Michael Roman - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Zombie-horror star "The Walking Dead" and Space Action "Guardians of the Galaxy" Michael Rukchet is well known to the world viewer. Russian lovers of "horror films" and fiction are also familiar with the Hollywood actor. A particularly popular Rukuke was after entering the Galaxy Blockbuster screens "Guardians", where he got the role of Yonda - a member of the tribe of primitive creatures from Centauro IV, which was remembered by blue skin and an impressive crest on his head.

Childhood and youth

The Motherland of the American actor is the town of Jasper in Alabama. The future star of the space opera was born in April 1955 in the family, where the relatives had no relation to any type of art.

Actor Michael Roman.

After the divorce of parents, Michael stayed with his mother. Soon they left Jasper and moved to noisy Chicago, where it was easier to find a job. The life of a family without a father was not easy: the days happened when young manner with his mother was interrupted from bread on the water.

It is not known where the boy from the ordinary family was born a dream to become an actor, but the interest in the scenic art of Michael Rurate appeared in primary classes. In the middle, he already went to the stage of the school theater, playing the main roles in student performances.

Michael Manner in youth

After graduation, the runer even thoughts did not allow that it would go different, not acting expensive. Michael passed the interview and became a student of acting workshop John Gudman, successfully graduated from her and went on a professional scene. Before getting into the world of cinema, the artist honed skill at theatrical stage.


In the cinema, American debuted in 31 years old, playing episodic roles in the TV series and criminal stories. The last project, the director of whom he became the famous director and Writer Abel Ferrara, is notable for actors-debutants, starred in episodes. In addition to the manwoman, then the newcomers of Julia Roberts, Christian Slater and Kevin Spacy appeared in it.

But the beginning of the cinematographic biography of Michael Rurate was put on the criminal drama "Henry: Portrait of a serial killer", in which he got the main role - the serial killer Henry. The plot of the film is based on real history.

Spectators and film crimits favorably took the picture, and the manner put the first award in the piggy bank - the prize of the International Fantasporto Film Festival. From this point on, the artist's career is developing rapidly, and filmography every year is updated with 2-3 jobs.

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From 1987 to 1989, the American starred in the roles of a second plan in the militants "Above the Law" and "Police rental" with Bertynolds and Lisa Minhelli in high roles. Appeared in the criminal drams "The eight drops out of the game" and "Mississippi on fire". On the shooting sites of the projects, Michael Rukchet met with Stephen Sigal, Sharon Stone and Charlie Tire, and in the detective "Sea of ​​Love" met Al Pacino.

In 1990, the premiere of the dramatic militant Tony Scott "Thunders" with Tom Cruise in the lead role was held. The director invited Roman to play the rival Hero Cruise - Roui Burns, with which the actor coped brilliantly. The picture brought the creators of generous cash collections ($ 157 million) and 4 nominations for Oscar.

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To strengthen on the Hollywood Hills, Michael Archer managed, playing the main role in the Oskarone Drama Oliver Stone "John F. Kennedy: Shots in Dallas." Kevin Costner became a partner of the Romera Film. Then there were bright work in the "Fast and Furious" and the "Skalolaz" thriller, in the series "Perfect Crimes", "Beyond the Possible" and "Military Legal Service".

In 1992, Michael Archer played Sheriff Alan Pengborne in the triller George Romero "Dark Half". This is an adaption of the novel of Stephen King about the writer-maniac. Two-thirds of the Rurate roles are criminals or detectives, but in projects with the participation of Hollywood stars. Michael starred with Sylvester Stallone, Tim Mouth, James Rhodeem.

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In the mid-1990s, the artist appeared in the comedy film directed by Kevin Smith "Tusovers from the supermarket", the warmth of the visited spectators. And in 1997 played a detective in the thriller "Lie Detector". The project of the Jonas and Josh Patetes brothers paid off at the box office, gathered in the cinemas of America to the first weekend $ 279,000 and won the prestigious premiums at international film festivals.

