Marian Tsaregradskaya - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, death



Marian Tsaregradskaya - Russian actress, played the role of Catherine Dolgorukova in the television series "The Mystery of Palace Dobor".

In the official biography of Maryana Tsaregradskaya it is said that the girl was born in Kiev. This important event occurred on February 9, 1972. The future actress was an active child. Parents drove daughter on ballet classes and other circles.

Marian Tsaregadskaya in youth

Since childhood, Maryan dreamed to work on theatrical dresse or in front of the chambers, so after receiving the certificate of maturity at school, it was set off to conquer Moscow. From the first time, Tsaregdskaya entered the guitis, which in those years was called rati. But long in the university, the girl did not adopt, as he changed his place and moved to VGIK. Talented Mariana took on the course Mikhail Glovsky.


Tsaregdskaya successfully graduated from VGIK. Experts propheted a girl fame and many roles, but somewhere something went wrong, therefore, in the filmography of Maryans there are only 6 films. The creative path of the actress began with theatrical peel, located in Lenkom.

Later there was a meeting with a Svetlana Druzhinina, which started shooting the series on a historical theme. The project was called "secrets of palace coups." According to the druzhinina, the Tsaregradskaya type was ideally suited for the role of Princess Catherine Dolgorukova, so Marianan was invited without delaying.

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The girl helped adapt to the site famous artists - Ekaterina Nikitina, Sergey Shakurov, Vladimir Ilyin, Dmitry Kharatyan, Alexey Zharkov. On numerous photos from tape shooting, you can see funny and young colleagues in the shop.

But the first film, in which Marianan Tsaregdskaya starred, was not "secrets of palace coups", but the "scientific section of pilots", where the girl played the role of Lisa. The detective talks about a series of bloody murders committed in the Metropolitan in Moscow. The work of the vehicles stopped, and the special services were in a dead end.

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In 2006, the actress was invited to shoot the series "Three Top". Maryan Tsaregdskaya got an episodic role of the President's wife. According to the creators of the project, the luxurious appearance of the actress was ideal for such characters.

Personal life

Marian Tsareghadskaya was a fond of man, so a personal life has a young woman Burlila. In the years of study, Gitis Maryan met the first spouse. The young man took place from an intelligent family in which his father was a painter, and his mother was a doctor. Soon young people got married, but the marriage lasted not long. Differences in mentality played a role in parting Maryana and chosen.

Marian Tsaregradskaya and Andrey Vavilov

On the set of the "Scientific Section of Pilotov" was acquainted with the second spouse - Andrei Vavilov. A wealthy man worked as Deputy Minister of Finance. The civil service was ready to put a star from the sky to the legs of the stars. Even the difference at the age of 13 did not interfere with them.

Love Vavilov showed in expensive gifts. Mariana received a gift from the beloved expensive car. After some time, the actress fell into an accident, after which it took expensive rehabilitation. Andrei invited to the Tsareghad best doctors. While the girl was in the hospital, Vavilov made Maryan's proposal of his hand and heart, even brought a statement from the registry office.

Daughter and husband Marianana Tsaregdskaya

In December 1994, the official marriage of Vavilov and Tsaregadskaya took place. A few years later, a serious conflict took place between her husband and his wife. Mariana decided to leave the family. The girl had a new applicant for the role of his beloved. But Andrei did not give up without a fight.

Billboards with portraits of the beloved wife Vavilov appeared on the streets of Moscow. On the posters, a man wrote "Favorite, Favorite", "Hello, Mariana." For such a campaign to return a spouse, Andrei paid $ 160,000. This affected the decision of the Tsaregdskaya. The girl returned to the family.

Photo of Mariaan Tsaregadskaya on Billboard

In 2005, the spouses announced the birth of her daughter. Marianan called the child with the original name GOO-Vivien. After 9 years, replenishment occurred in the family. This time Vavilov and Tsaregdskaya became the parents of Dante Gabriel's boy. The actress confessed that the unusual names of the children came to the girl in a dream.

The last years of the life of Maryan preferred to pay the time of charity, participated in the advertising campaigns of jewelry brands. In the summer of 2017, Vavilov's spouse decided to get married. The sacrament took place in Moscow. In the life of the actress led accounts in social networks, including "Instagram". Majana functioned the official website.


On the death of the actress Marianan Tsoregradskaya World found out on October 17, 2017. The woman was not 46 years old. According to preliminary information, the cause of the death of the Russian woman was an oncological disease. Maryan's relatives will not disclose the details of the recent years of the life of the Tsaregdskaya. Woman died in the United States of America.

Mariaan Tsaregdskaya died in 2017

The first information about what happened was confirmed by the writer Marina Yudenich, from which Mariana was friends, and the famous director Svetlana Druzhinin. The death of a woman was sustainable for fans from Russia, since until recent days, Tsaregdskaya did not report a serious illness that killed the actress.

Information appeared in the press that a woman with his family moved from Moscow to London. But more time Vavilov lived in Monaco. The funeral of the Tsoregradskaya passed in Moscow. Organizational issues were engaged in relatives of the actress.


  • 1996 - "Scientific section of pilots"
  • 2001 - "The secrets of palace coups. Russia, century XVIII. Film 3. I am the emperor "
  • 2001 - "The secrets of palace coups. Russia, century XVIII. Film 4. Fall Goliath "
  • 2003 - "The secrets of palace coups. Russia, century XVIII. Film 5. Second Imperitor Bride »
  • 2003 - "The secrets of palace coups. Russia, century XVIII. Film 6. Death of the Young Emperor "
  • 2006-2007 - "Troy from above"

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