represented by the audience at the Venetian Film Festival. The picture struck all the extraordinary combination of truthfulness and high poetic dignity.

It is worth noting that by shooting movies, Wisconti always scratched inspiration in the theater. Putting in La Scala, the trichat opera Gaspare Spontini "West, the director created the film" Feeling "(1954), which manifested itself important to Lukino theme of contradiction between the egoism of passion and the norms of public morality.

Lukino Wisconti

Fixing in 1957, the story of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky "White Nights", Wisconti moved the act to Italy and sat down the cloth of film with lyricism, free fantasy game and theatricalization. In the 1960s, the cinematographer returned to the theme of the modern city in the film "Rocco and his brothers" for Italian neorealists. In this film, he raised the social problem of adaptation of immigrants from the south of the country in industrial centers to Italy.

Helmut Berger and Lukino Wisconti

So on the example of the fate of Rocco brothers, Simone, Vincenzo, Chiro and Luke show the life of simple Italians of that era. It is worth noting that a significant proportion in the success of this film belongs to the actors Anni Girardo (Nadia), Alain Delon (Rocco) and Renato Salvatori (Simone), who perfectly coped with his roles.

Also in the 1960s, Visconti worked in the genre of short film. In 1961, he removed the episode "Work" on Novella Gi de Maupassant "for bed" for the film "Bokcchcho-70", and in 1966 - the "Sordring, burned alive" for the film "Witch".

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In 1962, Wisconti put the film "Leopard". The picture, filmed by the novel by Giuseppe Tomazi di Lampedusa, narrated about the decline of the Sicilian estate and the exit of the bourgeoisie on the historical scene. In 1963, the tape was awarded the main Prize of the Cannes Film Festival. Another option of the death of the family genus is presented in the film "Misty Stars of the Big Bears" (1965 - the main prize of the Venetian Film Festival), full symbols and various associations.

In 1967, Lukino was shielded by Roman Albera Camus "Strying". The next film "The death of the gods" (1969) was narrated by the family of German industrialists, about the moral of the top of the Society and the arrival of the fascists.

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In the same year, a cinematic collection of five novels filmed by Directors of Lukino Visconti, Mauro Bologna, Pierre Poolini, Franco Rossi and Vittorio de Sika, was released.

The fact that Visconti knew perfectly and understood the German culture, the following works of the director were also evidenced by: "Death in Venice" (1971), Ludwig (1973). Film cries of these pictures "German trilogy" of Wisconti.

The film "Death in Venice" was filmed by the famous Novella of Thomas Mann in 1971 and was awarded the Prize of the Cannes Festival. Completed the "German trilogy" tape "Ludwig" - about King Bavarian, in vain trying to create the perfect kingdom.

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The director dreamed of turning the "German trilogy" in the tetrallogo, shielding the "magic mountain" of Thomas Mann, and thus complete the cinematographic career. True, at first he put the chamber film "Family portrait in the interior" with a small number of characters. The main roles in the painting were performed by Bert Lancaster, Helmut Berger and Silvana Mangano. In the autumn of 1974, the "Family Portrait in the Interior" was completed. The hero of the tape is an intellectual, which is leaving, preferring to communicate with people collecting paintings.

Personal life

Wisconti's personal life was in sight of both the fans of the director and his envious. Lukino never hid his unconventional sexual orientation.

Lukino Wisconti and Irma Wine

It is known that at different times his beloved was the photographer Horst P. Horst, Italian artist Franco Dziffieldlli, actor Helmut Berger. Also, the screenwriter during a couple of months was engaged with the Austrian aristocrat of Irma Winec.


Wisconti left the job after he fell and broke the neck of the thigh. Because of the inability to move and prepare their meals in the apartment of the famous artist, alternately "duty" native and friends.

Among other things, there were also beloved books and music records before the end of the days, which are the only welcome in the life of a man, chained to bed.

Lukino Wisconti

Complications caused by a strong cold have brought its end. Lukino died on March 17, 1976, having time to complete the shooting of the shielding of the novel of the writer Gabriel D'Annunzio - "Innocent". Before death, the great director wished that the inscription was engraved on his tombstience:

"He adored William Shakespeare, Anton Chekhov and Giuseppe Verdi."


  • 1943 - "Obsession"
  • 1948 - "Earth tremble"
  • 1951 - "The most beautiful"
  • 1954 - "Feeling"
  • 1957 - "White Nights"
  • 1960 - "Rocco and his brothers"
  • 1963 - "Leopard"
  • 1965 - "Misty Stars of the Big Malar"
  • 1967 - "Strying"
  • 1969 - "Death of Gods"
  • 1971 - "Death in Venice"
  • 1972 - "Ludwig"
  • 1974 - "Family portrait in the interior"
  • 1976 - "Innocent"

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