The spectacular feature in the 1990s Michael Rukchet was summed up by the main roles in the thriller "architect shadows", the militant "Salvy detachment" and the criminal project "Power of fear", on the set of which he met with Denzel Washington, Angelina Jolie and Queen Latifa.

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A new film actor opened the role of Robert Marshall in the Cyberpunk thriller "6th day", in which Arnold Schwarzenegger shone. Then followed by a thriller-fighter "Replikant" with Jean-Claude Van Dammom and the scientific fantastic series "Star Gate SG-1". In 2006, the audience welcomed Michael Ruvet's game in Horror "Sliznyak", and next year they saw the actor in the "horror" "whisper".

The wave of popularity was covered with a starry artist in 2010-2013, when Zombie Apocalyptic Horror "Walking Dead" Frank Darabont was released on the screens, based on the comic series of the eponymous series of comics. Michael Archer played the hero of Merla Dixon in the first three seasons. The series had a grandiose success, won the Golden Globe and fell in the nomination of the Prizes "Saturn" and "America's Writers Guild".

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And in 2014, the premiere of the cosmic opera with the elements of the militant and the comedy "Guardians of the Galaxy" took place. In the film enclosure of Marvel, Michael Ruktera appeared in front of the audience in the role of Jonda Udonta - Raster of the gang of devastants. In 2017, the fans of the project looked sequel "Guardians of the Galaxy. Part 2 ", where the Manager's character appeared again. Russian fans of the film saw a continuation in May, and on the eve of the premiere Michael Archer arrived in Moscow personally.

Movies with manner - a great way to plunge into the islar world of detectives and thrillers. Fans of the actor among his best works in the cinema allocate a comedy-detective "Clairvideo", in which Michael played a small, but a vivid role.

Personal life

Michael Mantera is one of those rare Hollywood actors who reject PR on family and personal life. This head of the artist's biography is closed from zooak and fans.

Michael Roman with his wife and daughter

Rukuke has long and happily married to Margot Manwear. Spouses raised two daughters. One of them gave Michael and Margo's granddaughter, which Grandma and Grandfather adore.

Michael Rukchet is widely represented in social networks and willingly communicate with fans, glading them with fresh photos in "Instagram".

Michael Manner now

At the end of April 2017, the Hollywood actor visited Ivan Urgant. On the program "Evening Urgant" he arrived with the director of the "Guardians of the Galaxy" James Gunn.

Roman and Gunn shared revelations on the development of events in the 2nd part of the fantastic project and demonstrated a great sense of humor. Michael Archer told how she sees the final of the "Walking Dead" series.

In the summer of Russia, the premiere of the American horror film "The Experiment" Office "of the Australian Director and the Scenarist of Greg McLee took place. Accessory tape about 80 employees of the corporation blocked in the Columbia Skyscraper, collected $ 10 million at a budget of 5 million.

Michael Manwear in 2017

The main roles in it got John Gallachera ML. And Tony Galduina, Michael Rupera Spectators saw in the image of the character named Bad Melsk. The film received mixed reviews, but the work of the actor, as always, turned out to be at the height.


  • 1986 - "Henry: Portrait of a serial killer"
  • 1987 - "Police rental"
  • 1990 - "Thunder Days"
  • 1991 - "John F. Kennedy. Shots in Dallas "
  • 1992 - "Fast and Furious"
  • 1993 - "Skalolaz"
  • 1995 - "Surveyors from the supermarket"
  • 1997 - "Lie Detector"
  • 1999 - "Power of Fear"
  • 2004 - "Star Gate SG-1"
  • 2006 - "Sliznyak"
  • 2010 - "Clearvideo"
  • 2010-2013 - "The Walking Dead"
  • 2014 - "Guardians of the Galaxy"
  • 2017 - "Guardians of the Galaxy. Part 2"

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