Vladimir Dubrovsky - History of the Robber, Image, Character, Masha Trocery


Character History

The main hero of Roman Alexander Pushkin "Dubrovsky". In this unfair work, we are talking about two hostile noble family and love between their descendants: Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha Troekherova.

History of creation

The plot is based on the real story, which Pushkin told a friend. One poor nobleman was suused for earth with a neighbor and as a result turned out to be ousted from his own estate. Left without land, but with peasants, organized a gang and began to rob. Pushkin used this material almost entirely, changing only the name of the main character.

Alexander Pushkin

The name of the robber novel received in 1841, with the first publication, and gave it not the author, but the publisher. Work on the work was started in 1832, and the last chapter was written in February 1833. Finish the work and prepare it for the press the author no longer has time. Literary criticism notes that in this novel Pushkin many moments and situations similar to those can be found in the works of Walter Scott and other Western European works of a similar genre written at that time.


A brief description of the plot of Roman Takovo: the father of the main character, the dangerous retired lieutenant Andrei Gavrilovich, lives next door to the former colleague, rich as a rather retired Troceryov. At the beginning of the work, the relationship between neighbors is depicted friendly. Troceurov, however, is shown by a person with cruel and wayward, with whims, Samodur, in front of which the officials and neighbors are embarrassed. Suffice it to say that Troceurov tends to suddenly lock their own guests in the same room with a hungry bear and serves as a joke.

Kirila Petrovich Troekurov

Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky is a nobleman and an independent person, the owner of the estate, but there are no big funds. Once the neighbors quarrel. The beginning of the waveling becomes the bold behavior of the Troekurovsky servant, and all the fact that Troceurov, bribing the court, will take off impunity at the Dubrovsky estate. Directly in the courtroom, Andrei Gavrilovich goes crazy, and his son Vladimir, who serves in the guard in the rank of Cornet and lives at this time in St. Petersburg, is forced to go home now.

At home, the hero finds the father in serious condition. Soon he dies, and a noble hero, putting a thirst for messenger, is set on its own estate, now we have rummaged in the hands of a neighbor. Food officials, who arrived in the former estate of Dubrovsky to make the transfer of ownership. This is the answer to the question why I became the robber Dubrovsky. At the hero after he broke with the law in this way, there is no other choice.

Vladimir Dubrovsky with peasants

Dubrovsky turns into local Robin Hood, and the surrounding landowners are horrified in front of him. The estate of the villain of Trocery is a hero, however, bypassing. Once the hero appears a French teacher who goes to Troekurov to come to the service. Dubrovsky bribes this man and under his name falls into the house of non-depths, where the Role of the Gutener begins to play. Troshekurov is trying to turn with Dubrovsky's favorite joke with a bear, but the hero kills the beast, firing into the ear.

Dubrovsky is penetrated with Masha's love, seventeen year old daughter Trocery. Father is going against the will to issue a girl married to a certain prince Veresky, an old man of fifty years. The hero is trying to prevent the beloved unwanted marriage, but late. Armed robbers, led by Dubrovsky, catch up with a wedding consignment, when he travels from the church and follows the belief estate, that is, after the marriage is concluded. Masha refuses to consider himself free and accept the assistance of Dubrovsky, because from her point of view it's too late, the wedding took place, the fate is predetermined.

Masha Troekharov

Veresky inflicts the Dubrovsky wound and turns out in the hands of the robbers, but the hero tells not touching that. The gang led by Dubrovsky goes back to the forest and there faces the soldiers who combine the terrain. The robbers come out of this battle by the winners, but the government continues to hunt for them, and the hero dismisses the hayk, and himself runs out abroad.

Pushkin made several sketches to the final, the third of that novel, but this work was not created. Under the assumption of researchers, Dubrovsky was supposed to return to Russia after the death of Masha's husband, Prince Veresky, probably under the larger of the Englishman. However, someone writes on the hero of the Donos, and reunification plans with the beloved are threatened.

Image and nature

Pushkin gives a bright portrait of Dubrovsky. This is a young man of twenty-three years, medium height, befell, carbonous, elongated, with straight nose and pale skin, with a sonorous voice. Able to produce a majestic impression. Hero's mother dies early, and his father is engaged in the education of Vladimir in childhood. Later, the hero goes to St. Petersburg, where he studies in the Cadet Corps, and after the issue he is credited to the guard in the rank of Kornet. He serves in the infantry shelf, housed in St. Petersburg.

Dubrovsky demonstrates such qualities as courage, generosity, kindness, mind, courage, generosity. Living in St. Petersburg, the hero, despite the limited means of the family, thinks little about the future and leads a wasteful lifestyle, plays cards and climbs into debts. Cleverly dancing Waltz, knows how to play the piano and agile on the hunt.

Vladimir Dubrovsky

Father the hero knew little, because he lived in St. Petersburg from his youth and communicated little with his parent. Nevertheless, Dubrovsky is cordially tied to it and is hard to experience the tragic disease, and later the death of the father. For the sake of the father, the hero leaves the service. The peasants belong to the young owner with respect and join him when Vladimir decides to become a robber.

I put on the curve of the track, the hero continues to demonstrate the nobility: robs not all in a row, but only known in the district of Bogatev, and no one does not deprive life.


The story of the love of Masha and Dubrovsky is simple. The young heroine that has grown in French novels, lives with dreams about the "beautiful" love. There are no suitable candidate among people in the house of Troceurov, there is no suitable candidate for the role of a fervent beloved, with whom Masha would like to associate life. The people around the heroine are interested in the mainly hunting, money, drinking - things landed and irritable. Young governor-Frenchman, under the distortion of which Dubrovsky is hidden, does not look like those whom the girl had to know before.

Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha Troekharov

Masha falls in love with him after episode with a bear. Dubrovsky looks in the eyes of the heroine brave and proud hero, which "does not intend to endure offense," is an atypical behavior for the tutor, that is, the man of that kind, to which in the Trocery family it is common to treat disregard.

Dubrovsky himself for love for Masha refuses revenge plans, which cherished before, entering Troekurov to serve under someone else's larger. Later, Dubrovsky reveals before Masha and reports who he is actually so. This discovery scares the girl. Masha is known about the hatred of Dubrovsky to Troshekurov, the father of the heroine. Dubrovsky, despite the hostility towards Masha, nourishes tender feelings to her and convinces the girl in his own sincerity. The hero is going to escape with the beloved when he learns about the planes of Trocerys about the wedding, but the case breaks their plans.


The first shielding of the novel "Dubrovsky" was the black and white American film called "Eagle". This is a silent film of 1925 with a strongly converted relative to the book by the plot. The role of Dubrovsky is performed by the famous actor and sex symbol of the era of a silent movie Rudolf Valentino. In the film, Dubrovsky's cornet, the handsome officer of the Imperial Guard, rejects love claims of Empress Ekaterina II, who tries to seduce a proud young man.

Rudolf Valentino as Dubrovsky

After that, the hero becomes an outcast, leaves the army and returns home, where he finds his father at death, and the family property and land - in the hands of a villain of Cyril Trocery. The father of the hero dies in his arms, and Vladimir himself, calming his thirst for revenge, collects the pike of horse gangsters and under the name Black Eagle is accepted to defend the oppressed and poor people, as if Robin Hood. In the final, the hero from the connivance of a loving empress escapes abroad along with Masha, avoiding a death sentence.

Boris Livanov as Dubrovsky

The next film was published in 1936 in the USSR. This is still a black and white film, but this time the screenwriter strictly follows the plot of the novel. The role of Dubrovsky performed Boris Livanov.

Rossano Bratzi as Dubrovsky

In 1946, Italian film was released with Rossano Bratzzi as Dubrovsky ("Black Eagle", or "Aquila Nera"). The plot is changed again. In this version, Dubrovsky, together with the piling robbers, ride into the estate of Trocerys right before the wedding, when Masha had to marry her will against her will. Dubrovsky kills the groom-competitor, which in the film is called "Prince Sergey". The carriage of Trocery, in which he tries to flush from Dubrovsky together with her daughter, breaks down in the ravine, Troceurians dies, and Masha and Dubrovsky are happy to reunite.

Mikhail Efremov as Dubrovsky

The first color screening of the novel was published in 1988, called "Noble Robber Vladimir Dubrovsky". This is a four-steric melodrama of Russian production, where Mikhail Efremov spoke as Dubrovsky. There are no fortuners with the plot here, the action is developing in accordance with Pushkin Canon.

Danil Kozlovsky as Dubrovsky

Not so long ago, in 2014, a full-length film was released and its five-particle version for television called "Dubrovsky" with Danila Kozlovsky in the lead role. The action unfolds in modern Russia. Dubrovsky turns into a Moscow lawyer who freezes on fashion clubs. The father of the hero is the retired colonel, and Masha Troekharova is a graduate of an English college and a businessman's daughter.


"We must live in the right of the people." "Quietly, Masha. I am Dubrovsky. You can not be afraid. "

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